[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjEwZjhmZS5RbTkzZVc0Z1JXeHRkMjl2WkEsLC4xAAA,/aldith.grunge.png[/img] [color=cyan]Time:[/color] Afternoon [color=cyan]Location:[/color] Forest outside of Roshmi [color=cyan]Interactions:[/color] Zephyrin[@Howlsofwinter], Kenia[@Tae], Elthrael[@Dezuel], Clara[@princess][/center] Bowyn thought on Zephyrin’s response to his question, and it struck him as strange. It was hard to imagine the winter fairy would care so little about her own people. About the other races he could see, their village had always been more focused on their own problems. The winter fae had enough to deal with that the problems of the rest of the world certainly paled in relation. But to be so casual about the suffering of her own people, his people, even the coldest of his kind had to feel something for their own kinsmen. Instead of pushing it further Bowyn shrugged as she moved to follow with them. He gave a quiet chuckle as she picked up one of the discarded bottles and made a face after drinking from it. If the other winter fairy was going to start drinking he might as well too. [color=cyan]”Do as you please.”[/color] He said taking a drink from a bottle as Zephyrin began following with them. They walked through the morning into the afternoon, and Bowyn was grateful for the relative quiet of it all. Whatever danger had caused the smoke they’d seen never caught up to them, the forest was quiet and just calm enough to give him a break from thinking about the danger of his own situation. He wondered how close to the fire Torvi or Belle might have been, whether they managed to stay together or if they had managed to find worthy traveling companions. He hoped they were not alone in the forest, he felt guilty that he hadn’t stuck closer to them. He drank from his bottle to try to keep these thoughts just in the back of his mind. He didn’t really want to feel anything but the comforting numbness of alcohol. The afternoon sun beat down on him, the alcohol compounded this, leaving him uncomfortably warm and slick with sweat. He didn’t like being so far from the cold but he tried not to think about it. Missing the cold made him miss his home, and the company of another of his kind only made it worse, a nagging reminder of where he came from. Even though the alcohol only made the heat worse he kept sipping from the warm bottle, making his mind focus more on walking, on not stumbling or appearing as intoxicated as he was. It kept him further from the places his mind wanted to drift too. Eventually he noticed Zephryin staring at him in a way that expected something from him. Did she want his alcohol? He was not sharing, and she already had her own bottle that she seemed barely able to stomach. [color=cyan]“Why is she looking at me?”[/color] He asked Boreas, who sat upon his shoulder, watching those around them. [color=lightcyan]“I believe your new friend is hungry.”[/color] Boreas replied, having heard Zephryins stomach. [color=cyan]“Why is that my problem?”[/color] Bowyn whispered back to the bird. [color=lightcyan]“She looks young, perhaps she has imprinted on you. You are it’s mother now.”[/color] Boreas replied, the look in his eyes clearly showing how amusing he found the situation. Bowyn choked back a laugh. [color=cyan]“That’s not funny.”[/color] Bowyn said, shaking his head. Boreas’s attention turned and the bird’s gaze became fixed upon an aerial figure. Bowyn turned and watched for a few moments, though staring at the winged figure made him slightly dizzy. Once it was closer he recognized it to be Elthrael as the moth fairy landed on a nearby branch. [color=cyan]”Oh? Couldn’t find anyone better?[/color] He asked, though he had learned by now not to expect direct answers from Elthrael, but riddles instead. Kenia didn’t stop to chat when Elthrael showed up, so Bowyn didn’t either. He found it more than a little strange that Elthrael kept disappearing, but at this point he could hardly bring himself to really care what the moth fairy was up to. It was easier to just follow Kenia’s lead, there was less to think about, less taxing on his mind. He saw Kenia reach for a dagger and turned to see another approaching them. Bowyn rolled his eyes, but before he had a chance to offer a sarcastic and unhelpful response Kenia was inviting the stranger to travel with them. He supposed he should be more concerned that he was no longer aware enough of his surroundings that random elves were sneaking up on him, but just by looking at her he dismissed this new elf as being about as dangerous as the prey Boreas hunted. He shot Kenia an annoyed and confused look, he had thought they were on the same page about keeping the group smaller. [color=cyan]”Better keep up elf, we’ve already left behind those who couldn’t.”[/color] He said, continuing forward and not bothering to look back over his shoulder as he spoke. [color=lightcyan]”The elf is coming with us?”[/color] Boreas asked, studying the elf more intently than Bowyn had. [color=cyan]”Seems likely, based on our luck today.”[/color] Bowyn said. [color=lightcyan]”I have a good feeling about this one, be nicer.”[/color] Bores added. Bowyn rolled his eyes but Boreas had been right when the bird had been nervous about the winged demihuman at the ball so maybe the bird had better judgement than him. Bowyn turned around and gave a mock bow to the new elf. [color=cyan]”I’m Bowyn, it is so great to meet you.”[/color] He added with a false smile before looking back to the merlin perched on his shoulder. [color=cyan]”Better?”[/color] He asked the bird whose beady eyes looked unimpressed.