[color=FF1493][h3]Location: Magnolia[/h3][/color][/center]
[right][color=ff1493]Interactions: Trinity [@CitrusArms], Karn/Edarn [@Silver Fox], Damian (briefly) [@Zarkun], Ariel [@twave], Nolan [@hatakekuro], & others (not necessarily directly and possibly missed)[/color][/right]

When Trinity completed the bike and suggested he get on, Neil obliged and together they made quick work of getting to the guildhall. He didn't figure it would be terribly much different arriving today than any other day, aside from perhaps a bit more hubbub from Damian and Penny returning. That didn't seem the full of it though, as others seemed to be returning too; a few new faces were scattered throughout the guildhall. He spotted Markovis at his usual spot, nursing a drink he'd apparently brought himself. How did Neil know that it hadn't been ordered? Because he recognized the glass as being one of the set Markovis used at home too. 

His attention turned back to the group he and his teammate had joined when the man Trinity had greeted as Damian introduced himself and shook his hand. Neil smiled and returned the shake for one of his own then watched the returning S-Class move to the stage and make an announcement. A festival, huh? That certainly would drive up foot traffic in the city. Maybe even increase business. Never a bad thing when he was working on new potions. 

The thoughts surrounding the festival distracted him enough that he hadn't noticed Karn moving in for a hug. The dazzling smile spread on his face once again as he returned the hug with a chuckle. "[color=ff1493]Hiya Karn. Though I'm still not sure why you and Bri shorten my name like that. I'm sure it takes more effort to say two syllables than my actual name.[/color]" He still laughed though. NiNi was a pretty ridiculous name for an adult, coming from another adult. He supposed it would always get his attention better than just Neil.

His attention turned to new, eccentric, entrances which found Trinity capturing the little furball Jasmine insisted was actually a worthwhile contributor to her and the guild. His attention fixed on the scene they were making - getting a collar on an exceed - until another new face arrived. And went straight over to kiss Nolan. If Neil thought he'd been laughing at the ridiculous nickname Karn and Brianna insisted on using for him, the way Nolan's face went so red he could nearly feel the heat of all the blood flooding his skin had him nearly double over. 

It took a moment to settle down from the laughing, and wipe the tears from his eyes, but the alchemist collected himself all the same. A soft sigh helped finish the calming breaths. "[color=ff1493]Man, I didn't think I would ever see someone go tomato red like that. Classic.[/color]" He kept the smile as he turned and offered Ariel the same smile he'd had for everyone else. "[color=ff1493]Hi, nice to finally meet you. I'm Neil. Read the issue you were in. Pretty cool a member of the guild is working for Sorcerer's Magazine.[/color]" 

It was only after that that his gaze landed on the girl beyond Ariel, and furthermore the boy - woman? huh - that entered after to introduce herself as a long time habitant of another guildmate's body. The guild seemed to have quite a few body transformers - or at least bodies that had a few more people in them than normal. Interesting. As was the fact that apparently Nolan had a cousin that was as hyper as Nolan could be awkward. 

He turned his attention back to everyone in the group. "[color=ff1493]If you'll excuse me, I need to go check up on Markovis. I'm sure he's not thrilled with the rise in activity this morning.[/color] With an incline of his head as a parting, Neil headed for the brooding team member still drinking by himself.


[color=peachpuff][h3]Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall (mostly)[/h3][/color][/center]
[right][color=peachpuff]Interactions: Ariel [@twave], Nolan [@hatakekuro], & Others (not necessarily directly)[/color][/right]

Nyssa, for all the excitement of watching Magnolia come into view, didn't match looking at the building Ariel set them both down in front of. Magnolia was far larger than any village she'd visited thusfar. The building the older mage said was the Phoenix Wing Guildhall was gigantic, twice the size of anything she'd seen thus far - even dwarfing the common home for the children in the village. Her mouth hung open, eyes wide, taking in the building. If she wasn't mindfully clutching the case to her chest, she might have forgotten she was holding anything at all. When Ariel entered, the kitsune blinked to life and followed the older girl inside. 

Immediately regretting it. Between the music, the huge amount of loud conversations, and the general bustle of the building, her ears flattened and she shrunk back a bit. Her tails flattened against her legs and curled around them to hide them and her feet. How could such a large building - such a large space - make her feel like there was too much too close? It wasn't like anyone was too close to her. Or actually ambushing her. It still made her feel like at any moment something might happen and she felt woefully underprepared. Her gaze darted from one person to another, from one wall to the other to the floor then ceiling then back again, to help take in everything. The thousand conversations filtered through her ears and she couldn't keep up with any of them. How was this so much more overwhelming than when she was performing earlier? Or at restaurants? Likely the music - that's what she contributed it to. Conversations didn't happen while they played music, it was only to accompany dancers. It hadn't occurred to her there were possibly conversations while she was dancing because they were quieter. Here it was a competition between the performance and the conversations it seemed.

Her attention landed on Ariel greeting another mage - who in turn became red as embers - with a kiss. That bit helped her focus in. Or maybe it was the music dying away. At any rate, she didn't feel so ready to run back out the door. Ariel had mentioned it was one of the bigger guilds of light, and that there were many people here. It wasn't like she hadn't been around thousands of people - dinners with the village were the entire community after all. It was all likely just because it was sudden and new. 

So after a moment to collect herself, her ears perked up slightly, and her tails didn't so tightly tangle around her legs. A smile spread on her face. She stepped closer to Ariel, looking up at the older mage once more. "[color=peachpuff]You did not say you had a mate.[/color]" She looked at Nolan, appraising him a bit before looking back at Ariel. "[color=peachpuff]He is strong. Very good for you. Are you two life-mates?[/color]" 

She blinked before looking back at Nolan with an apologetic smile. "[color=peachpuff]Oh, sorry. I neglected to introduce myself again. I am Nyssa. It is nice to meet you. I met Ariel earlier today, and she told me lots and about this guild and I wanted to see it and maybe join. That is okay, correct? I do not need to be from Fiore to become a member, yes?[/color]" The more she spoke, the more her tails began to swish happily behind her instead of clinging around her legs. Especially by the end when she had regained her formerly cheerful smile and composure.