[center][hider=Karn/Edo-Karn][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/365674142739202069/787718480484892702/commission___karn_by_cherryinthesun_da3oeyd-fullview.png?width=331&height=468[/img][/hider][h2][color=lime]Karn[/color]/[color=springgreen]Edo-Karn[/color][/h2][h3]Location: Magnolia | Phoenix Wing Guild[/h3]
Interacting: Penny [@MarshiestMallow], Elena/Perry [@PandaBrady], Nolan [@hatakekuro], Neil [@Sanguine Rose], Trinity [@CitrusArms], Jasmine/Rajah [@Lunarlord34]
[hider=Currently Wearing][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787723495521779763/794818580268187648/dea14954cd749162e6a839f46d31d7f7--photo-art-manga-anime.png[/img][/hider][/center]

Karn beamed up at Neil, hopping from one foot onto another with his joyful energy. [color=lime]"Mmmm yeah but giving nicknames feels like bringing people closer together, and make for friends. And more friends the better."[/color] he chirped in response, although, he suppose he didn't have a time limit like he did before Edarn was shoved inside him. So perhaps the desperation to make as many friends as possible before then wasn't as needed but now it was habit. Blinking towards Damian as he made another announcement and revealed he was part of the masked band, the blonde gave a wide eyed stare and ooo'd and awed. 

Briefly, his cheerful face disappeared, his emerald eyes glowing a ethereal green as they rolled a bit before returning to the cheerful as Damian played a song. He suddenly stiffened and flinched away from Penny as the scent of water got closer, but this time it was from a familiar face. Gripping onto Trinity as his body trembled for a few heartbeats from the shock. He gave a sigh of relief, and although he was cautious as he saw Jasmine clinging to Penny, he wasn't as on edge. Jasmine was a nice girl and he felt bad for reacting poorly around her.

He had been focused on Jasmine that he blinked a bit as a familiar feline was shoved into his hands by Trinity. Karn smiled brightly at Rajah, but before he could greet the Exceed, his expression dropped again to a monotone and the ethereal green eyes returning. Edarn stared blankly at Rajah for a long moment as Trinity fussed with the foul cat. [color=springgreen]"You know, when you told us to hold onto a puss, I didn't think it would be the one with wings."[/color] she commented bluntly in another offhanded joke, releasing her hold as Trinity took Rajah away. Her eyes squinted as her head pounded into a irritating migraine.

Karn once more popped out as Ariel entered the place with a fox eared looking girl and waved happily. [color=lime]"Hihi Copycat! Nice to see you! Ashy missed you lots!"[/color] he chirped innocently of the possible further embarrassment he may or may not have caused for his Ash God Slaying friend. 

As Neil excused himself to find his teammate, Karn nodded and waved cheerfully. [color=lime]"Okie Dokie tell Mar-Mar we said hi!"[/color] he chirped in farewell. He noticed Brianna talking to Pudding man, whom soon got distracted by Nolan, but Karn got distracted as a pretty handsome man came barging through the doors. Tilting his head to the side a bit as the newcomer made a announcement, but was difficult to hear thanks to the chaotic nature of the excited guild. Green eyes widening as he listened, he cheered before hopping over as the man transformed into a lady and explained the situation. Right right.... Karn had remembered hearing someone like this, but also didn't have any direct contact with them.

[color=lime]"Hihi! Welcome! You two are like me and Eddie!"[/color] Karn chirped excitedly.

[color=springgreen]"Eddie and I."[/color] Edarn corrected, the green eyes flashing the ethereal green before returning to the regular emerald color.

[color=lime]"Super duper nice to meetcha! My name is Karn! The soul inside me is also named Karn! I just call her Eddie tho! Nice to meet ya Elly and Perry!"[/color] he cheered, sniffing a bit to get a better read on them, blinking curiously.


[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787723495521779763/794864053604450314/74Zu1T.png[/img][h2][color=aqua]Prince[/color][/h2][h3]Location: Dragon Fang Guild[/h3]
Interacting: Keiko [@BlackMaiden], Caitlyn [@Landaus Five-One], Michael [@MarshiestMallow], Silver Wolf [@Raijinslayer], Enma [@hatakekuro]
Ashlyn [@Lunarlord34], Hunter [@Zarkun][/center]

[color=aqua]"Thanks, hope you'll be my best man."[/color] Prince purred in response to Enma with a wink.

Prince couldn't help but chuckle as the young girl gave the Oni a barrage of questions, personally amused by her excitement over what many would consider a 'scary' individual. Though Enma was a good guy, pretty much the definition of don't judge a book by its cover kind of deal. Though he could still pummel folks if he wanted to. It was then a familiar red head came busting in with her usual entrance full of gusto. Ashlyn was probably what one would think with the term 'Fire Mage' popped up. Also, someone who had very tasty magic and was always someone Prince probably would bother for meal. Lucky for her though, he was currently pretty satisfied. Caitlyn's comment caused Prince to glance at Michael for a moment, before flashing a smile and waving in response when Caitlyn responded to Ashlyn. 

[color=aqua]"Awe you know, it isn't Dragon Fang if it doesn't attract a stray or two or a curious individual. Whether this one stays or not we shall see."[/color] he chirped before looking to Michael again as Silver Wolf started to speak as well, giving his own introduction.

Fingers tracing Michael's blue hair and giving the man soft pets on the head, the red hair man gave a reassuring confident smile. [color=aqua]"It's understandable to be worried. I'm confident you and Gabe will figure it out. You're smart."[/color] Prince said in his usual relaxed manner, focusing the flow of taking magic to be at the absolute minimal since this was suppose to be a reassuring touch. He had a nice meal, so it was easier to barely take anything. 

As Silver mentioned a job, Prince hummed thoughtfully before whipping his head around to look at Ammy as she announced a emergency job. In no time, Hunter was the one who took it before turning to the rest of the guild and asking if anyone wanted to come along. The feline man gave another hum as he stretched out his arms, tail flicking left and right. [color=aqua]"Ah well I'm but a simple C rank so perhaps not I unless you want me to tag along to fix the inevitable owies hun."[/color] he chuckled, content in seeing his other guildmates reactions to emergency job.