[Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Afternoon
[Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Dimly Lit Alley, River Port
[Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Dreamingflowers] Nur

Darius silently chewed the strawberry in his mouth before chuckling. The woman in his presence had seemed to make him forget this had even been a rescue mission in the first place. 

[Color=mediumpurple]"It wasn't a problem honestly. Instead of running alone on a beach, I ran around with a beautiful woman through town."[/color] He shrugged before adjusting his jacket some. [Color=mediumpurple]"What brings you to River Port anyway? I'm guessing it's not the food."[/color] He remembered her expression when seafood was mentioned earlier and was 99% sure that was the same face Skar made when he asked if she wanted to try a tomato. 

He briefly turned to the fence they had both bypassed, albeit with different methods. [Color=mediumpurple][i]Nothing. So far, so good. Give it a minute or two and-[/i][/color]

[Color=darkgray][i]We return to the beach. To Aklenroth.[/i][/color]

[Color=mediumpurple][i]Aw don't be a cockblock![/i][/color]