Evvie almost immediately spotted the bear, how could she not, charging in to engage in bloody combat against that vile creature who had apparently awakened her from her sleep, for who else could have made such an accursed sound as that? It was clear that it was the bear who was on her side in this confrontation, or at the very least an enemy of her enemy. Even someone of her humble intellect could deduce that. That being said she wanted to help him if at all possible, but there were plenty of obstacles in her way. It was true that she could easily fly over them, but it wasn't that she was physically stopped. She simply couldn't bear (sorry) to pass them up without doing something about it. The scene below her was absolute horror as helpless civilians ran through the streets, trying desperately but failing to escape the hunting pack of wolf riding elves that came charging through the streets, nipping at their heals and shouting out yelps that held a combination of malice and eagerness. They were enjoying themselves, toying with the humans before cutting them down like cattle. The lucky ones at the front of the group managed to dart into a building, slamming the door shut just as a middle aged woman holding a baby managed to leap in at the last second. Unfortunately a locked door wouldn't protect them for very long. Not against these blood thirsty savages. These elves didn't just cause Evvie to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It was more like they kicked her off, ate all of her food, then mocked her abilities for good measure. Her slitted pupils took on a animalistic, vicious look as she stared them down, the dragon half of her personality boiling upwards along with her internal flame. She let out a battle cry, leaping towards them at full speed. Their heads all jerked up all at once, giving them just enough time to see her flame wash over them. The two elves closest to her that got caught on fire let out horrified screams as the heat instantly burned away much of their frail looking flesh. They tore at their burning clothing but their armor could not be removed so easily, trapping them in this rapidly heating armor prison. They tumbled off of their mounts in their desperate struggle, and with the animals now free they bucked around to try and remove the flames that alit their backs, but this obviously did them no good. One of them crashed face first into a brick wall as it blindly surged forward while the other ran for it's life down the road, where it would soon succumb to it's burns before it would get very far. Evvie ignored the desperate pleas from the dying elves. She didn't have time to focus on any mercy killings and they were no longer a threat to her, so she leapt over their flailing bodies to combat with the other two elves that had somehow reacted quickly enough to dodge backwards from her flames, receiving only second degree burns at most. A wolf snapped at her as she came down but she was faster, axe kicking his skull and killing it instantly. The elf was thrown off balance as his mount collapsed, sending his sword swing hopelessly off course. She stepped up onto the wolves shoulder and used that to vault upwards, punching him underneath his chin and snapping his head back. He bent backwards, draped limply across the hindquarters of the dead wolf with his head bobbing around at an awkward angle. The forth elf tried to joist at her from behind but she quickly darted off to the side. The spear lodged itself into the hide of the wolf. Realization clearly set in that he had just made a huge mistake, for he had no time to draw his sword in time to repel Evvie at such a close distance. She spun around, her right leg smashing into his torso, breaking his left arm and ribcage and sending him flying off into the wall of a building. Dead or merely unconscious she didn't know, but there was no way he'd be up to fight again, not for a long while. His wolf tried to bite her as he let loose a ferocious snarl, and she had just enough time to grab onto his jaws with both hands. She let loose her own cry to match his, and after a brief struggle and quivering of muscles coming from both sides she gained the upper hand. The wolf's paws skidded against the road as it was pushed backwards, slowly at first but then at high speeds as she was able to lift it completely up and slam it against the brick wall with all of her strength, enough to break off some of the bricks into an impression of the wolf's now dead body. By now the deranged cries of the burnt elves had gone silent, their lives more then likely extinguished, unlike the fire that still roasted their bodies. "Run," she said to the civilians who had just peaked out the doorway to see what all of the commotion was about. They might be killed if they stayed here for much longer. They acknowledged this fact and, hesitantly and disgustedly at first, skirted around the lifeless bodies and began to rush for the nearest safe place, preferably far out of town as they could get. Another hunting pack was racing out to meet them but she stood firmly in their way. Unlike the group she had ambushed this one managed to put up a better fight. She opened up her jaws and unleashed her fire breath yet again but they were prepared for it this time and managed to get their wolves to lunge out of the way just in time, hardly loosing any momentum as they reached her. Claws, teeths, hands, and feet were rapidly flailing around as she and the wolves fought tooth and nail against each other, and it looked like she was still winning when all of a sudden one of the rider managed to grab her from behind, wrapping his left arm around her abdomen with inhuman strength and his right around her head and hair, almost yanking it from it's roots as he scooped her up by it. Her licked her cheek as his face moved in close to her's. "Well what do we have here," he whispered into her ear. "And here we thought the other group had been attacked by the dragon we had sensed earlier, but it's just this little runt instead. Well, it's not all a lost. Looks like I can have some fun with this one. Your body is far more interesting then these human scum, after all. How about you stop resisting, and I'll treat you nice and-eeeaaaaAAAAAHHHHHH!" He let out a loud shriek as Evvie managed to raised her head up and clamp down onto his neck with her sharp canine tooth, jerking her head to rip to skin open. He clutched at his bleeding neck, whimpering like a frightened girl and allowing her to escape his grasp. As soon as she did so her wings snapped downwards, pushing air and dust against all of the elves who surrounded her as she raised upwards past their weapons before they could recover from this surprise and stop her. A few took wild swings at her feet as she flapped overhead, but she was long gone. The elf with the blood gushing out of his neck collapsed limply against his wolf, not able to stem the tide of his life's energy flowing from his veins, quickly causing him to expire. The other elves and wolves had bruises of their own but were still in fighting capacity, 3 elves and 4 wolves in all. She landed on a rooftop next to them. They were far too focused on her now to bother in the slightest to chase down the civilians from earlier. They clearly wanted her dead. Badly. She couldn't blame them, and she felt the same towards them. She had been so focused on that battle that she just now noticed a dragon flapping their way. A dragon!!! This was good news, as long as it was a friendly dragon. She would be leaping up and down like a giddy schoolgirl under different circumstances. Another fast approaching person also caught her eye at this time. He was quite unlike the random foot soldiers she had just fought. This could be trouble. Five centaurs managed to make their way over to the street by now, three men and two women, and they were charging in to fight the remaining elves. Good. She had bought enough time for the cavalry to arrive. She felt like she could trust them to handle the elves so she set her sights on this new guy, getting into a battle stance with her legs shoulder length apart and fists held at the ready.