Two ideas. I intend to only run one, so I want to put the ideas forth. See if either get any interest. They may seem fairly similiar but they are playing to quite different play styles. [h3]Beyond the Edge[/h3] A distant star, a distant time. The Elders say we've explored all the world. From shore to shore. Our tall ships ply the rivers, and the lakes and the cool green and blue waters from north to south. Our World is known to us. It's true. But well there are old seaman's stories. That no one has ever been further then 55 Nautical miles from the ocean shores. Only far enough to the Outer Islands. The old stories they tell tales of distant lands. Lands on no map, lands that no one has been too in our known annals. And everyone was quite happy to let that stands for years. Until one day in a sailing town on the west shores, a flyer is put up anonymously. [center]Seeking Brave souls. We sail for the edge of the map and beyond. Be you corsair, merchantman, or Old Tar All are welcome Seek out the Lady Syren[/center] A crew and a ship, perhaps a foolish adventure, maybe it'd be back within a week finding nothing. Or maybe out beyond the edge of the map they'd find new an amazing things that we could never imagine. ----------------------- [h3]A Vikingr[/h3] Ragnar Lothbrok is dead. The Great King of the Danes is dead! So the skalds sing for days and nights. He lays dead. Distinguished upon crushed velvet. Many pay homage before the great king was buried like the old kings. Set afloat on a longship and it being lit aflame by a volley of flaming arrows. After a few months though the songs fo King Ragnar are sung few and far between, but new songs and news is known. The Ragnarsson's call for any good Dane or Norseman. They seek too avenge Ragnar Lothbrok, and teach the Saxon's that they cannot humilate Nations and expect to be left without reprecussion. An army, a great one indeed, is called. Many long ships. Many warriors. The Skalds sing, and many will answer. ========================== Okay. So a little more details. Beyond the Edge will be a long term tall ship exploration story, a highly fantasized journey to the New World, in a fantasy setting. It will be slow and it will not be filled with great action. But there will be fantasy moments and plays on mystery. Seakings, mysterious waters, and great ocean monsters. As well as fantastic moments of discovery. Inspired by things like Fallen London, Sunless Sea, and various lovecraftian and mariner legends and stories. Meanwhile A Vikingr, scratches a personal itch, a play on the Viking age of history, with a slight fantasy twist. Viking sorcerors, shamans spinning curses, berserkers and great hosts of bearded men and golden hair battle maids charging the fields and writing an alternate history. Players can and will die, maybe come back to live and die again. Great fantasy beasts borne of legend may stalk the land. Starting with the march of the Great Heathen Army, lead by the Sons of Ragnar before venturing deep into legend, myth and fantasy. Neither RP will be more then 4 to maybe 6 players. 4 or 5 perferably. If there are questions then please ask them and I'll do my best to answer it. Maybe not to your satisfaction but I will answer.