[center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmUwYjYwYi5RMkZrWlc1alpTQnZaaUJoSUZSb2RXNWtaWEp6ZEc5eWJRLCwuMA,,/vtks-hyperboldi.regular.png[/img]
[color=gold]Time:[/color] Afternoon
[color=gold]Location:[/color] Forests, now closer to River Port than Roshmi
[color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Cora [@Potter], Elsea [@Tae], Ezeri [@Alivefalling][/center]

[color=gold]“I had never heard of devil’s before but just because we have yet to encounter something does not mean it cannot exist.”[/color] Cade said to Ezeri with a smile. She seemed more open-minded than her companion, Mel. 

[color=gold]“And I never thought it was possible to encounter a creature more foul-mouthed and tempered than an orc and yet…”[/color] Cade simply glanced at the imp and chuckled. It was quite humorous to see the little creature attempt to act threateningly, reminding him of something akin to an angry raccoon. 

He did not listen to the warning against trusting demons, though he and Sakura disagreed on a great many things, she was a true friend. Just as he believed Ayita to be, and just as he was beginning to accept Cora, Elsea, and even Ezeri to be friends he could trust. In all of them, Cade saw good hearts and strong spirits, and those were the most important qualities one could possess, that was all he needed to see in someone before he counted them as a friend. 

[color=gold]"We can surely make up for a single missed lunch once we arrive there. Once we find our companions we should celebrate with a great feast and much ale. Who should we be on the lookout for?”[/color] Cade asked of Elsea and Cora. 

[color=gold]"Ezeri, what is it that brings you to Avalia? Is it anything we can help you with?”[/color] He added, realizing he didn’t know why the devil had come to their plane.