[Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Afternoon Day 2
[Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Gadgets and Convenience Shop, River Port
[Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Dreamingflowers] Nur, [@Allivefalling] Vaeril, [@Helo] Leon, and [@Potter] Lucia

Item by item, Darius carefully read the label of each thing he set inside his cart as if he had never seen them before… Probably because he hadn't. He wanted to make sure he picked out the correct items for what he wanted while Nur walked the aisles with him. She appeared to have all that she needed. The shop seemed to be at peace until… the squeal.

[Color=mediumpurple]"Uh…"[/color] Darius grimaced as he heard the sound, but didn't let it stop him from browsing. Excited people were a thing after all. The same voice seemed to pop up throughout the store commenting on different items, but soon the voice's owner shared the same aisle as both Darius and Nur.

The female elf greeted them and made a joke about birth preventers, but that went totally over Darius' head. Instead if laughing, he kind of just stared at her with an eyebrow raised before she complimented he and Nur's wear. 

[Color=mediumpurple]"Thanks."[/color] He simply said, though his tone revealed the bit of awkwardness he felt. With that, he returned to his shopping. Darius felt like he grabbed everything he needed, but eyed the zoomies. They reminded him of the boots of Hermes from a classic video game series he had played. He contemplated purchasing them, but then decided against it. He had a much cheaper method of increasing his speed anyway.

 As he pushed the cart to the counter he noticed a green-haired man putting sunglasses on Aklenroth… "Vaeril." He smiled, but was also surprised to see the fancy elf mingling with others. He also noticed the female with the weird jokes and high energy with them… Oh, and Nur was talking her up. [color=mediumpurple][i]Kind of an odd bunch… Maybe they're nice. Seem nice… for elves at least.[/i][/color]

[Color=darkgray][i]This is an oddity. What is this...[/i][/color]

Malgormuun was easily ignored as Darius approached Vaeril with a mischievous smile.

[Color=mediumpurple]"Hey there cool guy."[/color] Darius greeted Vaeril sarcastically before nodding to Leon as he slowly passed by with his cart. [Color=mediumpurple]"I think it fits him too. Name's… Orland, by the way. Orland Legolas of the Crescent Elf Village."[/color] Darius said rather proudly as he felt he nailed the name this time. He gave a solid nod to Jordo, letting him know he was ready to check out. 

[Hider=Checkout][I]Teeth Cleanser
Hair Softener
Body Cleanser
Armpit Fragrance
4 meters of rope
8 water flasks
Portable Solar Box
Leather strap (estimated at 3 amas)
Total = 989 amas[/i][/hider]

[Color=mediumpurple]"How about you? Tell me how you met the super interesting elf that is Vaeril."[/color] Darius said as he arranged his items swiftly. First he removed his backpack, affixed the leather strap to his instrument, and let it hang at his front. He then attached his timeteller to his utility belt and placed everything else into his backpack minus the portable solar box he tucked into a belt compartment. He would surely play with that new gizmo in due time.