One last time then. Roles perhaps. Beyond: A captain, or pilot Deck hands Bosun Special consideration for specialists eg. Cannoneers, Shanty Singers/muscians, navigators What we wouldn't need are blood thirsty pirates and the like. Vikingr: Run of the mill Dane-men, Norse men are always welcome. Your basic viking, with axe or spear, shield and leather armor and a kick ass beard and hair cut, or even a strong and strong willed shield maiden, beautiful but deadly. As I'd like to give this RP a slight fantasy twist. I'll give consideration to a spell-singing Skald, or curse-biting flyter. A siedr weaving shaman is also welcome. Berserkers you may ask? I'd be willing to have one in the player party, though there would be others as NPCs. But you'd need to give me a really good believable background to the Berserker player character. I am also willing to entertain the idea of a single thegn among the player party. Rich Dane-man with mail and helm and sword and shield.