[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210306/ca6a9c71bc4f1ef0289de3e2c95b767c.png[/img][/center] [color=0BA535]"They have men, gold, and plentiful defenses. We have a castle in the middle of nowhere and some ragtag minions. You'd have to be daft not to worry with [i]or[/i] consider those odds."[/color] She replied to Ziebach, [color=yellow]turning down a skeleton's offer of a mysterious, bubbling brew.[/color] Death by whatever-it-was was not something Shandris was willing to try. [color=0ba535]"It is like Promien says. We are without power. You speak of armaments, but I see none. Why should we give away what little we have to play silly games of courtship with some king or other noble as well?"[/color] [color=0BA535]"Although, if you do want to go that route, I would suggest we start small."[/color] Shandris pointed to a river on the map. [color=0BA535]"The Tooth; a river within the lands of the Kracanni nomads. Many of them depend on the river for survival, even more so for their cow herds that bandits prey upon. Help me take out the bandits, and I will give you an army."[/color]