[center][h2][color=875f9a][b]Valerian Nico Alvarez-Knight[/b][/color][/h2][/center]
Valerian was startled by the arrival of the ever-loud Emily, who greeted everyone as per usual. Val’s lips quirked up, and they turned into her direction, nodding once firmly. Her ramblings were preferable to uncomfortable silences, and the best thing was that she didn’t even expect anyone (except perhaps Stanton) to pay attention, so Val didn’t have to feel guilty about it if their attention strayed. 

Of those gathered, she was one of those they felt an affinity towards; Bernard, who seemed to have issues similar to both Emily and themselves, was another. Keandre was an interesting man, one they felt mildly curious about. They had felt an initial wariness towards Russel and Serena simply due to their profession, though that caution had mainly been dispersed until now. Alex was an unknown, troubled by something less well defined, yet Valerian had no urge to pry where it was unwanted.

Since they were turned towards the group, they noticed Linda beckoning them closer, and they abided, approaching. Then, the doctor’s assistant led them inside, and Val noted that it must be time to do so. Though it was not at all unusual that not every patient had chosen to come today, they couldn’t help but be uncharacteristically worried. [color=875f9a][i]Hope they’re alright,[/i][/color] they inhaled sharply, sucking both cheeks between their teeth and biting once. 

They trailed behind the others, though Linda insisted to go last for some reason. Upon entering the reception area, they removed their hood and shook it off. Valerian also loosened their scarf, pushing it below their chin, though they did not remove it yet. Instinctively, their palms clasped each other, and they looked down at them, pondering whether to remove the gloves or not. Before the decision could be made, Linda progressed towards the elevator, and they focused on following.

Honestly, they might prefer taking the stairs, but it’d take longer, and it would probably just make them more anxious on top. So, they went into the metal contraption, and stuck to one of the side walls, neither in front nor to the back. They ignored the presence of other people’s bodies so close to or intruding upon their personal space, which they were well-practiced at doing.

When the elevator doors opened, their head snapped up, and their breath stuttered. It was as if the scent of death invaded from the corridor, and there was a collective stillness; a deer-in-the-headlights look of startled prey. They…didn’t have much choice but to exit, Valerian supposed, even if the notion had their heart beating wildly. They could see what the hall was like; all damaged, and torn apart, as if something had clawed its way out. It was one of their most fearful delusions realized; blatant signs of shadowy creatures manifested, Eaters of light and people and everything one might hold dear.

With Linda in the lead, the group eventually spilled out, though Valerian still felt terribly reluctant. They had the brief thought of, [color=875f9a][i]Safety in numbers?[/i][/color] but also, [color=875f9a][i]Easier to target…[/i][/color]Every motion forward deepened their unease, the ominous creaking of the floor grating on their nerves. When they entered the office, and their gaze alighted on Stanton’s contorted form, all their suspicions were confirmed. [color=875f9a][b]“No,”[/b][/color] the moan left their lips unbidden, a quiet whine of utter despair. [color=875f9a]“No, no, no, no,”[/color] they whispered, a feeble denial.

Their sight was blurring, and Valerian absently realized they were tearing up, crying near-silently. Under the utter horror, a fascination for the cor… – the [i]piece[/i] emerged. It was set into one of the standard buddha poses. [color=875f9a][i]Left hand raised – shouldn’t it be right? Those fingers…pose odd? Fault of---of age? Artistic freedom? Purposeful?[/i][/color] Stanton's eyes had been torn out, [i]stolen[/i]. That fact left such a conflicting feeling of [i]right-wrong[/i] that their stomach roiled in revulsion. Valerian closed their eyes, thinking better thoughts. [color=875f9a][i]May his soul be safe and let him rest in peace.[/i][/color] A moment as they tried to collect their breathing, then they once again gazed at the human installation project, taking in further details. 

[color=875f9a][i]Enlightenment, but perverted; forced by outside intervention; the subject did not have the opportunity to reach it on their own; a warning, punishment for seeking what one might not be prepared for?[/i][/color] They walked slowly around the deceased, observing the body, noting a dark powder had been spread around. [color=875f9a][i]Metal rods to affix the spine; clever. Cause of death?[/i][/color] They did not want to consider that notion too deeply. They did notice that the left arm did not need to be affixed in any way. [color=875f9a][i]Muscles locked in; rigor mortis?[/i][/color]

Finally, they noticed the piece of paper, which had remained out of their awareness until then. The message…the message, oh god, the message. [color=875f9a]“They-they’re onto us,”[/color] Valerian whispered hoarsely, voice heavily affected by the swirl of negative emotions attempting to overtake their senses. They walked away from the soulless shell, stopping at the threshold they'd crossed not long ago, lingering by the office's door. Their  inspection of Stanton was completed, and now they were turning their head left and right as they tried to take note of where everyone was. [color=875f9a]“We,”[/color] they coughed to clear their voice. [color=875f9a]“We should get out of here,”[/color] they advised; they attempted to sound firm, but though they were loud enough for those closest by to hear them, Val’s fear was likely evident.