

[color=gray]Though the day remained rather dull for the young woman, rather it was night but she had arrived at the scene of the statue and slowly the rest of the group poured in. Talking, saying hello though at this moment she remained reserved, and quiet as the rest talked and said their piece. Eventually, they moved into the building, she followed the young woman - Linda, the assistant to the good doctor. As they rid up in the elevator she felt somewhat claustrophobic as she was surrounded by all these people. Once the elevator dinged she stepped off and they made their way to meet the man in their usual room per the usual...

Except that's not what happened, the Doctor? DEAD. It hit her like a train as she looked down upon the dead man.. Just like she did with Zach all that time ago, it made her sick - she looked away, in shock as everyone else responded in different ways, some physical others emotionally and others inquisitively. Though it was all white noise to the woman as people decided to call The [/color][I][color=004b80]Police[/color][/i] [color=gray]which generally isn't an issue but now it flared up her anxiety as she started to sweat a bit from the thought, she began to walk away.

Despite Linda's request she walked away from her, and went to one of the adjacent rooms nearby the scene of the crime so to speak as she went and walked by the reception area like a zombie, she was out of it for sure. Getting away from the scene would likely be the best course of action for her before she melted down - or something else bad happened, coming upon a door she pressed her hand down on the handle plunging it down to open it. The door opened [i]creeeeeeeeeeeeeeak[/i], and other awesome sounds doors made when you opened them under duress, what was inside?[/color][/center]