General Freedom managed to stand on wobbly knees as he glanced about the destruction wrought by the fight that took place. The emergency personnel working to save those they could, the horror at the dismembered and dissected police officer by that freaky frog. With a snarl, General Freedom stood straight and pushed away from the crumpled from of the Horn Toad, several EMT’s rushed to him. [b]"I'm fine, thanks. Let's make sure that everyone else is safe shall we?"[/b] Taking a step towards the carnage of their fight, General Freedom was bathed in a blue glow that illuminated the area around him brightly. As the hero took his second step he felt, as did everyone in the park, a sudden jolt, then a rolling wave motion that lasted for a few seconds. [b]"Earthquake!"[/b] General Freedom shouted as he increased his energy levels to help those here if a chasm should open. However, it wasn't the earthquake that grabbed the attention of those bewildered by the sudden event. It was the eruption from the ground around an explosive spray of dirt, followed by a glowing ball of light. Within the light was a man…a blue glowing man. It was a shock to say the least; especially since two other figures rose from the crater besides the floating man. Several of the police officers started running towards the mound, weapons draw, the commander shouting[i] ‘Freeze! Whoever you are stop right there, don’t move! DON”T MOVE!”[/i] General Freedom rose in the air, his eyes focused on the creatures, more importantly he focused on the hovering individual. And with horror watched as innocent civilians seemingly were cut in two by shimmering discs. Police officers fired their weapons to no effect, some tried to shield the civilians however it was in vain. One officer scooping up two children, running as fast as his legs could carry him towards a police vehicle, however he wasn’t fast enough. Clenching his teeth General Freedom felt the ZPE wash over him in a tremendous wave as his sinews flexed, his hands balled into mallets. Then he heard it. [i][b]“Come to me, little hero!”[/b][/i] [b]“Alright bunky, you want me, you got me.”[/b] The hero murmured as he launched himself skyward in tremendous streak of blue and white.Rocketing high the blue clad hero peered down at the carnage below him; whoever they were, they certainly had no qualms about murder. Tapping his microphone, he waved off the news and police helicopters. The way the man in the bubble killed told General Freedom that this was someone who viewed all life as nothing more than an annoyance. Something to be used and disposed of, the worst kind of villain. Dropping down he slowed until he hovered a few scant feet above the ruptured earth, his eyes focused squarely on the man who had killed, the other two, odd blue-skinned beings with weapons that reminded him of something a medieval knight would use. Something told him that they were not from Earth, not by a long shot. Sheathed in the blue of the ZPE, his fists clenched, General Freedom spoke in a low tone. [b]“You have one minute bub, then it’s gonna get ugly.”[/b]