[hider=The gym so far]

[i]...The crowd was a roar, but Kevin could only hear the blood in his ears...[/i]
[i]...dodge the straight, come up withan upper cut, exit with a check hook...[/i]
[i]...rafters splintering, walls crumbling, you have to save them...[/i]

	The dark gym flicked on sequentially, and the sound system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSPsrvnYbMg reared back to life. At the end of the room, that had been smoked out past the point of knowing where it ended, sat a smoldering figure huffing and puffing with exertion. Julian's new electrical work must have payed off, Kevin was chagrin to admit the work he was putting on the air purifying unit. KeV didnt' know the right end of a screwdriver, and the last time he dabbled in what he thought was a communal library an Irishman educated him on fire safety. The cagefighter needed a lesson on personal space, this wasn't the Gotham frathouse after all. Granted, when you sweat fire... but he did like the mention of Julian's  nullifying gloves. It'd had been fun trying to explain what jazz hands were to Red was enough to have him entertained in his third set for the day. The bossman had mentioned some heavy lifting was coming up after all so he took it to fiery heart. It was seeing the bar slowly dull it's glow from the heat that brought back what he spoke out like a mantra[color=crimson][quote][i]"Play nice, and don't burn the place down."[/i][/quote][/color]

[center]Kevin shook himself off as he sat up, droplets of sweat ignited before burning themselves out immediately in the atmosphere. A bucket of water was right by his side, and also a tin spray can of benzine, thanks to Julian. The combination kept the worst of Kevin's habits from causing too much harm, though lately you could spot where there might have been a toasty incident. He'd been curious on the logistics of the place when he'd first arrived; and had been along side Julian's installing fume hoods in the gym for his sake. It could have been a nice set of places once upon a time, but as the gals lamented, even the pool needed work. A pool sounded really nice right about now as the bench and gym quickly became more than just the center of his universe. He shook his hands vigorously burning off the excess phosphorous and dunked them into a steamy ritual he'd come to know well. It was quite therapeutic, feeling the heat dissipate and the lull in his fire production. Also wiping down all the equipment with a benzine rag was almost monk like in it's zen. Quickly the rag went over barbells and locks, weights and treadmills. This small care for your actions was a sort of mediation Kev strived in, or kneeing someone in the face for a few grand. Speaking of which, it was about time for him to smash some noodles. Noodles were upstairs, something he didn't exactly dealing with in the dark. Contacts don't work well melted after all, and he refused to wear glasses. But a young man's pride comes before curses in the night over newly moved furniture. He wasn't the only noob in the game, they were all new here it seemed(especially the appliances). Sparks jumped and flew as he took one last dunk to cool him off before turning to the stairs and taking them two-a-time. He could hear the voices from upstairs already and it made his hops up the flight faster. He had a carbs to crush.
[color=crimson][quote][i]"Movies n Noodles folks, power's back on!."[/i][/quote][/color] he grunted as bounced up the last set of stairs in his way. He saunted smoldering, obviously excited about the turn in the evening. 
