Two great pains struck Sukoh in immediate succession, neither of them were expected in any way. The first pain was in his head, an attack on his mind from some unknown source. Though the likely source of this assault is the monster he was fighting, how powerful was this creature? The pain washed over him like a storm inside his skull, it was so excruciating that his vision went blurry. All of the force behind his attack, however, was not lost. Sukoh was using barely any of his muscle in the first assault, all of it was his weight being let fall. As every single pound of his bulk fell upon the monstrosity another pain pierced through his whole body. That freak of nature had prepared for his attack in what short time it had, the twin horns each of them as long as swords jabbed inside of his chest. But this creature had not anticipated how thick Sukoh's bulk was. Horns digging deeply into his flesh were a painful event no doubt, but five feet of fat was more than enough to protect him from their intended deadly strike. His skin reached the base of the horns on top of the creatures head and its claws dug into the area beneath his arms. Blood was released from every wound he received flooding out by the liter and staining the head of the snarnorgul and the ground below with their crimson tinge. His legs missed their target and landed upon the ground on either side of the ghoulish beast. The pain he was in was enough to kill lesser beings, but Sukoh was not a lesser being. The position that the elf-summon had placed itself in was one of no leverage. But for Sukoh? Well he had all the leverage in the world. Horns buried in his flesh were painful but with them there Sukoh didn't have to worry about the creature moving an inch. Every pound of his weight was placed on top of its head, and he knew that his foe had not thought about this outcome. Sukoh hadn't either, but fortune shines in some of the strangest ways. Though his head still screamed in agony his body moved on pure instinct, both of his forelegs dug into the ground and held firm. The snarnorgul wasn't going anywhere if Sukoh had a say in it. If he kept him here until the dragon got close, he could get the dragon to help the people. Without the people concerning his thoughts he could focus solely on this beast, and with every thought devoted to slaying him the mutant would stand no chance.