[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210613/f8f2501b78b4b83c932602068b610419.png[/img] [img]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/7/7b/Titan_of_Braavos.jpg/350px-Titan_of_Braavos.jpg[/img] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHlzIgSvnYc]"The gods made seven wonders and mortal man made nine."[/url][/i][/center] When the book was placed in his hands, Prince Vaeron often dreamed of travelling the world. The book was barely held together as the years went by, his desire to see Essos growing the more time passed. By the time he turned sixteen, it is said that he could scarcely hold himself back from asking his father for a ship to cross the Narrow Sea to tour the Free Cities. As the trip had been made by many a highborn, Vaeron's wish was granted. After inviting a few comrades to come along, the group would first visit the Wall before sailing out to Braavos to start their journey in earnest. While few would question the prince's desire, none could deny the strange murmurs of his dreams calling out for something... Written by Lomas Longstrider, [i]Wonders Made by Man[/i] chronicles his travels and catalogues sixteen wonders he encountered. Among them are: [list] [*]The Wall. [*]The Valyrian roads. [*]The Titan of Braavos. [*]The triple walls of Qarth. [*]The three bells of Norvos, Noom, Narrah, and Nyel. [*]The Long Bridge of Volantis, the longest bridge in the world. [*]The Palace With a Thousand Rooms in Sarnath.[/list] This roleplay will be following the Prince of Dragonstone and his companions as they travel through Essos.