[quote=@Etianmai] So, I've been itching for a zombie roleplay, and I haven't really seen any, so I'm going to set one up! Before I set up full on details and character requirements, I'd really like to see how many people would be interested in a mystical zombie roleplay. What I mean by this, is that rather than a virus, it is a curse that spreads from a zombie to a person they have slain. What/who triggered that curse? I can't give away secrets. But! What I can tell you is that a bite or scratch is not a death sentence, there are a few extra methods of defending yourself, i.e. Magic, and that zombies must be struck in the heart to be defeated, not the head. If you're interested, post here or send me a message! I'm excited to get started! [/quote] This is a very interesting concept and i might join! Just one question, is there a way players can play as zombies? For example, I have a character named Rei Sato, who is a zombie, but she doesn't attack others or fall apart. Can there be, like, different types of zombies? Dumb ones, intelligent ones, fast ones, slow ones.. Some that go ka-boom?