[quote=@Tank O The Lake] [hider=Alexei]Name: Alexei ‘Mask’ Vadilev Gender: Male Description: Alexei is a high-profile crime lord from the extensive Russian underworld of 2060, commanding an outfit rivalling the mob. Hating the concept of restraint, he formed his own joint, finding the existing organizations too restrictive. He primarily specified in white-collar crime and minor crime for a long while, but now he has abandoned that and runs a band of trained assassins and vagabonds. Not to say that he himself is not fond of combat, however… Skills: Alexei is trained in the use of martial arts, many different firearms, knives, and bludgeoning weapons. He is also talented at the construction and hacking of electronic devices. Weapons: 2x USK-99 (one-handed): A versatile submachine gun, easily modified to be wielded in one hand. It boasts a high fire rate, recoil handling, and ammo capacity, but suffers from low accuracy and damage due to small ammunition. Alexei wields these in dual holsters on his chest. 1x S-6 OR 1x SNK-8 S-6: A powerful semi-automatic shotgun with an 8-round capacity. This weapon deals devastating close-range damage, but has horrible falloff. Its stock is designed to be used as a club in desperate situations. Alexei carries this on his back. SNK-8: A long-ranged bolt-action sniper rifle with a high-power scope and 10-round magazine. It boasts devastating long-range damage, but accuracy issues result in the weapon being nigh-useless in close range. Alexei also carries this on his back. 1x Combat Knife: The Combat Knife is a long, thick blade with a sturdy grip and structure, designed for defense and capable of parrying larger blades. Alexei has this hidden on his person. 1x Stiletto: The Stiletto is a thin, fragile knife ideal for sliding between ribs and vertebrae and inflicting lethal wounds. However, due to its structure, attempting to parry with the blade would likely destroy it. Alexei has this hidden on his person. Armor: Mask: Alexei’s mask is custom made and utterly bulletproof, saving him from many a sniper in his life. Alexei is obsessed with secrecy, and this mask has hidden his face for years. Cloak: Alexei’s cloak is made of black graphene, granting him moderate protection from bullets and easy concealment in the dark. His left sleeve contains a plate of reinforced titanium, acting as a shield. Boots and Gloves: Alexei wears military-issue combat boots, keeping him from slipping in the icy streets of Moscow. His gloves are reinforced against slashing and electricity. Utilities: 2x Flashbang: Flashbangs are useful for stunning targets before coming in for the kill. They can also permanently blind people wearing NVGs with ease. 1x Painkiller: Fast-acting painkillers allow Alexei to briefly ignore mortal wounds and continue fighting. 1x Deathblast Implant: A bomb implanted within Alexei’s head detonates if he is killed with the force and power of a fragmentation grenade [/hider] [/quote] I don't know why, but I think Amanda would be fun to fight this guy.