[b]Name:[/b] Benkai, The Horned Warrior

[b]Age:[/b] Unknown, even to him.

[b]Race:[/b] Half-Breed

[b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Half-Breed Benkai][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/mS2kRky/Benkai.png[/img][/center][/hider]

Benkai - his self given name - is a creature issued from the Void. At least partly. He himself does not know who he parents are, or were, but it's quite obvious that one of them was not human or anything close to the more [i]'accepted'[/i] races of this world. He knows nothing of his earlier years, and remember only vaguely his early childhood. Whether his mother was human and abandoned him, or was of Demonic origins and he was brought here during the invasions he do not know. All that is certain is that he was alone and found by a group of people that sold him into slavery and misery. Knowing no other kind of life, Benkai made the most of it. Even young it was quite clear how strong he was os he was put into training for gladiatorial combats - but no one could've guessed just how big and strong he'd grow up to be.

As he grew, his fame somewhat picked up in the gladiatorial scene. As such he was given a fitting (if not very original) title as the Horned Warrior, inspired by the massive demonic horns that grew from his forehead as he aged. He was still a slave, but he was somewhat respected as a fighter and was even gifted specially crafted armor and weapons that were made to feel foreign and exotic, as well as intimidating. 

After some point, it is unknown exactly what happened but he became a free 'man'. Some speculate he simply murdered his owners and set off, but no one really knows - and none dared to ask it to his face. Since then, the Horned Warrior appears here and there in arenas around the land but seems to disappear off the grid between events. 

[b]Personality: [/b]
Benkai is not known to be much of a talker, but that might be because no one really fequented him on the regular and those who did are mostly dead or still enslaved. He is k nown to boast in the arena, however, and revels in the fight. To him, fighting is not only the sole thing that he knows but it shaped him and is the reason why he lives - as far as he's aware.

Benkai has no special abilities that he is aware of. Growing up trained and groomed to be a Gladiator of exceptional skill, however, he is a great fighter and knows no defeat in the arena. So far. 

Benkai is proud and fiery. He is quick to get his blood boiling, and thinks very little before charging into battle. These could be used against him, but one needs to take in mind that he is as such because he can back up his rage and boasting.