[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uurhDHh.jpg[/img][/center][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HtvPRRx.png[/img][/center] [b][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6edUVTX68o][ ♫ ][/url][/center][/b] When morning came within the Dangeki-or however the passage of time flowed in the Tower-Cait was nowhere to be seen behind her bar. No doubt she was off taking one of her many “breaks” as per usual. However, the shopkeepers were still there. Emilia was as reserved as ever while Annabel finger gunned anyone who came close by in case they wanted some last minute upgrades to weapon or gear. Regardless, only one description was put on the mission board, the one the group didn’t choose before Victoire’s mansion. It had some different wording now. [color=slateblue][center][i][b]Grimmest Grotto: Darkness waits at the bottom of the depths. The surface holds the dead world long since passed its expiration. Gather what you will of treasures if you must. Survival is no longer an option; there is only the exploration of a world that once was.[/b][/i][/center][/color] As soon as the group was ready to enter the only entrance and exit of the Dangeki, they’d be whisked away into the next Floor. Breathing would immediately become an issue. The world was one of [url=https://i.imgur.com/qUiJLZY.jpeg]water and darkness[/url], deep pressure crushing down on frail flesh as the full depths of the grim prison they stepped foot in menaced all around. Then, the Floor adjusted, and through means of the Tower the pressure relented. They were even able to breathe in the confines of the Abyss, eventually manifesting into the heart of it. Where once was a prison meant to contain the nightmare horrors of creatures unrestrained, it now was barely functioning as that. The sounds of ghoulish things lurked in the dark; unbeknownst to them, the corpse of a world hung above their heads. The Abyss expanded far and wide, but as it did for most dwellers and travelers, it deposited the group into the [url=https://i.imgur.com/C6fb1yu.jpeg]Lagoon[/url]. If the objective was simply to collect treasure and explore, then surely there was nothing to be feared in the dark depths. [hr]