As she approached, the rumbling gusts heralded by her massive wings, Vera was met with the helpless attempts of the elves to down her from the sky. Measly arrows pricked into her scaled hide, bouncing off or remaining barely embedded until a simple breeze blew them away. They were but thumbtacks attempting to bury themselves into steel. For the time being, she ignored the beasts she had sensed brawling in the forest. It did not seem, initially, that they were specifically allied with anyone in the town's two factions. With a quick glance beyond, she could see that it was the human settlement and some aiding centaurs against the vile forces of an elven raiding group. Their canine mounts bristled upon their manes as she approached, and being just ahead, her wings beat dust and debris into the eyes of those unprepared.

The ground shook when her body hit the ground. Her legs bent to absorb the shock and her wings folded close to her long back. Despite her size, some of the elves thought themselves powerful enough to try and assail her; for what reason she could not discern. Perhaps they were simply too blood-crazed? Maybe they were so foolish as to believe their strength against puny humans could hold true against her. But the answer was meaningless as she simply swept her hand and crushed their armor inwards or flung them like projectiles into nearby buildings. For a moment, both centaurs, elves, and humans paused in her presence, but quickly realized they were still face-to-face with their enemy, and continued to fight. Only one deviated from the battle and quickly sprinted to Vera.

"Vera! Vera! Thank god you're here!" It was the man who offered her food and shelter earlier the previous night, a middle aged individual with a well-kept beard and a family of four. He was slightly bloodied and carried a single shortsword in his hand, but bore no armor of any kind, save for his tanned peasant cloth. "Please, I beg of you to help us! These elves of Dynoz are brutish murderers! The centaurs have come to aid us, but I fear even that may not be enough to save our village!" Vera glanced at the wreckage of elven bodies she had accumulated in a single swing and laughed, a small ember brightening in her maw as she did so. Perhaps it was simply because she was still used to rolling around in the sky with another dragon that the creatures of this world seemed so pitiful, and it seemed strange for a moment that the humans would have trouble.

Vera nodded as she agreed to help, "Certainly. You kindly offered me help during my daze, and I will repay it in kind." Vera unleashed her wings and beat them once, lifting her body up and over the man and landed with a crash in one of the village squares, crushing a few elves in the process. With tooth, nail, and tail, Vera procedurally quelled the waves of elves that valiantly prodded at her sides with countless blades. She considered for a moment that maybe it was unnecessary of her to go out into the woods to find food; there was so much right here, and it walked right up to her! For the moment she retained her breath of fire, careful not to set aflame the very town she was protecting. In the air she sensed a faint scent of dragon, but it was nothing like that of her own kind. Still it interested her, and she lifted her head above the houses to scout out the surrounding area, oblivious to the elves who clamored below.

Facing its own entourage of elves, a dragon-like human stood in the town. Her back bore clearly draconic wings, and so Vera resolved the girl must have been half-dragon. With another wing-lifting bound, she hurled herself over the buildings and landed at the girl's side. At the time, she seemed to have disposed of the elves in her area, but was readying for another more peculiar elf.

"You look and smell of a half-dragon young girl, are you not?" Vera's voice boomed, stern but with a faint sense of kinship within.