I don't think I ever mentioned an island xD not that it's a problem. But I did mention that it was nearly impossible to get in due to the mountains that surround the region so boats wouldn't really be a viable method of transportation to get there. Edit: I didn't make It very clear. So to push the point, the mountains surround the region and make getting in from the ground near impossible. And the storms are so violent with only up o ten minutes of breaks that even flying in is very dangerous and has to be done very quickly. The helicopters even have to fly in and land and wait until the next break in the storm before they can leave. So every other break in the storm new people are being brought in, but only by helicopter. The only stopping point for us right now is just after getting off the helicopters. Picture it like a first day at school or getting off of a cruise ship and starting a tour. There will be a person waiting for everyone to explain what needs to be done and where everyone needs o go. He will be waiting until all of the helicopters have landed however, so there is time to do a few things. You can post whatever you want up until then. As long as it's not running off to get yourself killed lol.