Snarnorgul continued to cut away into the great bears arms with it's powerful pincers, even as he sliced deeper and deeper into it's stomach with his lower claws. At this rate his foe would surely be disarmed, perhaps literally, as well as disemboweled. Suddenly a sharp pain caused Snarnorgul to buck his head back ripping a wider wound across the bear’s chest in a savage line unconsciously pulling loose. It seemed this creature had found some means of retaliation after all. Jaws were snapping at his hindquarters ripping scales sending jolts of pain up his back causing his pelvis to crack from the pressure, focused under the area his formidable exoskeleton protected. This was a most troubling turn of events, and until now Snarnorgul had not even imagined this insufferable inferior creature was even capable of doing it any real harm. Now it seemed in danger of suffering a swift defeat if the situation was not reversed and soon. The odd angle meant he could not get his lower arms into position to defend against this humiliating attack. Snarnorgul snarled in protest and anger at the audacity of his enemy. He would not take such insult sitting down, or standing up as the cause would appear to be. Snarnorgul's upper massive limbs still held Sukoh aloft with pincers digging into flesh. Snarnorgul decided that a change of tactic was in order, thus Snarnorgul clamped down hard into the bear’s tendons. He then ripped his right arm loose with a savage pull which might tear away clumps of flesh and likely tearing an artery in the process. That was not his goal however, for even as he bent his right arm slightly, he quickly delivered a punishing elbow down at an angle aimed for the biting head at his lower back, the awkward bend of his goat-like legs eased the effort of the attack. The strike would meet either neck or head, which it mattered little, for the way in which Sukoh had choose to bite him meant he had leaned within easy each reach of his elbow blow. With rock hard points of spine made of chitin and bone at its end, the attack might resemble a morning star being swung around on the head of a human. The force of this was easily akin to an anvil let full on a large balloon of water with the considerable strength of Snarnorgul. What might have otherwise been a decisive blow was somewhat anemic due to the lack of momentum aside from the downward fall. It would rock Sukoh with a powerful concussive force all the same, likely increasing whatever damage his mind blast might have inflected beforehand. Even after the single blow Snarnorgul would shoot his arm up again, his clutched princes stabbing into the same injured side they had clutched previously like a spear, before letting fall another jackhammer elbow strike to the beasts head. The size of the bears head made it an easy target from this angle, and Snarnorgul doubted there was layers of fat enough around it's skull to weather such an assault. Snarnorgul in any case would continue this back and forth, quickly deforming the bears head or breaking jaws and bone should it's head remain in elbows each. All the while his left arm was still pressing down on the under arm of the bears right arm, threatening to snap it off at this point if nothing was done to prevent it. A single arm was all he needed to support the dire bear’s otherwise great weight.