Contrary to how he acted, Kai was actually listening to Seo’s “request” for recruitment, he just ignored him because one he seemed a pain in the ass, two entering that team would simply shackle him. He could tell from looking at Hachiyama. Kai’s team were freaks of Gunpla, from his martial arts, to Kaguya’s eyes and Souji’s building abilities, to his old leaders freakish Newtype like spacial awareness, all of them were talented in someway. That why he tell when he saw talent when he saw it and Hachiyama was actually pretty talented, when he fired the Bazooka at him he made the proper judgment using himself as a sacrifice to prevent himself from dragging the rest of the team down as well as trying to take down an enemy with him. As far as he could tell he had potential, he could certainly be a regional regular if not higher and could have been a threat to Shark, but unlike the loudmouth he was being held back. Usually a Gunpla team tends to use unique suits suited for the member of the team, a specially made Gunpla for the user was a force multiplier, the only time you see when someone has the exact same Gunpla is if the team had amazing team work as in seeming like a a single person in mutiple bodies. Otherwise the downsides of not allowing the pilot to thrive out weighted benefits of consistency. He could tell that despite their loyalty, they couldn’t go beyond even regionals, an event that his old team had swept through without losing a single Gunpla. Which was lucky for Naoki as the other team made his proposition seem better in comparison, though the prospect of being in a team with the loud mouth also took away points. Kai was almost indifferent to being asked to join a Gunpla team, after all he had plenty of two bit amateurs asking him like that amateur that tried a couple of minutes ago, of course he was also not very accepting of being part of a group, after his old team breaking apart. Needing to advance, but also against taking the steps Kai was at a crossroad. “So, then why us? Did you just want strong teammates?” The delinquent asked. “Well then... catch.” Kai suddenly raised his arm and dropped the Taisen in front of him from chest height, something that was completely out of left field for a Gunpla fighter, which was the point. While Kai was more than capable of catching the Gunpla before it hits the floor, this was a test for Naoki, not just his reaction time and ability to act in the face of the unexpected, but how he handled even a cheap Gunpla like the Taisen. [@Crimson Lion]