“Hey Kai, when we reach the world circuit, let’s have a fight there.” Two units were standing on top of a pile of parts, all once having been a Gunpla, all having been crushed by the just the two units, who stood triumphantly over the carnage. “What brought on that for? Besides even if ya asked that, one of us could get eliminated without meeting the other.” Kai asked unknown why the other pilot would ask such as thing. “I wish you were less of an idiot, but that’s besides the point!” The other pilot said with both frustration and with a hint of affection. The other unit starred out into the distance as a beam shot came towards both of them. Kai’s unit stepped forward and raised it’s arm the beam disappeared when came close the other unit lifted up it’s rifle almost lazily and pulled the trigger getting a critical hit even with the lack of effort put into taking it out. “I know I can make it and you’re someone that can nearly rival me, so I know you can as well.” “Alright I promise-“ Kai woke up from his slumber, he sat next to Jun. Needless to say the Gunpla fighter found him too much of a pain in the ass forced himself to sleep only momentarily waking up when his reactions felt that someone was getting too close, before promptly going back to sleep. His years of martial arts training made him something of a superhuman or a cat, able to do some crazy things most people would think possible. In the training and without it was pretty clear that Kai didn’t need any help in the combat department having aced all of the practices and practically winning all of his practice matches, rather he needed help in the building department, so he got a crash course on that, luckily his Taisen was the best subject for practice, and he seriously needed that. First up was to dismantle up the Taisen and clean it up, better filing down nubs and seam lines. Then was to paint the Taisen or at least it’s arms to give it and even color scheme. Next was the replacement of armaments, at first Kai was given an option set that would convert the Exia into the repair IV, taking the GN Tachi and GN bayonets from it, though that wasn’t enough. Kai had done some research and he had a few other weapons he wanted on the new Taisen, the problem was that they were a part of full kits and it would be a waste just to get them for a single weapon, so Kai was introduced to the 3D printer to recreate them for his use. Those weapons were the ♾ Justice’s Carrier Beam Shield, the Pale Rider Calvary’s Composite Weapon "Shekinah", The Stike Freedom’s Railguns and Beam Sabers, and the Astray Red Frame dragon’s Caletvwlch. Kai also didn’t forget to recreate the crackers and panzerfausts using the same 3D painting methods. Due to the influx of new weapons Kai needed to learn how to modify his Zaku and it’s Dobergun. The backpack was replaced with a much more powerful one with battery packs to power the extra weapons and the Dober Gun was shifted to the backpack on a subarm and modified to be foldable allowing it to stay out of the way when not in use. The final thing he learned was creating completely custom parts, The Gunpla fighter had thought the shoulders were a bit barren so he made a pair of armaments that doubled as shoulder armor. With all these weapons Kai removed the Leo’s beam rifle and the Machine, as the Shekinah fulfilled their purposes and then some. Kai renamed this new version, Zaku II Benkei. Kai took out a Gunpla box, this was not the Benkei, rather it was stored in a traditional wooden lacquer box, sealed shut with rope that you would find wrapped around a sacred tree, making it seem like it there was a god or a demon sealed in the box. “Well partner, we’re moving forward.” Kai told the box before looking out the window for their next battle, the Kishimoto Arcade why was that name so familiar? Either way that thought was interrupted when armband were handed out. “What are we the student council?” Kai deadpanned, but grabbed the armband and put it on, before getting out of the car and stretching his legs. Kai watched as Riku got off to taunt Seo and his group, Kai didn’t really care for mocking others. Kai gave a short wave to Hachiyama as he was the one that had earned Kai’s respect as a fighter and mocked Seo in a different way by completely and utterly ignoring his existence.