Jun's eyes widened at the Guntank, now the Core Fighter, managing to evade a fatal blow. [color=0072bc]"Oh yeah, I forgot it was able to do that... More importantly, how the heck was he able to react that fast?!"[/color] he wondered at the insane timing of the pilot. Yet, Jun was shaken from that question once Blade's Gunpla had been defeated. [color=0072bc]"Blade!? You killed Blade, you bastards!!"[/color] Jun cursed in anger at his comrade's sudden defeat. To which Tomiyoka responded, [b]"Um, Shark-kun, he's not actually dead..."[/b] [color=0072bc]"You'll never reach great heights if you don't take this seriously Tomi! Dangit, I told him not to get cocky!!"[/color] the young fighter shouted as he quickly put his attention back on the combat before them. There was still the Core Fighter and GunCannon to deal with and currently, the Guncannon was rushing at the duo with a beam saber. [color=0072bc]"Hah, this guy must not have watched any Gundam X or 00 if he thinks that mobile suit can take on my Miracle in close range!"[/color] Jun responded confidently at the opposing fighter by separating his own Zanbuster Rifle and forming his Beam Zamber and Buster Gun in each respective hand. While ontop of the Zeta, Jun would attempt a diagonal slash to cleave the GunCannon apart, however he was caught off guard by the assault of the Core Fighter. It's resulting gunfire barrage colliding into the side of The Miracle and throwing the Gunpla off course, causing GunCannon's Beam Saber to slice off it's left hand along with the Beam Zamber flying off into the distance. [color=0072bc]"Shit!"[/color] Jun swore at the sudden upheavel of damage. However, this compromising position of the one-handed Miracle wasn't as defenseless as it may have appeared. [color=0072bc]"My new Miracle, has alot more tricks than before!"[/color] Jun grinned and a second after, the forearm of the Gunpla protruded it's GN Sword in place of where it's hand was missing. Now the sudden GN Sword was within the GunCannon's guard, in the space between it's Beam Saber and body! The Captain Miracle continued it's momentum from the previous slash and swung it's newly added blade for the GunCannon's neck. At the same time, the previous assault had caused the Zeta and Miracle to be separated. This meant the only thing for Tomiyoka to do was to fire off shots at the Core Fighter, to atleast keep it away from sending off another hail of gunfire at them.