Rose looked at bane and frowned slightly and shook her head amused, silly werewolf truly they were. She clapped her hands together and smiled "Well clearly those on the run need to blend in more with the crowd and your clothing" looking them up and down "Is less fitting in" she grinned as Richard sighed gently and grabbed Rose and glared at her. "Just go home we will meet up with you there" he growled lowly at her as she glared her sunglasses sizzling slightly from the heat. "Rose" he warned as she grumbled "You owe me!" she said annoyed and smirked gently and waved to the two "I'll find clothes for you two at the house to help you blend in a little more" she promised and was gone up the stairs. Richard sighed gently and shook his head. "Always got to be a little extra she does, I do apologize for her antics she doesn't really have a filter and is quite childish at times as well. But I guess that just runs in her cycle as well" He said and sat down and looked at them. "Well, you come to the right duo unfortunately despite our very different natures Rose and I keep our guests safe till they are ready to be on their own. If you like, we have many maps and stuff at the house you can look at, places we have been or charted out. we are actually heading to the MOuntain of Eras it's said that the Casket of Macquel resides in there" He said his voice was slightly bitter but not because he was angry but that's just how he talked he and Rose often alone and didn't have to watch out for other people. But sometimes Rose attaches herself to others and that when bad things often happened. "I am Richard Eviak Dapmire, That is Rose Valin she's something else alright but no one really knows what she is" He muses gently to the other and leaned back "So where are you guys running from anyway? You both look exshauted anyway"