“Thunderbolt Sector...?” Kai looked at the objective... and knew nothing about the setting they were thrown into, so the Gundam noob took out his phone and looked up [i]“thunderbolt sector gundam.”[/i] “Oh, it’s a debris field with a bunch of lightning.” Kai rubbed the back of his neck. “Oi, kid.” Kai called out to Tomiyoka. “The field is gonna be a debris field, agility is more important than raw speed. You’re probably going to have to switch to AMBAC controls, instead of relying your transformation. When you’re controlling a Gunpla with a Humanoid form, don’t think to control it’s limbs by moving your controller. It’s all about instinct. Well, I should stop there, it’s not something that can be taught explaining it in detail would be detrimental.” Kai simply stopped his advice. Like he said, controlling a Gunpla fundamentally came down to instinct, he couldn’t really teach that, he could only push him to the right answer. Kai had no real problem, well he was disappointed that he wouldn’t really be able to fight Hachiyama, while he felt taking out a worthy opponent like he did back in the old tournament was dissatisfying, he wasn’t one to put it above the rest of the team. He needed to do what he needed to do, after all he had a score to settle and he needed to win here. Kai reached inside his back for the case that he kept the Benkei. It was time to fight... only he didn’t manage to wrap his fingers around the Zaku, rather he pulled out a lacquer box. “Huh... Do ya want to fight to partner?” Kai told muttered to himself. There was a thousand reasons why Kai shouldn’t use what was in the box and only one reason to use it, but that one reason overpowered the others. The Gunpla Fighter removed the ropes binding the box and unsealed his broken blade. “Alright partner, just this once.” Kai got to the Gunpla table, holding the lacquer box. “Kai Asakura... Turn-XCEED Gundam, launching to the fray!” The Gunpla that was launched into the battlefield was covered in a nanoskin cloak, as it shifted to avoid the debris, parts of it’s body was revealed. The silver and blue unit had cracks and battle scars lining it’s body on some parts black tape was wrapped around to keep it intact, it didn’t seem combat worthy, but that served as a testament to the build quality that it was still able to move with such agility. “Sorry about this, boss.” Kai told Naoki, knowing that he probably had no idea that he even had another Gunpla and it seemed to be in bad shape and probably messed with his plans. “I just wanted to use this.” It was a simple reason, he was starting to move forward, he got nostalgic, he wanted to use his partner. There was no other reason.