It wouldn't have been all that surprising if the Senior simply never showed up. Like Vos said, the man had spent huge amounts of time, money and effort to track them all down and arrange for them to meet up in this secret Bond-style supervillain lair. Someone who valued privacy and security that much likely didn't appreciate having to actually show up for a meet-n-greet with his chosen peons.

Johnny could respect that.

So there they were, standing around the proverbial water cooler trying to size each other up and figure out who in the hell they were working with. This was neither a crime family nor a military operation, Grace didn't trust any of the women and didn't expect them to trust her. Not yet anyway. Until they had actually worked together it would be impossible for them to be sure that they were all capable. 

The screen's flickering on interrupted Johnny's musings on the nature of earning sisterhood, head turning to look at the man of the hour. Look at was perhaps a strong term what with the classic 'head shrouded in inky black shadow to present a human yet unknowable presence' thing. She was more observing the fact that he did indeed exist. 

The mentioned kitchen went unexplored for the time being, Grace more interested in getting details than a drink. [color=Lightseagreen]"Change everything we know for the better, just like you said on the tape."[/color] What positive changes could possibly be made by large scale grand larceny Grace didn't know but she was damn interested in finding out. 

The Russian questioned the how before the why and Johnny was silently amused by the fact that at least two of the [color=6ecff6][i]"most capable criminals this country has never seen"[/i][/color] were foreign nationals. [color=Lightseagreen]"Less girl power and more precisely planned operations, if I had to guess."[/color]