[b][centre]Daichi & Dozer[/centre][/b] Daichi wanted to scream as the Airdramon dived at the immobile Dozer. But like a miracle out of nowhere, a fireball streaked across the sky, knocking the Airdramon back. As Daichi rose to his feet, another teen walked up to beside him, Digivice in hand. Meanwhile up in the air, a flying lion plunged into the Airdramon. Daichi naturally assumed that these new individuals were tamer partners. Before Daichi could thank the newcomer, he made a comment about cleaning up other people’s messes. Daichi found this incredibly rude, so he instead went to check on Dozer. The large tank like Digimon was still lying on top of a totalled car, his eyes closed. Daichi placed a hand on Dozer, “You okay in there buddy?” Suddenly Dozer’s eyes opened, “I think I have a concussion.” While Daichi was elated to see that Dozer was alright, he was confused by his statement, “What do you mean a concussion?” “Well I hit my head and blacked out for a bit,” Dozer said as he righted himself, “Isn’t that called a concussion?” “Can Digimon even get concussions?” Daichi asked. “I don’t know. You’re the one who goes to school.” Daichi just chuckled as Dozer began to drive toward the battling lion Digimon and Airdramon. Dozer began to aim his cannon at the Airdramon, but was unsure of taking the shot as the two Digimon duelled in the air. The opportunity came for Dozer as the lion Digimon knocked the dragon Digimon out of the air. “Hyper Cannon!” Dozer shouted. A massive missile launched out of the cannon on Dozer’s head. The missile slammed into the falling Airdramon, pushing it back. As the missile lodged itself in the Airdramon, both Digimon and ordnance collided with a nearby building, unleashing a massive explosion. The resulting incineration reduced the Airdramon to small bits of data, returning to the Digital World. As the dust settled, Daichi was glad that the evil Digimon was gone, but he also noticed how much collateral damage the battle had caused. “Man, ATLAS is going to be mad,” Daichi sighed as he turned to the other tamer, “I don’t think I’ve ever caused this much damage in one battle before.” Dozer then drove over to Daichi, “I’ve seen enough superhero movies with you Daichi that I know that is part of being a hero. You are not doing it right if some buildings don’t get wrecked.” Daichi just sighed again, “I should probably show you less popcorn movies,” he then turned back toward the other human partner, “By the way, my name’s Daichi. And that big tank guy is Dozer.” [@Double]