[center][h2]Reaex[/h2][/center] [b]Appearance[/b]: Without the presence of the electromagnetic force, Reaex spreads across a flat surface, its actuators unable to synchronize with its distributed nervous system due to the environment. Amethyst arcs of violent energy and erratic crepitations disquiet its localized atmosphere. The pattern formed is a digital reinterpretation of the kalachakra mandala in reflective gray soot centered on an iridescent bramble connected by a central knot, like a horrid vitrified, petrified, and immobilized ratking. Once exposed to that vivifying force, however, Reaex's appearance coalesces into what appears to be a large metallic dog, cat, or similar quadruped, its nervous system hidden beneath layers of a shiny, dark, exoskeletal membrane. [b]Species[/b]: Metralloic, a metal being from the equatorial region of the planet Metallo (also known as Panjiis Uor), a world where machines evolved rather than organic lifeforms and an area subject to rapid and violent transitions of temperature and tectonics. [b]Purpose[/b]: Reaex is a refugee on Ximbic-8 recently escaped from containment in Allure City. Eats iron; a lot of it. [quote=C | I | M | P | T][code] Out of the Ordinary > 0 Clout > 2 Intellect :: advanced empirical AI able to synthesize complete data from fragmented information > 0 Magic > 2 Physical :: built Metallo tough, strong as elephant, lithe as panther > 1 Technological :: understands and interfaces with most simple machines[/code][/quote] [quote=Soul Sigil][code] Beyond the Veil of Flesh > an open maw with argent metal teeth clamping down around four nested rings with 2, 8, 14, and 2 points on each respective ring and a larger point in the center; i.e.: the atomic representation of iron.[/code][/quote]