[color=lightgray]Oh great, an ideologue.

	Well, let it be mentioned: Maëlle was no stranger to them. Quite the contrary, actually. Come to think on it, well...the thought made her giggle. She herself was something of an ideologue, just give her a few years. Maëlle never was one to deny that the entire reason to her past livelihood wasn't ideologically driven, for even if she were to die a homeless biker, at least she might do so under the pretense of being - at bare minimum - something short of [i]honest.[/i] And perhaps if she was anything short of a glass of wine already in her, the still-young woman might have joined right in the "fuck 'em" speech he so passionately gave. 

	Heh. 'Still-young', she thought. She was barely into her twenties, and here she was reflecting back on the "good old days". 

	But...as he spoke in that heated tone over blue-hued computer screens, it made her laugh, like he was some loser over Discord complaining over how life was unfair and how he felt cheated out of something he had deserved on account of living. Hardly 'master criminal' material, no doubt. He wasn't [i]wrong[/i] - not by any stretch of the imagination - but perhaps it was only in the angered bluntness through which Senior spoke that he found himself in the position hackneyed middleman, just vitriolic enough to be young, and just bitter enough to be old. If nothing else, at least he could appeal to Tick's ethos - that sensation of feeling young and angry again. No plan, no reservations, just sticking one of those fingers on each hand up. [/color]

	[color=azure][b]"Yeah...I got one."[/b][/color] [color=lightgray]she pondered, enough for all to behold,[/color] [color=azure][b]"...what's the catch?"[/b][/color]

	[color=azure][b]"I mean, I love a good kick in the door romp, but like, come on! I thought this wasn't just supposed to be some playground gas station drive-off bullshit?!"[/b][/color]