[quote=@Dead Cruiser] Pretty interested in this. My concept is basically for a tribe of savage Beastmen that have been driven out of more "civilized" lands, but the other nations have accepted a begrudging truce/alliance with them in this time of crisis. They do a lot of weird shit, like worship something called the "Red God" and obey only "the law of swords." My champion is an Elephant-Beastman, a people normally regarded as being gentle giants, he's the black sheep among his people because he's a barbarian-warlord. Fifteen feet tall, eight tons, and hundreds of years of life-or-death martial struggle. He's very dangerous not because he's an unthinking brute, but has all of the intellectual and philosophical tendencies his people are known for, but has bent them toward warfare. To what end, none are sure. His regiment are just called "Red Knights," a semi-ironic title. They swear oaths and practice bizarre (usually sacrificial) rituals in the name of their Red God. The only way to become a Red Knight is to kill your master that trained you, and then withstand the presence of the Red God, which is usually an ordeal that leaves one maimed for life. Their motto goes something like, "If it has a pulse, take its skull. If it builds a house, smash it flat. I will cut God to see if he bleeds, and if he fails me I will kill him too." Thoughts? [/quote] Interesting. I was expecting to see savage tribesmen and barbarian tribes. It will be interesting to see how they'll fair in this last alliance of Etherean people.