The arrow had struck true, piercing and collapsing the final hunter's lung going by the sounds coming from his mouth. Almost immediately, Novak began to berate the man on the ground, tears in his eyes.

Nobunaga merely sighed and drew her katana again. He lacked experience, indeed. She would have to handle what remained herself.

"There is no point in leaving this man alive," she commented, simply, as she walked up to the hunter with a pierced lung. With a flick of her wrist, and the sound of steel slicing the air, the edge of her katana parted the skin of his throat, his windpipe, and the arteries in his neck.


Turning away from the freshly-made corpse without a second thought, she approached the slowly-bleeding hunter whose arms she had severed.

"You are going to die, and I am certain you are aware of that," she commented, standing over him, "However, the cold will slow the flow of your blood, and the shock will keep you alive for longer then you may otherwise have. Freezing to death is surely an unpleasant way to go, but that won't be what claims you, will it?"

A thoughtful expression on her face, the petite girl crouched beside the disarmed hunter.

"No. As a hunter, you must know of the many scavengers dwelling in this forest," she continued, in a conversational tone, "You must know these harsh conditions leave them hungry and desperate for fresh meat. They'll smell the blood. The blood of your fallen comrades, and your own."

The beautiful young girl smiled pleasantly.

"They won't wait until you're dead. Will they start with your intestines? Your liver? I wonder..."

She paused for a moment to let her words hang in the chill air.

"... Unless, of course, you tell me who you are allied with, where to find them, and your motivation. If you give me these three pieces of information, I will end your suffering swiftly and as painlessly as possible."

[@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin]