God it's been forever since I did forum RP.

[hider=Here goes nothing]
[b]Name:[/b] Kestrel Beringer

[b]Hero Name:[/b] The Conjurer

[b]Age:[/b] 24

[b]Gender:[/b] Female 

[b]Family:[/b] The only daughter of two loving if overprotective parents, both of whom have been devoted school teachers. Kestrel's parents fostered a love of reading and seeking knowledge while their overprotective nature resulted in her always pursuing her curiosity at any cost, to their chagrin. Their relationship remains good, if a little strained.

[b]Occupation:[/b] History Student

[b]Appearance:[/b] Her auburn hair is complemented by her light green eyes. A faint splash of freckles covers a small portion of her nose and cheeks. She doesn't stand too tall at 5'5" though her blue and white sneakers give her an extra inch or two. Kestrel's typical attire includes the aforementioned sneakers, dark jeans, a light blue t-shirt with an abstract print and a grey jacket.

[b]Superpower:[/b] Kestrel's superpower manifests itself with the ability to conjure ethereal objects though currently no larger than half her size. These objects dissipate not long after losing physical contact with her meaning they are only occasionally viable as thrown weaponry, and objects which 'make use of' other objects can be created but their 'secondary' objects cannot be, meaning that guns or bows would be functionally useless. This superpower is, essentially, fuelled by dreams. Meaning that prolonged use can cause bouts of insomnia, hallucinations and in extreme cases, the manifestations of nightmares.

[b]Skills:[/b] As a student of history and the daughter of parents who took pride in imbuing their child with knowledge, she has plenty of information on a broad range of subjects and can pick up new skills with some degree of efficiency.

[b]Equipment:[/b] None to speak of.

[b]Personality:[/b] Kestrel is a little shy thanks to her parents' overprotective nature though her curious side tends to shine through often. She's approachable, if somewhat reserved and while her intentions are always good and she enjoys helping others, the clash between her own personality and what her parents instilled in her can sometimes result in her locking up, unsure of how to act.

[b]Biography:[/b] It came to her in a nightmare. A vision of a meteor splitting the sky and reducing the city to ashes. The sight of only impossibly dark shadows where buildings, and people, once stood. The reality was much different, of course, yet when she watched the news that morning the feeling of unease she felt after the nightmare turned to panic. It wasn't until she got to class and someone commented on her "cool new pen" that she realised something was truly wrong. She remembered then that in her panic she had left her backpack at home and the pen she was using was little more than slowly flowing blue energy taking on the shape of a pen, and it produced no ink...The week only got weirder from there and she realised quickly that the more she experimented with her newfound power the less she slept. Nights became exercises in simply laying there, half awake, praying for sleep.

[b]Anything Else:[/b] Electric Pokemon

I hope it's acceptable. It really has been a while.