[quote=@Su] I did let him know and he threatened to boot me off the RP because I didn't wait for "permission" to fix a non consequential error. If I had just done it and not said anything this wouldn't be a situation. When the rules are this strict it stops feeling like a game and more like a job. And I already work enough in my real life. So I appreciate the effort, but I'm good. Nothing against anybody, but its just not my style. [/quote] As I said earlier, I was hoping this could be a lesson and not an example. I am disappointed to see that this decision has been made for me in the other direction. Very simply, I did receive your request in my DMs in Discord. Then, without waiting for a response, the item in question was changed. This tells me that the rules were very clearly known, agreed to, and summarily ignored. Had you waited until I got off of work to review your CS and how your request impacts it, I likely might have said yes. We will never know now. If you had "just done it and not said anything", you would be guilty of cheating, due to the nature of your request. It might have eventually been found out, and this conversation would have taken place later instead of sooner. I don't care if it's a thing someone else finds inconsequential. It [i]is[/i] the principle of the thing AS WELL AS the fact that you changed out equipment in the middle of a scene. I was willing to overlook the post edits for a time as no one had posted after you, and they looked to be simple error fixes, but it is a slippery slope. This was proven when, after feeling comfortable making post edits without a go-ahead you escalated to changing your CS without approval. This is a problem. One with which no one else has shown issue. I wish you the best of luck in your present and future RPs, but you are correct, this one is probably not for you. It's a shame. You made a really good character.