[hider=Shadow Scythe Vengeance]
[color=black][h1][b]Shadow Scythe Vengeance[/b][/h1][/color]
[b][color=black]"Only in total darkness can we see the smallest light of hope. Shadow Scythe Vengeance, away!"[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr]

[color=black][B][  NAME  ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT]Penelope Mai Lu[/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][  HERO IDENTITY  ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT]Shadow Scythe Vengeance[/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][  NICKNAME/ALIAS  ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Penny [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][  AGE  ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Eighteen [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT]Female [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Vigilante [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][  APPEARANCE  ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] A tomboyish asian girl with short black hair and an athletic, toned body that’s covered in scars. Usually she wears baggy black hoodies with the hood up, or gym clothes when working out. 

Her outfit is a light but durable studded dark material with a skull mask and hood.[/INDENT][/color]

[hider=Penny] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/lNTOshnugX7o_VKdhINW2-5Fz504F46n4ts3zknXOSQ/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/0d/d7/f7/0dd7f7fb96e7e43629a21cb52fc24302.jpg?width=403&height=450[/img][/hider]

[color=black][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Scythe is a protector of Castleburg through and through. She’s dark, mysterious: or rather, melodramatic. She spouts many “wise”, gritty quotes that she writes down in her bedroom at night. Easily comes off as trying to hard ti be intimidating or cool. However she genuinely wants to help, even if she can be off-putting or occasionally embarrassing to be around.

Scythe is an extrovert, never afraid to try making friends in her own weird way. Fearlessness and rebellion are also cooked into her DNA, never one to avoid being reckless or courageous. Even when the odds are stacked against her she does her best. The vigilante has an affinity for darkness, closed claustrophobic places, and locked doors. Urban exploring is one of her favorite hobbies. The vigilante also has a significant social media presence and records herself fighting crimes, and posts regularly. Be it on Vengeance.(dot)net or more mainstream sites.

Penny, the girl beneath the mask, has an overactive imagination. She’s a family person who talks to herself a lot if there’s no one around to talk too. She can also be immature and bratty which occasionally bleeds over into her superhero persona. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][ BIO ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Penelope Lu is a first generation citizen of the US, her parents immigrants from China. Her father Bao worked at a technology firm, and her step-mother, an American expat by the name of Daisy, was stay-at-home. Or rather, she had to be. One thing unusual about Penny was her pain tolerance. 

Some key part of her brain was wired incorrectly, and such Penny cannot feel pain. If she does, it’s extremely muted. As a naive little girl this had serious consequences, her underdeveloped mind casually harming her own body without realising the consequences. Burned hands, broken bones, and unattended cuts abound. Her adventures were too much for a babysitter to handle so her mother quit her secretary job to watch after her. Though Daisy managed to get a handle on her adventurous, foolish child who was incapable of learning lessons, schools had no such luck. Penny, the rebellious idiot, hardly followed the rules. 

If it wasn’t stealing items like a kleptomaniac or yoinking keys to break into janitor's closets, it was sticking up for the other kids and getting into fights. It was pretty hard to beat her if you were another kid because she just never gave up. Nothing you could do would get her to back off unless you put her down hard, which was difficult because of how slippery she was. 

Penny yearned for adventure and thrills, and while she takes medication to stabilize her mood and keep her still, the goings-on of mundane life could never hold her attention. Often she would get lost in fantasy lands of her own construction. In this miasma of imagination, Shadow Scythe Vengeance, the grim protector of the people, was formed. Self defence training and just her experience of being a crazy 16 year old going around “fighting crime” in Castleburg forged her skills over time. Shadow Scythe Vengeance was just some weird kid in a hoodie and balaclava with no powers evident. If she wasn’t fighting crime she was setting up community events or just helping people with chores, favors, or non-violent investigations. In this crazy world of superheroes people came to tolerate or were endeared to this gravelly voiced weirdo high schooler.

Surprising nobody, Penelope became a bit of an extremist, an anti-authority hero of the people, or so she saw herself. Overtime she built up something of a reputation, and “commandeered” some technology from her father’s place of work to create some gadgets. Or rather, get gadgets created for her. Vengeance(dot)net, Scythe’s public website, operates as a kind of vigilante social media. People can ask for help, report crimes, or give their support to Scythe. It’s mostly for people who maybe don’t trust HERO or the police as much. Scythe has even responded to criminals asking for help, but who don’t want to go to jail and get arrested by asking a superhero for help. Which Scythe has obliged since the alternative would be them going to a supervillain for help, which in her mind would only help evil consolidate power. This new way of crowd-sourced vigilantism has given Shadow Scythe Vengeance access to tools, gadgets, technology and vision she wouldn’t have otherwise. For the last three years she’s been a vigilante in her free time, going to high school and living a normal life on the side. 

[color=black][b]|  MISCELLANEOUS  |[/b][/color]
[color=Turquoise][indent] Occasionally takes pills that calm her down and make her less whimsical or imaginative. Especially if she's trying to act more like Penelope and less like Shadow Scythe Vengeance. [/indent][/color]

[color=black][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] E [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color]

Penelope Mai Lu has no super powers.


[color=black][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color]

Scythe is stronger than the average person due to training but has no super strength. 3/10

[color=black][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color]

Shadow Scythe Vengeance is very agile, having a love for freerunning and parkour, as well as being exceptionally talented at stealth. 4/10

[color=black][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color]

Scythe is decent with modern technology, especially web development. She’s also good at both tactics and strategy.

[color=black][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color]

With her gadgets Scythe can destroy things, but nothing about her own abilities makes her more destructive. 2/10

[color=black][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color]

Scythe doesn’t use lethal methods to fight crime. 2/10

[color=black][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color]

Penny already has great cardio, but not being able to feel pain gives her an extra point. However her body can still damage itself, even if she doesn’t feel it. It’s very easy for Scythe to push herself far too hard without realising it and then reckoning with the consequences later. She's gotten better at managing and checking herself over time, and modern medical technology certainly helps. 5/10

[color=black][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color]

She doesn't have any superpowers. 0/10

[color=black][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color]
[color=Turquoise][INDENT] Lock picking, pickpocketing, web design, costume making, and precision throwing. Also mountain and stunt cycling. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=black][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color]
[hider= The Justice Arsenal]
Shadow Scythe Vengeance doesn’t keep all of this equipment on her all times, choosing loadouts for specialized occasions or keeping weapons in locations near where she operates. 

Freedom & Forgiveness: Her dual mechanical nightsticks. The ends can be electrified for extra non-lethal power. “Commandeered” weapons from her fathers security company. 

Staff of Eternal Folly: With a bit of work, Freedom and Forgiveness can be disassembled and attached to each other, forming a 5 and a half foot long staff with electrified ends. It’s flexible and extendable, and hits hard.

Death Mask: A metal skull helmet and balaclava. The mask has a built-in filter and voice changer. The lenses can switch to infrared.

Vengeance Armor: The entire suit she wears is made out of a light, flexible, but comparatively durable material. 

Gauntlets of Truth and Justice: The area from her knuckles to her elbow are especially protected, light armor is built in there. 

The Ties That Bind Us: Bolas, two heavy metal balls attached by a cord. Throwable non-lethal weapons that can restrict and incapacitate enemies from long distances.

Horatio’s Finest Hour: Donated to her by an eccentric engineer from overseas. A versatile gun, more like a crossbow, designed to fire Bolas at even higher speed, precision, and accuracy. The name was insisted upon, and SSV is a woman of her word. It has an alternate function as a pressure cannon for firing various other projectiles.

Moonbringer Shadow Scythes: A set of four, one handed scythes, more like warpicks than anything. The sharp metal blades can be detached, leaving only the heavy metal sticks for combat or throwing. All Shadow Scythes can be attached to Utility chains. They can also be combined together to create a grappling hook. 

Cycle of Violence: Her 20 speed bicycle. Painted [i]black.[/i]

Utility Belt: What’s a vigilante without one? Also has a Utility Holster and a Utility Jacket on her outfit. Utility ropes and chains are often included.

Duffel Bag of...Doom, or Something: A duffel bag to keep stuff in.

Stench of Evil: Sourced online through Vengeance(dot)net. The formula was donated by a reformed villain from Miami. Explosive stink bombs with a vile, vomit-inducing smell.

Spheres of Obfusciation: Smoke pellets that rapidly create a wide spread, thick smoke cloud.

Handheld PC: More powerful and more useful than a smartphone. Comes with a USB for hacking. Capable of using the internet, including Vengeance(dot)net, to be untraceable. Touch screen controls for Guardian Angel.

Guardian Angel: A high power quad-coptor drone with camera, also able to pick up cargo. It’s been modified to be nearly silent. [/hider]


edit: removed SSV's superpowers
edit 2: added videos

[hider=Shadow Scythe Vengeance videos]
[hider=Crime Fighting: Episode 280: Drug Dealer Bust #64]
A stock 3D dark dubstep intro plays. Her vigilante name explodes onto the screen and then dances around in tune with the music.

The camera opens at dusk. Shadow Scythe Vengeance is quite close to the camera, adjusting it, but the viewer can only see the bottom half of her metallic skull mask. She backs up, and it becomes clear she's on a rooftop. Scythe is dressed in her all black battle outfit, form fitting, protective, and full of pockets, pouches, and zippers. Some kind of mechanical crossbow is attached to the small of her back.  Her two fighting sticks are sheathed over her shoulders. The camera is on the ground, and Scythe is crouching.

	[b][color=black]"Hello again, true believers. It is I-"[/color][/b] She strikes a pose, creating an 'L' shape with her arms, flattening her palms. If one squints, and uses their imagination it looks like a scythe laying on its back, back pointed towards the sky. [b][color=black]"Shadow Scythe Vengeance!"[/color][/b]

	Her voice is deep and staticky, obviously filtered through the mask for effect. She's also putting on a voice, too, turning whatever her voice normally is into a low growl. 

	[b][color=black]"Welcome to Crime Fighting, Episode 281."[/color][/b] A piece of white text appears with an asteric next to it that says "*Episode 280".

	[b][color=black]"Tonight's episode is brought to you by 'JohnBrownDidNothingWrong56.' Thank you John Brown. The eyes and ears of the people have alerted the scythes of vengeance to yet another scheme to undermine the bonds of Castleburg."[/color][/b] Research indicates she's on the rooftop of a pharmacy There's a fairly wide alleyway next to that pharmacy, squeezed between it and an abandoned building.

	[b][color=black]"Five men, some of them armed with assault weapons, will be gathering here."[/color][/b] Shadow Scythe explains. [b][color=black]"Which is why I will be opening up with a bola shot into aerial take down into smoke bomb deployment. After that they will not  be able to hit me."[/color][/b] She says confidently. [b][color=black]"Vengeance shall blind them just as their greed has blinded them."[/color][/b]

	[b][color=black]"Remember, don't try this at home. Shadow Scythe Vengeance is a trained professional. There are plenty of ways you can help without putting yourself into harms way. If you think a friend is struggling with addiction, reach out to them and be understanding. It is called the opioid epidemic because it is a sickness, not a moral failing. Or you can contact your congressperson and demand they crack down on the big pharmaceutical lobbyists."[/color][/b] She punches one gloved hand into another to emphasize her point.

	[b][color=black]"All right. That is all there is to say. Shadow Scythe Vengeance is going into stake-out mode."[/color][/b] She waves her hands and fingers infront of her face. She picked up the camera and moved it to the edge of the building, setting up its stand there. Scythe's gloved hand can be seen in the corner of the screen as she goes prone.

	The video cuts. It's now night time. The camera is enhanced with semi-colored night vision. Two shady looking characters in hoodies can be seen entering the alley way from one side. They stand up against the wall, holding a dufflebag. The video cuts again, now a black van is pulling into the alley way, it's headlights cutting through the darkness. The back doors open and two men step out carrying assault rifles, revealing several boxes. They talk for a few moments. One of them turns around, and Scythe leaps into action. Literally.

	[b][color=black]"DESCENT OF JUSTICE! "[/color][/b]

	As she drops, she fires off a well-aimed bola shot at the assault rifle goon that is facing her. It wraps around his arms and he falls back into the van, dropping the gun. The dealers flinch, but they haven't truly reacted yet. She descended and uses the stock of the crossbow as a bludgeon. She lands on the shoulder of one of the shady characters beneath her and shoves him into the ground while smacking his head into the pavement. He's knocked out. The guy next to him reaches into his pocket and begins pulling out a handgun. The guy in the van is readying his assault rifle.

	Dropping the crossbow, Scythe reaches into a pouch and deploys smoke in front of her. The smoke explodes, almost instantly blinding.  It cuts off line of sight between Scythe and the guy in the van. Scythe dashes forward towards the pistol guy. He shoots at at her but she doesn't care about common sense. She's too fast, too close, and too scary to be hit. Snatching his wrist she twists it, disarming him. "No, wait!" He cries out, but she punches him in the throat, and then she uses his grabbed wrist to throw him over her shoulder hard, slamming him into the concrete. He's out, too. 

	[b][color=black]"You can deal out the drugs, but Vengeance deals out the [i]punishment.[/i]"[/color][/b]

	"It's that crazy bitch!" Someone shouts from the van. 

	"Get me outta this fuckin' thing!" The wrapped up mook shouts, an edge of fear in his voice as he struggles to escape his bond from somewhere behind the smoke screen. 

	[b][color=black]"SSV!"[/color][/b] Shadow Scythe Vengeance reaches into her shoulder sheathes and produces a pair of two and a half feet long fighting sticks. She presses a button and the heavy ends crackle life with electricity. She dashes into the smoke. There's the sounds of blunt impact, zaps, and surprised exclamations of pain. The two goons, one still wrapped up with a bola, fall out of the back of the van unconscious.

	The driver of the van scrambles out of the driver seat and produces a handgun from her hoodie. She points it at the van and presses her back against the wall. The smoke dissipates. SSV is nowhere to be seen. A moment of pause. From underneath the van itself, a metal chain with a compressed baton on the end wraps around the drivers leg. She screams and pulls the trigger of her gun but she is yanked off her feet and dragged into the van out of view. A second or two later she rolls out the other side, defeated.

	SSV emerges from underneath the van and slow, dramatically rises to her full height. Her head snaps to the camera. [b][color=black]"Remember that there is nothing we humans cannot accomplish, as long as we do it together! And for all of you watching these videos study the weaknesses of Vengeance...know that there is none. And I'm coming for you soon enough."[/color][/b]

	The video cuts to the criminals bound together, glancing around at their open bags of money and opened boxes of drugs. The crossbow and fired bola was retrieved. Shortly thereafter the police sirens can be heard, and the video ends. A stock 3D outro plays and there are links to more videos, Vengeance(dot)net, and the SAMSHA National Helpline.



[hider=Shadow Scythe Vengeance Plays Mortal Kombat #524]
A three hour live stream VOD of Shadow Scythe Vengeance playing  Mortal Kombat. It's a simpler intro, a 2D image of the game's cover art with Shadow Scythe Vengeance written over it. There's five minutes of the stream preparing to start. Fan art of SSV cycles through and a video plays. This ends when the stream goes fully live. There's a face cam of SSV in her full get-up, though the skull mask is not metallic. It's a bandana with a skull emblem on it, and her eyes are visible. However the rest of the outfit is the same.

	[b][color=black]"Hello again, true believers. It is I-"[/color][/b] She strikes a similar pose, though now she's holding a PS7 controller in one hand. [b][color=black]"Shadow Scythe Vengeance. Today we're playing more Mortal Kombat. I'm hoping to get to 26 wins in a row in ranked."[/color][/b] Her voice is edited to be artificially changed as it's projected onto the internet. 

	The gameplay continues normally. Scythe occasionally interacts with the chat, thanking them for donations and follows, as well as responding to their comments and questions. Every once in a while she laughs at a funny comment or makes something of a joke on her own. Her persona seems much more relaxed, especially as the stream continues. 

	Scythe plays Noob Saibot, a shadowy wraith ninja capable of creating shadow clones. She's quite proficient in the game. She winces appreciatively at the fatalities and violent nature of the game.

	Toward the end of the stream she goes up against a fighter who uses the same move over and over again. This seems to frustrate Scythe. 
[b][color=black]"Damn it!"[/color][/b] She shouts, knocking her chair over and standing to her feet as Noob Saibot has his spine ripped out. [b][color=black]"That is such bullshit! How the fuck are you supposed to counter that?!"[/color][/b] Omegaluls or commiserations fill the chat. Scythe looks at them for a moment and laughs slightly, rubbing her forehead.

	[b][color=black]"'Get good scrub'? Yeah, why don't you come say that to my face, tough guy."[/color][/b] Scythe teases. The rest of the stream continues as normal until she wraps things up. 

	[b][color=black]"All right, I'm gonna wrap things up here. Thanks for watching. Remember that there is nothing we humans cannot accomplish, as long as we do it together. Stay safe out there, guys."[/color][/b]

[hider=Crime Fighting: Episode 1: Thief Buster #1]

	This video is much shorter. A camera with relatively low resolution is set on the ground in an alleyway. Two masked men with crowbars and breaking into a car. The description mentions they were a part of a since-busted ring of criminals. They're job was to get money and scrap for the organization by stealing cars from low-income neighborhoods and selling them off as scrap or repurposing them for crime. They used a device to stop the car alarm from going off. 

	"Shadow Scythe Vengeance!" A young girl shouts from behind the camera. Her voice is unedited. She dashes into view in black running pants and a black hoodie. Her mouth and nose are concealed by a black mask. 

	"What the-?" One of the guys says before being drop kicked. His ribs are pushed in and he slams his back against the car, wheezing. The teenager kip-ups to her feet. The other guy has circled around the car and swings at her. She ducks it and takes his knee out from under him with a kick. He swears and falls onto the knee. SSV backs up and does a spinning roundhouse kick across both of their faces, knocking them both out. The young girl throws both her hands up in victory.

	"Yes! I did it! Justice always wins!" She runs frantically back towards the camera. She picks it up and looks into it, breathing heavily. "Don't forget to like, savorite, and fubscribe- and subscribe, and like the video. Thanks!" The video ends. 



[hider=SSV relationship sheet WIP]

	[hr ][hr ][center][color=black][h1][b][ SHADOW SCYTHE VENGEANCE ][/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr ][hr ]
[h3][color=black][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[h3][color=black][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[h3][color=black][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[b][color=fdc68a]"Who are you again?"[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr]

[color=fdc68a][B][  NAME  ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Jane Smith [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][  HERO IDENTITY  ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Pandora [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][  NICKNAME/ALIAS  ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Pandora [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][  AGE  ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Three hundred and seventy. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Cis female. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT]HERO  [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][  APPEARANCE  ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Pandora is a beautiful white woman, having sculpted her own face to be that way. She has vibrant red hair, bright orange eyes, and fair skin.  Standing at about 5 feet, 6 inches, she looks to be about 25 years old. 

Pandora always wears crop tops, and usually shorts of some kind. They always compliment her toned, muscular physique. Deep red bandages are an uncommon sight, but one might spot her in them while she's working out. She doesn’t really have a super hero outfit, though she will occasionally suit up with a bullet proof vest and camo if the situation calls for it. Basically, she's super hot.[/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] Bitter, cruel, sarcastic. She messes with people for fun and has a mile-wide mean streak. Yet Pandora helps people all the same. It’s all a very immature front, especially considering her age. 

 These days she’s much more outwardly apathetic and calculated. If respected and tolerated for long enough, Pandora becomes wry and bantery. Still, it all can feel very surface level. Pandora doesn't often reflect on her life or herself. People say that with wisdom comes age, but that might not be the case with her. 

Moreover there is a kernel of genuine human compassion within her heart that she cannot crush nor extinguish, no matter how hard she tries. It’ll be there forever and she has to act on it. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ BIO ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT]Pandora was born a long time ago as Mary Madison, growing up a peasant farming girl in rural England. There she had a family, and when she grew up she married a man named Steven Silverstone. She lived a whole, normal life, from sister to aunt to mother. When she was an old lady, her husband passed away. Mary Silverstone, as she was then known and would be known for the next two centuries, was content with her life. To pass away and join her husband, mother, and father in heaven. And then, the X-200 meteor hit. After an unpleasant transformation experience she found herself a young woman again, now with incredible powers.

For few good decades she was a cheerful, glad to be alive superhero called the Changer. But as she realised she would outlive her entire family, she ran away and threw herself into the army. There she became a powerful nurse and soldier. It didn’t make her feel any better, though, and she became an evil imperial warlord. Known as the Shark of Crimea for her ability to swim through the ground and pull enemies under.

Then she was depressed, but she got better just in time for World War One. Shortly thereafter she was a soldier and then a spy in World War Two. The evil there crushed whatever faith she had left in humanity. After World War Two she barely participated in the Golden Age of Superheroes. She fell off the map. The last of her family died, the Silverstone line coming to an end. Pandora faked her own death, ending the life of Mary Silverstone and coming to America where she took the name Jane Smith, or rather, Pandora. There she opened up a flower shop and lived there for a while. Her last living relative, a child named Rose, implored her to become a hero again. Eventually she did, and for the last thirty years she’s been doing her part to make Castleburg a better place. She’s in a better place than she has been in a while, but that’s not saying much. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][b]|  MISCELLANEOUS  |[/b][/color]
[color=fff79a][indent] Has adopted a family of dogs named after various types of flower. Currently she has Petunia II and Daisy II. [/indent][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] S [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color]

[b]Alteration of Matter[/b]

 Has the power to precisely and quickly Alter any matter  within a 50 foot radius, as long as she can use her hands or feet. The further away, the longer her will has to reach out. Usually every ten feet adds one seconds. But once her will to change something reaches that spot, it happens instantaneously. Still it's possible to dance along the outside of her range and avoid her powers. She can only interact with four things at a time, one for each limb. If her fingers or toes are covered at all, she has to push through that material. And the more things she Alters, the slower they are to change.

Still. It is any state of matter into any other state of matter. Or just changing one thing into another, though complicated machinery and technology won't be functional. 

 Her internal biology has also vastly changed, her organs having coagulated into a purple goo. Now she doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe air, and she doesn’t age. Her Alteration powers can be used to heal or repair, aswell, but the effects are dramatically reduced on herself, any change taking months to go into effect. This is the source of her immortality, and the reason she can't effectively Alter herself.[/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color]
Pandora has trained her strength, so she is stronger than the average person. But she has no strength related powers. 3/10.

[color=fdc68a][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color]
Same here. She is more agile than the average person but has no agility related powers. 3/10.

[color=fdc68a][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color]
Pandora has literal centuries of experience under her belt and knows many different kinds of powers. She has been a prestiged military officer and is the most veteran of all the veteran superheroes. However modern technology continues to somewhat elude her, and she can be forgetful. 5/10

[color=fdc68a][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color]
There are few people on the planet capable of the amount of precise, accurate destruction Pandora is. “Damage” is not necessary for her destruction, all she has to do is be near something and Alter it until it’s falling apart. Or set something on fire, or freeze it, or liquify it. The carnage can spread quickly if she so chooses. 9/10

[color=fdc68a][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color]
Pandora is a highly trained combatant. She knows many martial arts and is an excellent markswoman. Her main advantage is once again her experience, all the wisdom that comes with age with none of the physical downsides. 8/10

[color=fdc68a][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color]

Pandora is resistant to damage, having no vital organs when her powers are active. Her limbs can work independently of each other, even her head. The best place to strike are her abdomen or thighs, the places where she has the most blood to lose. And of course, her endurance is high because she cannot die of natural causes. 8/10

[color=fdc68a][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color]

Forever. Forever, forever, forever. Too long. 10/10

[color=fdc68a][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] She is a skilled florist. She’s picked up and forgotten a few hobbies over the years. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=fdc68a][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color]
[color=fff79a][INDENT] While she can’t create complicated technology, she can change it and then change it back. So Pandora has a utility pouch full of trinkets and knick knacks that she can change back into useful items, like a handgun or a GPS tracker. [/INDENT][/color]


[hider=Pandora Relationship Sheet WIP]
[hr ][hr ][center][color=fdc68a][h1][b][ PANDORA ][/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr ][hr ]
[h3][color=black][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[h3][color=red][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[h3][color=green][ THEIR NAME ][/color][/h3]
[ [i]"hmmm yes the floor is made of floor"[/i] ]
[ Insert thoughts about them here ]

[hider=Mallory Doyle]
[b][color=719246]"The fuck are you lookin’ at?"[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr]

[color=719246][B][  NAME  ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT]Mallory Doyle[/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][  VILLAIN IDENTITY  ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Lyssa, but she’s never told anyone this. To the rest of the world she is an unnamed villain. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][  NICKNAME/ALIAS  ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Mal [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][  AGE  ][/B][/color]

[color=719246][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color]

[color=719246][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Confetti’s villain team. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][  APPEARANCE  ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Mallory is tall and made of ropey muscle, standing at a staggering six feet, four inches. A tall girl, to say the least. Her clothes are pretty ratty, and her long black hair is untrimmed and ratty in places. If she cared, she would probably clean-up rather nicely.[/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Mallory Doyle has an explosive outburst disorder. Her temper is something utterly beyond her control, and what would merely annoy other people can send her into an irrationally violent rage.

When she isn’t freaking the hell out, or getting angered, Mallory is a grounded person. She certainly knows she has a problem, but she doesn’t feel like she has adequate resources or the means to “fix” herself. She has a strong distrust of the government and is worried they might  disappear her into the Depths. But not afraid enough to not mess with them, in fact she believes the forces that be could be knocked down a peg or too. But her intentions are almost entirely self-serving. She wants money in a power in a world where she has felt helpless her entire life.

Secretly, she often finds refuge in public libraries. Since everyone is forced to be quiet and shut up there, it’s a place where she feels safe. She also likes animals and won’t ever hurt one, especially dogs. Even police dogs. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][ BIO ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Born to poor parents, her mother abandoned her at birth and left her with life-long loser, Timothy Doyle. An utterly inadequate man, crushed into a cog and then placed within the machine of society. He took part in creating his loser daughter. At least, that’s how Mallory views the situation. He tried to take good care of his daughter but he wasn’t up to the task. As Mallory grew up it became clear she wasn’t going to easily fit in. Her explosive temper kept her socially isolated. Her independent, bitter spirit rejected the people that would attempt to solve her problems by drugging her personality away entirely.

As she grew up, entirely friendless, she had poor grades. She got arrested and put into juvy a few times. She dropped out, one of many people to slip through the cracks. When her powers developed as a young teenager, she turned to petty crime. She tried to go straight, but she could never hold down a job. For a while she considered joining HERO but she knew they wouldn’t have her. Not a bad guy like her.

So she became a career criminal. She was content to be hired, metahuman muscle for the gangs and mafias that still control significant areas of Castleburg. 

Her father came down with some kind of sickness she doesn’t understand. Whatever it is, it’s killing him slowly. This is what pushed her over the edge into full on supervillainy in order to acquire enough money to pay for his treatments, and also get enough cash in one big spree that she can retire forever. That’s why she joined up with Confetti. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][b]|  MISCELLANEOUS  |[/b][/color]
[color=gray][indent] She likes beer. Maybe wine, sometimes. [/indent][/color]

[color=719246][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] B+  [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] String Form

Mallory can turn her body into white string. The string is very durable, and can be thick like ropes or stretched into piano wire. She has a lot of string, as much as could be coiled and compressed within her tall form. 

She can stretch and shrink her form, or contort it into various shapes and sizes. The string has a lot of power behind it as well as its durability. She can change only parts of her body into string, or the whole thing. Since the string is so strong and can be so malleable, she can often create extremely sharp appendages.

She is capable of splitting the string, but the more pieces she is split into, the more easy the string is to damage. Damage to the string is carried over to her more standard form. 



[color=719246][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color]

Mallory’s string has a lot of power behind it, capable of crushing, striking, or grappling with considerable power. This power is also available to her normal body. 7/10

[color=719246][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color]

Mallory is very agile. She can fit through any gap that’s wider than a razor wire. She can jump, pull, swing, and fling herself around the place. Extremely maneuverable and precise. 9/10

[color=719246][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color]

Undereducated, but makes up for it with street smarts. 2/10

[color=719246][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color]

Capable of producing a decent amount of slashing and crushing damage. But overall, nothing particular massive in scale. 5/10

[color=719246][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color]

Sharp, malleable, self-supporting wires. Ouch. 7/10

[color=719246][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color]

Not only is Mallory made out of tough stuff, she’s made out of compressible materials. Often she can just go with the flow. Even the impact of fired bullets will be reduced if she lets her body be loose. The bullets can pass right through her. If she goes the opposite route, they could bounce off. Over time she can be worn down, so she prefers to keep her exposure minimal. 7/10

[color=719246][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color]

Not much can really prevent her from going into string mode. Infact, she’s always in string mode. It’s just sometimes her body looks normal. Even if she falls unconscious her body will remain in its last form. She can split herself into multiple pieces. These pieces will dissolve in time, and her body will regenerate more strings at about the same pace. 9/10

[color=719246][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Street brawling. Knows the Dewey decimal system. She also has some contacts in the underworld from her time as a hired gun. Speaking of guns, she’s not a half-bad shot, though she’s by no means a markswoman. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=719246][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color]
[color=gray][INDENT] Machine-pistols, a pick-up truck. Various miscellaneous supplies for skulduggery. [/INDENT][/color]


[hider=Project Gateway]
[hr][hr][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/vjrVrHYX0G0_pVZBLBTrVyiintEOwP8Ty9eCW7W-Sw4/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/25/b3/7d/25b37d932bcca7a7461d2fbbd78f177c.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/494317685505523714/880999986358280302/bubble.png?width=239&height=562[/img]
[center][color=f49ac2][h1][b]G A T E W A Y[/b][/h1][/color]
[b][color=f49ac2]"At your service! ...For a price. 

...A price already covered by your tax dollars so you’ve nothing to worry about!"[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr]

[color=f49ac2][B][  NAME  ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT]Summer O’Shea [/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][  HERO IDENTITY  ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT]Project Gateway[/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][  NICKNAME/ALIAS  ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] Gateway [/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][  AGE  ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] Twenty-one [/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT]Female, she/her[/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][  APPEARANCE  ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT]Dazzling, naturally pink hair is Summer’s most identifiable trait. Usually she wears brightly colored, form fitting clothes and her favorite blue and white jacket. She stands at 5 feet, 6 inches and has a toned physique. Also distinct from most people in Castleburg is her Northern Irish accent.

The powered suit she wears is also very form fitting. The helmet is completely smooth, but Summer can see perfectly with sensors and imperceptible cameras. The faceplate also retracts, if she needs some fresh air or to make eye contact with someone. On the right side of the base of her skull there is a black square, something like a cybernetic implant that she uses to alter her brain functions.

When it is equipped with utilities and weapons, those can add onto the suits bulk and change how it looks.[/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] Summer is a boisterous, swaggering young woman who isn’t afraid to make a fool out of herself. Always acting like a clown for a joke or a laugh and constantly propping herself up. Some might view it as arrogance, but it’s simply the way she enjoys behaving. The center of attention is where Summer likes to be.

	Greed is one of her primary motivations for being a hero, and Summer isn’t afraid to show it. Between her merchandising and her hero alias being a usable hashtag on social media, Summer is always trying to cook up ways to get more bang for her buck. Spreading the love is not an issue, and if she thinks more people can make more money, she’ll jump at the opportunity. Cooperation is just another way of getting rid of the competition, really! There’s plenty to go around, if only folks are willing to put the work in.

	While she certainly might be off-putting or unlikable to those with more traditional views of heroism, there’s little malicious about her behavior. Beneath all the bluster is a bravehearted person who really does just want to help. Help everyone. Including herself! And her friends! Is there really anything wrong with that?

	Summer also wants people to recognize and appreciate her and her friends' intelligence. As well as prove that just because she doesn’t have powers, that doesn’t mean she can’t be the best hero around.


[color=f49ac2][B][ BIO ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] Summer calls the idyllic countryside outside of Belfast, Ireland her home, growing up in a picturesque small town that she would now refer to as ‘boring as hell’. Beautiful town though it may be, her father and mother were quite poor, and Summer got a job early to help out. With no siblings and her parents busy, Summer ended up being quite lonely. The X-200 had given her the worst superpower ever- the ability to have pink hair all the time and she can’t turn it off. Bafflingly, this made the other kids distrust and dislike her, claiming that she was bound to have other secret powers as well. Or maybe they just wanted an excuse to pick on someone who was different. Being a ‘nerd’ didn’t exactly help, either. Ireland wasn’t all bad; the adults there treated her kindly and her parents loved her dearly. And when she left her hometown and went to neighboring towns and cities, she found herself making temporary friends with strangers. Perhaps the only problem was Keelin, a very rude popular girl who seemed to position herself as Summer’s arch nemesis… or maybe that was just a reductive way of looking at things.

	People thinking she had secret powers made Summer both loathe the idea of superpowers, and become infatuated with the idea. This conflict drove her to want to become a superhero, powers or not. Not just a cop, or a protector, or work with heroes- an honest to God superhero with a name and a gimmick and a fanbase. That would show them. And another thing- she’d never be poor again. These ambitions stuck.

Being bullied didn’t matter. No, it didn’t bother young Summer at all, for she found refuge in her studies and the internet. Over the next several years she developed a tight knit group of like minded outcasts and oddballs like herself. In search of power and glory they formed Project Gateway, the world’s first non-powered superhero. Each of them had a different skill to bring to the table, and together they began to put their plans into action.

	It took a lot of hard work, but eventually the five of them got a lucky break. They got a corporate sponsor in the form of GatewayX, a private space program. Thus, they renamed Project Mecha-Bitch 3000 to Project Gateway. Summer served as the only non-powered superhero of CELT’s Northern Irish branch. Eventually she was zooming all over the Great Britain area. The support of the Irish government wasn’t far behind. 

	A strange problem occured. There wasn’t enough action. Summer wanted Project Gateway to go global. Perhaps rub her success in the face of heroes all around the world. 

 Thus, #Project Gateway was cleared to travel to the super[s]villain[/s] hero capital of the world, Castleburg. She’ll be arriving shortly.

[color=f49ac2][b]|  MISCELLANEOUS  |[/b][/color]
Members of Team Mecha-Bitch

[hider=Electrical Engineer]Balavan Lohar

“Hello? HELLO? Is this thing on? Let’s get this party started already!”

The original candidate for the pilot of the suit, this Indian born lad is a fiercely competitive electrical engineering genius. Unfortunately, a car accident left him bed-ridden for a long time before the project went live. While he’s better now, no one could possibly separate Summer from the Suit, now. He designed the incredibly compact power systems for the suit and the heads up display. [/hider]

[hider=Mechanical Engineer] Dimitri Alexeyev

“This will work. You should all be ashamed, but I will make this work.”

Isolated, cold, and alone, Dimitri wouldn’t have it any other way. From his palace made of ice, foundations constructed of the skulls of his enemies, (allegedly) Dimitri is the mastermind behind implementing and ensuring the consistency of the weapons implemented into the Gateway suit. He operates from somewhere in the Baltics.


[hider=Chemical Engineer] Awa Yoneyama

“Pink is cute! Like your hair! Everyone will like us, yes!”

	The heart of the team and it’s second youngest member, Awa is the mind behind the Gateway suit’s most iconic weapon, the Bubblegum formula. She also designed the aesthetic of the suit and while she is sad that Bubble Gum Glue Girl is not the name of the superhero, Gateway is better than Mecha-Bitch 3000. She is also the most skilled in the medicinal arts of the team. 


[hider=Technical Support] AMI 


	A rogue chunk of loose traffic managing AI code developed in South Africa. AMI stands for Advanced Machine Intelligence. She is the youngest member of the team at only ten years old, but she certainly has a vast array of knowledge on many topics. She is best at the remote operation parts of their missions, controlling cameras and drones.


[color=f49ac2][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] E Rank when out of suit. Estimated B- rank when in suit. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] The Mecha-Bitch 3000, or rather, the Gateway Armor, is a form-fitting, highly durable and mobile suit that has many configurations and modifications available to it. Being very versatile, Summer can serve almost any role in a mission, but she is often out-done by powered specialists. Her greatest strength is being prepared and bringing the right tool[/INDENT][/color]


[color=f49ac2][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color]

The suit, by default, has enhanced strength to allow Summer to bust through walls, pick up cars, and knock people around. Useful for saving people and crowd control. 7/10

[color=f49ac2][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color]

Summer is no slouch when it comes to being athletic, and the enhanced strength of the suit only increased this attribute. She can jump high, be mobile, and do anything she can do outside of the suit, only more than twice as well. 

[color=f49ac2][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color]

Summer is the maintenance technician of the group. She has an excellent memory and knows how to put things back together again. She knows the suit inside and out, and electronics and mechanics in general are her domain of expertise. This alone is very useful, but she also has a panel of experts at her disposal at all times, and they are never afraid to chip in. 7/10

[color=f49ac2][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color]

The Gateway Suit is capable of a great amount of destruction, especially with it’s modifications. 8/10

[color=f49ac2][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color]

One of the reasons Summer has come to be the permanent pilot is her temperament. Unlike the others, she is willing to do what it takes while having an even mood, being the most calm and collected under pressure. The Gateway Suit has a variety of lethal weapons for putting down dangerous targets quickly in order to minimize loss of life. 8/10 

[color=f49ac2][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color]

Given how Summer is just a squishy human, it was very important the suit be capable of taking as much damage as possible in order to give her a chance to escape or turn the fight around. Being bulletproof was a complete necessity, and she definitely is. Shock and impact damage was next. The only unavoidable weakness was that to piercing damage by heavy objects with a consistent pushing force, in other words, close ranged stabbing by someone with a melee weapon and super strength. But building the fabric and metals of the suit to combat that would be too much and would lower the effectiveness of everything, putting Summer into more danger. The suit also has an in-built medical system to stabilize Summer if she gets hurt. 8/10

[color=f49ac2][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color]

The Gateway suit can be on for a long amount of time, and since Summer herself is mostly spared the exhaustion of her physical actions, she can operate under duress for a great amount of time. However the Gateway suit does need recharging, on average, two or three times a week. 

[color=f49ac2][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color]
[color=white][INDENT] Besides her knowledge related to her field, Summer is a decently trained hand to hand fighter. She’s light on her feet, and is a really good dancer. [/INDENT][/color]

[color=f49ac2][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color]

[hider=Bubble Buddy]Bubble Buddy: A go-to non-lethal loadout, equipped with Yoneyama’s bubble weapons. 

Bubble Launcher: The suit’s hands are modified to fire projectiles out of the palms and index fingers. Fire high speed, high impact gum rounds that explode on impact. One or two is enough to knock an opponent over and then stick them to the ground. Stronger targets require more bubbles, but getting hit by them is a huge annoyance, even when blocked. 

Bubble Bomb: A small pink pebble that, when squeezed, expands into a grenade sized sphere. When thrown, there are a few seconds of wait time and then it detonates, spreading adhesive over a large area and knocking targets away.

Silly String: Fire out sticky pink string for various purposes and in various forms. 

Limited Hovering: Bubble Buddy can float in the air and move at slow speeds. 

Sticky Hands: The Gateway Suit has an adhesive on her hands and feet that can be activated to allow her to navigate walls and ceilings at higher speeds. 

Adhesive Healing: An altered bubble formula can be applied with a touch to safely stop the bleeding of wounds. 

Solvent Mist: A special formula that can disintegrate the sticky adhesive. The bubblegum dissolves within 24 hours unless modified, but this can always be useful. Kept in a can. 

Stungun: A high quality stun gun to debilitate close range targets. 

Taser: A taser with longer range prongs and penetration. 

Strengths: Non lethal damage, crowd and damage control, urban movement, defense.

Weaknesses: Elemental attacks, flying enemies, artificial enemies. 

[hider=The Think Tank]

Exoskeleton: An armored exoskeleton is mounted onto the suit, increasing Gateway’s height, strength, and durability manifold. 

Kinetic Enhancers: While the exo-skeleton already boosts her strength, two hand holds around her arms give her access to a pair of piston-esque implements. The pistons have good freedom of movement and are capable of outputting a huge amount of kinetic force, rivalling those with super strength.
Portable Energy Shield: Arm mounted hard-light energy shield she can use to defend herself and allies from bullets and other hard hitting attacks.

Shoulder Mounted Rocket Launchers: A pair of four barreled rocket launchers. They auto reload and can fire munitions of various types.

Strengths: Killing people, destruction, offense, tanking.  

Weaknesses: Mobility, elemental attacks, kinetics.

[hider=Bomber Man]

Enhanced Flight Systems: Mounted on ankles, palms, and back, a miniature grafted exoskeleton that drastically increases her speed and mobility in the air. Energy engines leave pink trails where she flies.

Beam Projectors: High powered beams made from leftover kinetic energies of the flight suit. Capable of being fired from clenched fists.

Grenade Launcher: Semi-automatic shoulder mounted grenade launcher capable of firing a variety of projectiles at a decent rate of fire. Usually loaded with bubble grenades, but more lethal munitions are available.

Strengths: Evasiveness, mobility, fighting against kinetics and casters.

Weaknesses: Durability, close quarters, high durability targets.




With every loadout and configuration, Summer can call in reinforcements with drones deployed from around the city, or the HERO blimp. Alternatively, she could equip herself at the start of the mission and only call in other deliverables later. These weapons and tools can be equipped in any loadout, and it’s rare that she goes without one or several of the items on the list, depending on how heavy and cumbersome they are. 

Super Special Pistol: A large, ‘U’ shaped pistol with multiple functions.

Adhesive Net: Fire out a large, ropey net made out of adhesive bubblegum.
Knockout Pellets: Fire slower moving projectiles that shatter on contact, releasing potent knock out gas on a small area.
Bubble Blast: Short range shotgun blast of adhesive projectiles.
Bubble Bolt: Long range, high speed spear-like adhesive shot. Requires charge up.

Heavy Plasma Gun: A machine gun that fires a volley of high speed, red plasma bolts in something similar to a laser gun.

Minigun: A minigun. 

Grenade Launcher: A two handed grenade launcher, equipped with multiple types of munitions.

The Big One: A battering ram tool in the form of a long black cylinder, held in both hands via handles along the top. Can turn people, walls, and steel into pulp when ‘fired’. A short range mega-punch. Don’t miss, it has a hefty recharge time. 

Shield Projector: Two shield projectors that create a ten by ten by ten diameter translucent pink hard-light shield. Default settings are that people can go in and out, but projectiles can’t. Can be tweaked if fiddled with before or after deployment. 

Shield Wall: Fifteen by ten foot, slightly curved see-through shield wall of hard-light.

Shield Drone: A drone equipped with a hard-light projector shield.

Bubble Drone: A drone equipped with a short range bubble blaster.

Gas Drone: A drone equipped with a short range gas projector. Knockout, smoke, or tear gas.

Plasma Cutter Sawblade: A two handed melee weapon and utility item for cutting through the most durable surfaces. Or enemies.

Isolene Injector: For shutting down defeated enemies with dangerous powers that can’t otherwise be restrained. 

