[h3][color=#66b2b2]ARIA: THE PROTECTOR[/color] | PSPD #11[/h3][sub]ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - w/ [@FamishedPants][@BrokenPromise][/sub][hr]

[indent]With Kumambamon out of the way, the Protector turned to Sir Agent and gave him a thumbs-up before focusing its attention on the gaping hole in the floor. A few steps forward brought into earshot the voices of a couple from the floor below them-- [i]Perhaps more mascots? How many kumamons did these people have ready?[/i] The Protector thought to itself. Along with this, they were seemingly the ones to blame for the smoke that inched closer and closer to them. The yellow smoke looked threatening, and with no idea of how it could affect them in their esper form, the Protector decided not to risk it. Even as their perpetrators shot through the hole, it did not want to see the situation escalating-- it had to move fast.

[color=#66b2b2]"There are more of them downstairs-- I will try to take care of them."[/color] The Protector hurriedly readied itself a simple prayer and formed a pulsating blue dome around its already-armored body. With a little more protective insurance, the sentinel took a few steps into a running leap, effectively hopping into the man-made hole and landing on whoever was unlucky enough to be standing in its way. It readied itself to begin its attacks before coming to a pause. 

Before it stood one [i]kumamon[/i], looking only a little different from the first one she'd met, save for the pretty hair, and beside them... 

Was this... the King it heard of? Where were his buttons? No, scratch that, where was his whole dang shirt? The Protector could only feel its cheeks blush furiously once more. It was always like this, damn it! The fewer clothes people wore, the more indecent it felt to the Protector. Still, it could not help the raging warmth spreading beneath its helmet. A string of helpless rationalizations flew into the titan's head at that moment - surely it was reasonable to admire beautiful bodies, was it not? It was. Surely! HOWEVER! These were their opponents! And no good looks or exposed [s]muscley[/s] chests nor abdomens could sway the sentinel-- at least not too much before it came to its senses. The Protector raised its spear arm and gave itself a slap, and then attempted to focus on the task at hand. 

Perhaps these were the voices they'd heard earlier on the stairs. At once, it will begin to swing and thrust its straight-headed spear at the two [i]Kumamons[/i], willing its long reach to attempt to strike at their critical points.

[color=#66b2b2]"P-please cover yourself up, at least!"[/color] The Protector would shout, disregarding the fact that a change of clothes in the midst of battle would be silly.[/indent] 

[hider=Mana Costs][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hkusrvW.png[/img][/center]
20 | Female | The Freelancers | Guardian
Protector's Treaty | Spear, Shield | Arcane | Aegis
Protector's Stronghold | Shelter 
Protector's Mandate | Gravity | Fortification 
[Weightless (4), Suspend X (4)], Blink (4), Restrain (4), Pull (2), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Shield (4)]


[Bronze Self][Shield]= -32

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | 236[/center][/hider]