[center] [h1][color=red]S[/color] [i]a m u e l[/i][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YAOdhnj.png[/img] [color=red]"Izurich smelly"[/color] [color=888888]— Sam[/color] [hider=Status]30 | Male | G.E.M.I.N.I | Creeping Anxiety Stab, Slash | Dagger, Sword | Arcane | Fade Paranoia | Hallucinate Malice | Darkness | Devious Intent [Obfuscate (4)] [Intangible (4)], Damage X (6), Pull (2), Dispel (6), Mana Burn (6), Restrain (4), Extend (2), Trap (0), Piercing (2), Full Enhance (4) DAMAGE: D | SPEED: D | SENTINEL: D | 750 [Bronze None][Zilch (0)] = -0 Mana PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 478[/hider][/center] The ever-grinning face of Samuel's Esper form turned its attention towards the corpse of the felled snake, giving in to the urge to wipe the splat of blood that landed on his face when he plunged his blade into the said man's neck with his knuckles. He also chose to give a quick flick of his blade to rid its blade of any excess on it before studying the body with a bit more intensity, but only after glancing around to make doubly sure he wasn't going to get shot for doing so. [color=red]"Are those... bite marks?"[/color] he wondered aloud, examining it closely, but quite obviously avoiding touching the deceased being like it was tainted. If he didn't think it was prudent to do so, Samuel would prefer to avoid inspecting this man's corpse in any detail. He could calm his heart and mind for these fights, but his stomach for this sort of stuff was never the best. G.E.M.I.N.I training videos did ensure that he saw these things closely before having to interact with him, and it wasn't like today was the first time he'd taken a life, but it wasn't something he warmed up to, either. Samuel would stand up straight, scrutinizing the group of Freelancers with what would've been an approving look had he the ability to convey more than a creepy smile. He did not have such an ability in Esper form, sadly. [color=red]"Wonderful,"[/color] he commented. [color=red]"We certainly have not finished the mission yet, but I imagine with this man's departure, we've crossed the toughest hurdle."[/color] Samuel glances at the radio buzzing with the anxious worry of the thug's allies. [color=red]"Their response leads me to believe we have routed the enemy. And, assuming our shirtless companion has not fallen, with zero casualties."[/color] Beneath the eery echoes, one could just make out his satisfaction in his voice. [color=red][i]Except the building[/i][/color], Samuel avoided adding, although if that bomb threat was genuine, the fact that they got away with a burned hall or two and an explosion wasn't too shabby. The building was fairly intact, so Sam doubted it would be considered a failure by any real means, so long as there weren't surprises in the cleanup. But before that, Samuel wanted to check up on the status of these Freelancers... Thus, the tense feeling one might get when a devil was watching them was fleeting for most of the group, but the ice-favored Freelancer, Klava, was not so lucky. Samuel eyed the girl unabashedly, her charred form prompting his next line. [color=red]"How so very capable you remain even in such terrible condition,"[/color] he nods, then glances at his own injured arm. [color=red]"I must admit I couldn't see myself doing half as well in the same situation. Splendid."[/color] It was now that Apollo showed up, flaunting a gun that was flamboyant enough to be called 'fitting' when wielded by him. It seemed he came out victorious. As thanks for his help, Samuel immediately pointed out a job he could be doing. Lucky him. Once it became clear that Apollo was tending to Klava, he moved on to the Protector. He eyed the detonator in their hands with caution. [color=red]"It is a shame he had that, otherwise we might have been able to take him alive, possibly. But we'll have to settle for an identifiable corpse instead."[/color] Unless the Freelancer was against it, Samuel would hold onto the detonator from that point on. He did not seem to want to linger for very long, clearly preferring the idea of a clean, fully-swept building to one with potential hostile surprises popping up later. It would not take long for he and the rest to wind up crossing paths with the railgun-toting G.E.M.I.N.I agent, Valkyrie, which for a zeptosecond, caused him confusion. The sound of her rifle was hard to mistake so it's not like he was oblivious entirely, but he was unaware that she wasn't just firing from afar like earlier. She had quite obviously seen better days, so ignoring all else, he hastened to reach her and confirm her status. Of course, at the end of the day, he was cursed with abilities better suited towards killing and maiming instead of healing and supporting. Realizing as much, he would opt to escort her down to the lowest floor (particularly helping navigate a certain hole on the way) if she requested it. Even if they weren't too familiar with each other, Samuel did not seem to mind at all if he had come off weird, almost doting. He would, naturally, respect any wishes they had, though. Samuel would not rest until each and every nook and cranny of the place had been cleansed of the thug taint. On cleanup, if anyone there managed to use their heads and surrender, then he wasn't going to mercilessly execute them and instead have them be apprehended while they eliminated anyone that still posed a threat without batting an eye. This cleanup seemed to prompt a more aggressive behavior from Samuel, likely intending on making up for being so reliant on the Freelancers as he had been. Or, so one might guess was the reason for his sudden lapse into proactivity. But with what the entirety of his group (and the others) had to have dealt with today, perhaps they might view his yearning for the action as a positive thing. Once everything had been entirely cleared and the mission came to a complete close, he personally thanked each of the members who worked with him, including Apollo, once again and bid them well.