[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNlYTkzYi5WR2x0Wld0bFpYQmxjZy4y/beyond-wonderland.regular.webp[/img] [i][b][color=Goldenrod]"There's no rest for the wicked."[/color][/b][/i] [color=gray][i]Current Location: Richter Street[/i][/color] The instigator anticipated his last resort. He didn't care. It's swarm speed forward to support the ukulele-playing annoyance. He didn't care. All that mattered to the Timekeeper there and then, was to deliver the final blow. Cause honestly? The thing was starting to piss him off. Swiftly, makeshift club clashed against rapier, but only one had prevailed. Fable had suffered a blow to his shoulder. Amber-colored oil; his blood, seeped through the cracks, revealing hints of copper alloy accented with slivers of silvers and gold. But this was a mere scratch in comparison. In Fable's free hand rested Aeterna. And skewered on Aeterna was the corpse of the blue behemoth. Struck dead in the heart, as precise as the boy liked. His face scrunched up slightly as he shook the dead crab off, allowing it to turn to dust like the rest of it's friends. He turned back to the other three, but only managed a couple of steps forward before he felt lightheaded. Did he have enough energy left to heal himself? Luckly, he didn't need to bother. Elroy had stepped over to help him. The nickname did confuse him for a second though. [color=Goldenrod]"'Gear boy'? What are you- ...Oh, right."[/color] Fable's head turned toward the smaller gears that acted as his joints. The damages to his shoulder gear essentially paralyzed his arm. So when the rockstar healed his shoulder, the smaller boy took a moment to shake it back awake. [color=Goldenrod]"Thanks for the help, Firecracker."[/color] He nodded to Elroy with a smirk. [color=c9272c]“No problem, gear boy!”[/color] The Timekeeper's attention went to the doctor lady, Binky, as she listed off everyone who took part of the extermination. Apparently someone named Pac-A-Fist took care of evacuations, while Immortal Volcano and Cthulhya (Which he assumed was Elroy and Mary, as obvious as it was at that point.) were accounted for in the Crab Rave's execution. The boy tilted his head when asked if he forgot to sign up. He had to sign up?? Fable opened his mouth to explain himself, but the rockstar giving him a light punch caught him off guard. [color=Goldenrod]"I-I didn't have time to sign up, I just ran into Doc soloing that thing and felt like she could use the help! Not to mention it trapped me between a rock and a hard place and if I tried to ran I'd probably be screwed, eheh..."[/color] He nervously stammered, explaning how he ended up getting involved. The meek boy he usually is pushing through for a moment. Then Elroy offered to give his half of the pay to Fable, making him more flustered. [color=Goldenrod]"Eh?! N-Now that isn't necessary, I don't need the money! Honest!"[/color] He tries to protest. Especially since he was planning on giving his half of the pay to Mary, as thanks and an apology. But the fact that he had to sign up to get paid slipped out of his mind. Speaking of Mary, ze finally spoke up, looking as nervous as Fable usually was. Apparently the two were talking when the bounty was posted. A part of him didn't want to know what, but he could see the annoyance in zir eyes when Elroy dragged him into their conversation, to which the mechanical boy only replied with a confused shrug. When Mary started to tear up, his eyes widened in worry. The hell happened while he was busy? Then ze explained what happened. Or really, what happened to [i]Betty[/i]. And the Timekeeper could feel his "blood" run cold. How Mary described what happened, how ze just [i]let[/i] this stranger manipulate zir and basically kidnap Betty for God-knows-what, the mix of emotions made him sick to his stomach. Elroy already ran off to search the Diner, so that left Fable's attention to Binky. Apparently she, or GEMINI in fact already knew who they were dealing with. A monster. One of the more humanoid ones. Vampire. But the way she talked about what happened to Betty as if it was just a slight inconvenience cause the boy to shudder. He was no mind reader. The doctor probably had high faith for her squadron to eliminate Justin easily, but how the hell could she act like that over a life at stake?? When she thanked him for the help, he took a deep breath to regained control of his emotions, and defaulted them into indifference. [color=Goldenrod]"The Timekeeper."[/color] He told her his handle on Shimr, furrowing his brows. [color=Goldenrod]"Inform me when that operation is ongoing, the earlier, the better. I dread to think of that bastard wanted with Betty."[/color] He bluntly told her, shuddering once more at the last sentence. Binky shrugged. [color=baddab]”If the government decides to hire freelancers, you'll be the first one to know about the operation.”[/color] Then he looked towards Mary. As much as he wanted to put some blame on zir, he couldn't. Ze was just a kid. ...They were both just kids. [color=Goldenrod]"I assume you'll be helping out too? Behavioural changes are common in cases of mind control. If we're to rescue Betty from that thing, I don't think she'll listen to us easily. We'll have to find a way to break the curse. You can leave the fanged freak to me."[/color] He remained stern as he told zir his hypothesis, even if it was only bones at the moment. His expression broke into a confused, empathic frown. [color=Goldenrod]"I won't blame you for letting this happen, Vampires usually have an air of charm to them, but he'll be a nusance to kill head on if we don't figure out how his mind control works. Was there anything abnormal about him?"[/color] He asked. Mary was still wallowing in self pity when Fable approached zir. [color=1462ba]“Well, actually, yes.”[/color] Zi used Danny to wipe zir tears away. [color=1462ba]“I don't remember what his eyes looked like. I think he kept them closed the entire time. but if he did look at me, I didn't see it.”[/color] With a huff, Binky lowered her tablet. [color=baddab]”I'm probably not suppose to share this with you, but if you're hunting Justin, I hardly see the harm in sharing it.”[/color] She adjusted her tie. [color=baddab]”Vampires aren't exactly like the ones you read about and see on TV. Monsters have similar attributes but can be different in a lot of ways. You don't need to invite them into your home, they won't stick around to pick up granes of salt, and holy symbols have no effects on them. One fortunate difference is that they cannot easy make more vampires. Instead, they make thralls.”[/color] She folded her arms. [color=baddab]”A vampire's infected blood is enough to turn a human into a thrall. An esper can resist the effects, but a human stands no chance. They can inject their infected blood into their target, which enthralls their will and makes them puppets of the vampire. They become their servants, doing their bidding. That can mean anything from attacking humans, cleaning their house...”[/color] Binky closed her eyes. [color=baddab]”...or allowing the vampire to drink all of their blood at a later date.”[/color] Mary pressed zir hands together, or at least placed a hand in Danny's mouth. [color=1462ba]“Then we have to act quickly!”[/color] [color=baddab]”What happened is tragic, but even if you find out where he's gone, it would be foolish to fight him yourselves. Though if anything turns up, do contact us on Shimr.”[/color] Binky turned to look at Fable. [color=baddab]”I'm not sure why you were running down the street, but I do think I would be in worse shape had you not shown up. So thank you for that.”[/color] She walked back towards the police station. [color=baddab]”Veronica, you'd better not have eaten all the donuts.”[/color] Mary remained stationary. [color=1462ba]“If you had stayed in the diner, does that mean that the white princess would have been safe, but that green haired girl would have gotten hurt?”[/color] Ze looked into Fable's eyes for an answer. At Mary's question, Fable detransformed back to his normal self, amber colored eyes returning to their humble brown. His grimore clicked back closed. [color=7F2A3C]"Frankly this felt like some stupid domino effect. But seeing as Doc was on a time limit? ...I'll be honest, there would not be that well of an outcome from either opposite side."[/color] He sighed, looking to Mary with a remorseful frown once more. [color=7F2A3C]"I won't ask for your forgiveness, but I will give you my thanks for assisting me, despite...yeah."[/color] He sheepishly glanced away. [color=1462ba]“Well, hngh...”[/color] Mary fidgetted with zir hands before Danny shot up in the air. When this happened, Mary cast zir gaze to the side. [color=9b83de]"What Mary is trying to say is that zi's sorry too! She was just having a bad day, and feels personally responsible for what happened to the violinist!"[/color] Mary walked closer to Fable so that Danny could rest on his shouler. [color=9b83de]"We won't rest untill she's back safe and sound!"[/color] He patted the back of Fable's head. [color=9b83de]"But all that said, throwing coffee is totally uncool!"[/color] The puppet pounded it's soft fists into the back of Fable's head. It felt more like a massage than a series of furious blows. [color=9b83de]"You've gotta take my mastress on a date or something now!"[/color] To be honest, he didn't really react much to the puppet's blows. [color=7F2A3C]"Can't you even blame me though, you've led me to assume you'd kidnap me or some crap!"[/color] He shot the two an unamused look, before snapping his head back to Denny when the puppet suggested making it up with a date. [color=7F2A3C]"Wait what-"[/color] Mary coughed, and Danny went limp. [color=1462ba]“I'm, ah, also glad you didn't let that whole thing bother you too much. Thank you for assisting with the opperation.”[/color] Zi looked back at Fable. [color=1462ba]“We should catch up with Elroy, hmm?”[/color] The boy nodded when Mary thanked him. [color=7F2A3C]"It's no problem at all. Let's move."[/color]