[hider=Wilhelmina Anholts - Captain Goodhope]

[center][h1][color=fff200]W[/color]ilhelmina [color=fff200]A[/color]nholts - [color=ed1c24]C[/color]aptain [color=ed1c24]G[/color]oodhope[/h1]

[hider=General Details][b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Nationality:[/b] Dutch

[b]Personality:[/b] A kind, warm girl raised by a loving family, Wilhelmina is easy to get along with. Despite her youth, she tends to take life in stride and with a certain sort of warmth. Make no mistake though: While she is an optimist who always gives people a chance, she is by no means naive. Should someone try to exploit her repeatedly, they will soon find themselves lacking her assistance along with her presence. She is also a voracious reader, a lover of stories who always has a book at hand.

On the flipside, Wilhelmina is very inexperienced. With only a year under her belt as a Grimoire Wielder, not to mention her peaceful upbringing, she finds the more frightening aspects of the Magical Girl World - such as the Pageless - difficult to stomach. She wears her heart on her sleeve, making her easy to read and manipulate to an extent. She also tells the truth most of the time, even when keeping her mouth shut or lying would serve her far better.

[b]Opinion on the Ministry:[/b] Despite her bearing an Altered Legend, Wilhelmina finds the Ministry useful and she willingly cooperates with it. In fact, she is enrolled as a full student, one of the few of her kind to do so. She views it as an essential instution of support and is quite starry-eyed about it given her positive experinces so far. If only she did not have to fight the Pageless! But everything comes at a price, right?[/hider]

[hider=History]The Netherlands is a nation with a proud naval history, which Wilhelmina's father seemed keen on maintaining. Having served as a sailor for nearly a decade before he found his wife, one of Wilhelmina's fondest memories is her sitting on her father's lap and listening to the stories of the sea. From the brave Odysseus who took twenty years to journey home through the legendary journey of Columbus and even the tale of the Flying Dutchman when she grew older, Wilhelmina loved them all. She also loved her fairy tales of course and her parents shared the duty of storyteller, alternating every other day.

Needless to say, she grew up in a loving household. Surrounded by older and younger siblings alike, she found herself supported where it counted and gently guided where she had to be. While her upbringing was by no means flawless, her parents gave it their all when it came to their children and it showed brilliantly with all of them. In the case of Wilhelmina, their care mainifested as excellence in all things literature, whether it be prose or poetry. Her successes came one after another; she even got accepted to a prestigious high school in a relatively remote location.

Saying her tearful goodbyes to her parents, Wilhelmina set out to live in the dormitories and immerse herself in the school's grand library. She set her sight on becoming a librarian, a professor of literature or perhaps even a great author herself, but fate would have other plans for her. For shortly after she set foot in the library she so wished to see, the Pageless struck.

Uncaring, unfeeling, horrible monstrosities, they started to devouring the library like a swarm of locusts. Ripping out page after page, destroying tome after tome, they cackled and danced as they destroyed humanity's greatest works while Wilhelmina stood, frozen in terror at their sight. This could not be happening, she thought. Why were they so cruel, she asked. Why did they not leave her beloved stories alone? It was unacceptable. She could not bear it. She wanted to defend these stories, to make sure they get passed on, just as her father passed his stories onto her and she would be willing to pay any price for that.

But nothing happened. All hope seemed to be lost as the Pageless flooded the premises until...

A brilliant pillar of light. Eight wings of gold. The choir of angels.

Magical Girl Lumiére had arrived. And as that dazzling figure fought against the relentless tide, something clicked within Wilhelmina's mind: she realised that no matter how deep the storm, no matter how dark the clouds... hope waited for her at the end. As though hearing this thought, her Grimoire Manifested in her hands, transforming her in a blinding show of light and colours. Her heart throbbing in her chest, the newly-born Magical Girl overcame her fear to stand beside Lumiére. With the older girl's experience and the younger girl's support, they managed to defeat the Pageless menace.

After that, Lumiére invited Wilhelmina into the Ministry, promising an explanation for everything that happened so far. Confused, lost and honestly curious, Wilhelmina accepted and she got moved to Britain under the guise of a scholarship; not a surprise given her general performance in the literary arts. This was one year ago and since then, she served as one of the Ministry's many Magical Girls.


[hider=Grimoire][b]Title:[/b] The Flying Dutchman's Kindness

[b]Classification:[/b] Altered Legend

[b]Description:[/b] The Flying Dutchman was a common tale amongst the sailors of the seventeenth century, with as many versions as the number of mouths that retold it. However, two elements remain consistent between all versions: the existence of a ghost ship cursed to forever wander the sea and the Cape of Good Hope being the place responsible for its tragedy.

In the most popular version, the Flying Dutchman is a vessel which got embroiled in a storm near the Cape of Good Hope. The captain swore that he would make it home "even if he had to sail until Judgement Day" and the Devil took him at his word. He cursed the captain to forever wander the seas along with his crew. However, an angel appeared before him, revealing how he might save his crew along with himself: Every seven years, the waves would bring him to shore. There, he would have to find a wife who remains true to him no matter the cost.

When he finally finds a hope for his salvation, the captain learns that the woman whose hand he sought in marriage, had been promised to another man. Succumbing to despair, he interprets this as a sign his curse would never end, so he and his crew return to his ship to sail the seas forevermore. But as Flying Dutchman leaves the harbour, his chosen wife swears eternal loyalty to him as she casts herself into the sea. Thus, the captain's redemption is earned: the Flying Dutchman, her crew and his wife ascend to heaven as one.

The Grimoire tells a much different story.

As written in [I]The Flying Dutchman's Kindness[/I], the captain is approached by one of his sailors, who has learned that his mother had been stricken with illness. Touched by the sailor's tale, the captain vows to make it home as soon as possible. He is even willing to brave the dangers posed by the Cape of Good Hope, which is also known as the Cape of Storms.

The other sailors are all too happy to get home again and merry tales fill the ship's hull as they leave port. They sail the seas with high hopes, however, they are struck by a terrible storm at the Cape of Good Hope - the very thing they wished to avoid. As the ship rolls, creaks and starts to shatter, the captain prays to God and His angels for salvation.

In his sincere prayer, he professes his foolishness and begs for the life of his sailors as he names all the prices he is willing to pay for their safety. An angel soaring in the heavens hears his prayer and just as the storm is about to rip the vessel into tiny pieces, just as a hope seems lost, the angel rescues them by lifting the ship out of water before delivering it to safe shores.

The angel delivers the price of his intervention: For seven hundred and seventy-seven years, the captain will have to wander the sea, saving seven sailors every day without fail. Humbled by the angel's appearance, the captain accepts the deal and swears an oath to live by it no matter the cost. The angel then ascends back to heaven as the storm dies down and the captain makes his way home - but he makes sure to fulfill his promise to the angel.

Since that day, he and his crew have saved countless sailors. Appearing as the faint light in the distance, they have guided many a ship to safety. They took mercy on the shipwrecked, rescued those trapped on uninhabited islands... even today, they continue to help the unfortunates of the world. For the captain shall never forget the kindness of God, nor will he ever forget his oath. He will faithfully accomplish his duty until his debt is repaid, whereupon he will take his rightful place by God's eternal throne.[/hider]
[b]Captain's Prayer:[/b] Locking her hands together and uttering a prayer to the Lord Himself, Wilhelmina calls upon His aid just as the captain did in her Grimoire's Legend. Unlike the Grimoire, however, the aid comes not in the form of an angel, but in the form of a blessing that she may convey to any ally or herself. Capable of healing all wounds and ailments, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual, its potency is only limited by how much magic she pours into it.

[b]Captain's Oath:[/b] Whenever one of Wilhelmina's allies swears to accomplish a goal, she can choose to bestow a blessing on them by calling upon the captain's goodwill and determination. In turn, the captain smiles upon them, granting a pinch of good luck, an increase of skill and a general increase in power to the person in question. The blessing lasts for as long as Wilhelmina maintains it and she may bestow it to a maximum of three people at this time, with each blessing taking a toll on her magic reserves.

[b]The Flying Dutchman's Crew:[/b] Much like the blessed captain of her Grimoire, Wilhelmina does not act alone. She is capable of summoning a maximum of five spectral sailors, all dressed in fine livery and appearing almost completely human. Veterans of countless years, they follow her commands to the best of their abilities, which are beyond that of any mortal man. Should the need arise, they can also summon magical muskets into their hand to deal with Wilhelmina's enemies.[/hider]

Captain Goodhope's Theme: 