[hider=Taslim Nurkholis] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BbYVcqA.jpeg[/img] [h3][b][color=9cacee]T[/color]ASLIM[/b] [b][color=9cacee]N[/color]URKHOLIS[/b][/h3] [b][i][color=9cacee]Unseen, Unheard[/color][/i][/b] [/center] [indent][hider=Theme] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB9Mi_hf7og[/youtube][/center] [/hider] [color=9cacee][b]ALIAS:[/b][/color] [indent]Agent 17-45 [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]ALIAS:[/b][/color] [indent]Vellum Society (Current), M16 Secret Intelligence Service (Former) [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]AGE:[/b][/color] [indent]36 [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] [indent]Male [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Visual References][center]Standing Profile [img]https://i.imgur.com/hkBDxjn.png[/img] [/center][/hider] Standing at 178cm (5'10"), Taslim is an adult man of Malay descent, a bit taller than the average of his ethnicity. He has short dark hair with a bluish sheen, matching the color of his eyes. Due to his occupation, Taslim is unsurprisingly well-built, athletically slim and an example of a naturally prime stature. Though looks matter little in his line of work, he has been described as 'dreamily stoic’ and 'handsomely roguish' by others who find him attractive. [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]COMBAT STYLE[/b][/color] [indent]Being an accomplished ex-MI6 agent before joining the Vellum Society, it should come to no surprise that Taslim is a highly-trained individual, both in and out of combat, equally dangerous whether armed or unarmed. As a cold, calculating agent preferring to stay off the stage and instead let the results of his work take the spotlight, Taslim prefers to accomplish his missions without anyone knowing that he was even there as according to his personal motto "Unseen, Unheard". However, if push comes to shove, then he'll have no hesitation to throw down, showing that the silent assassin doesn't necessarily shy away from direct confrontation when forced. [/indent] [indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent][color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Firearm Expert:[/b] [indent]Taslim possesses expertise in various types of small arms; from sidearms to rifles, though ideally, he prefers to engage his targets from a distance using a scoped marksman rifle with a suppressor attached, but when pulled into short-to-mid-ranged engagements, then he'll have no qualms in switching to more appropriate weapons such as pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and assault rifles, whatever it takes to neutralize the threat before him. One shot, one kill, then a covert exfil, that's how it should be, but experience tells him time and time again that even the best-laid plans do not survive first contact with hostiles, thus being able to improvise, adapt, and overcome is imperative in his line of work. [/indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Pencak Silat CQC Practitioner:[/b] [indent]A proper operative shouldn't find themself helpless even without firearms, thus, Taslim makes full use of his Malay heritage's traditional martial arts style, Pencak Silat. Employing swift punches, kicks, and grapples, Pencak Silat exclusively aims to accomplish one thing, to neutralize the target(s) ASAP. In its truest form, the style eschews any pretentious sense of “honor” and “fair play”; strikes to the eyes, neck, and groin are all fair game, in fact, [i]preferred[/i]. In the field, there's no room for pity, nor hesitation. [/indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]M16 Agent Skillset:[/b] [indent]In addition to the above, having been a fully-fledged agent of the MI6, Taslim possesses the following skills as part of the mandatory skillset required for all operatives; gadgetry, reconnaissance, and explosives usage and management. [/indent] [/indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Special Trait:[/b] [indent]An eye for detail, Taslim possesses a nigh-superhuman talent in noticing small details; objects in the environment, an individual's gestures and expression, texts in documents, etc. After all, as the saying goes "The Devil's in the details" and you won't believe just how much crucial information can be gathered by simply being more observant. Sometimes, the difference between a mission being a landslide success or a FUBAR is in discovering one tiny clue. [/indent] [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]COMBAT SLOTS:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Preferred Equipment:[/b] [indent]When given the chance, Taslim always brings his two most prized tools of the trade; a Glock G17 pistol and a Walther WA2000 marksman rifle, the latter in which only 176 were ever made in the world. Both weapons are often - if not always - equipped with a suppressor as befitting his preferred method of engagement. For personal protection, he wears a kevlar-padded suit and pants. For CQC, Taslim conceals a pair of karambit combat knives in his sleeves, the traditional weapon of Pencak Silat practitioners. [/indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Special Slot:[/b] [indent]Though Taslim has perfect 20/20 vision, a pair of glasses can often be seen perched upon his visage, as functional as it's stylish, the lenses and frame are made from bulletproof material. [/indent] [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] [indent] [hider=Personality] A naturally calm and collected person, Taslim's stoicism is tempered even further by both mental conditioning and field experience, creating a cold, calculatingly pragmatic operative who can be relied on to get the job done. Quiet and unassuming, the ex-MI6 agent strives to attract as little attention as possible when accomplishing his objectives. A suppressed shot to the head, a quick slit of the throat, and when possible, discreet disposal of the body. After all, missions already have enough risks of complications by default, no need to add even further if he can help it. The Indonesian-British is capable of fully separating his occupational and personal life, practically a requirement considering his line of work. Whatever happens in the job, stays in the job, as such, he doesn't have many personal friends, nor seeks to rectify it, but he treasures the few that he does have. [/hider] [hider=Backstory] A British native with Indonesian parentage, Taslim's early life was nothing special. His family wasn't particularly poor, nor rich, simply a run-of-the-mill middle-class Southeast Asian immigrant family in the United Kingdoms. A quiet, obedient yet independent child, Taslim could be described as a "model student" of a son. If there was anything notable about Taslim’s childhood was that he had always preferred noir movies above others, stories of gritty hard-boiled investigators set upon a monochromatic urban landscape, so much so that he aimed to actually pursue this line of work growing up. Upon graduating from high school, Taslim entered the police academy instead of a more traditional university, there, his career steadily grew until he was promoted to detective constable of the Metropolitan Police, the British police force with jurisdiction over the Greater London area. Over the years, his stellar performance as an investigator attracted the attention of the MI6, Britain's intelligence agency who scouted him, an offer that he took. From there, the detective-turned-secret agent embarked on multiple missions in service of his country, carving an exemplary track record as a silent assassin, unseen and unheard. As if forming a pattern, Taslim's feats drew the attention of the shadow organization only known as the 'Vellum Society', which approached him through their MI6 contacts, then for the second time in his life, he switched employers. With his admirable skills, experience, and reliability, he'd no doubt be one of Vellum's premium assets during their struggle to achieve a seat at the High Table. ...preferably with no one ever knowing that he played a part in the first place. [/hider] [/indent] [color=9cacee][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] [b]Color Code[/b]: [color=9cacee]9cacee[/color] [color=9cacee]❖[/color] Taslim is a 2nd-generation immigrant, born from a pair of Indonesian parents who moved to the UK before his conception. He has a great amount of respect for the culture of his ancestors. [color=9cacee]❖[/color] He speaks English and Indonesian with native-level fluency. He's also quite fluent in French, German, and Russian, though speaks them with an accent. 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