[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1215/posts/ooc?page=1#post-12648]Eins Nimgrud[/url][/center] --- "...foul witch..." Wretched drows with their foul magicking and idiotic ways. And the little drow over there thought she could actually seduce the dwarves. Mind controlled or not, no dwarf would stoop so low so as to be seduced by a filthy drow. The dwarves were restrained at least, leaving the ranger without a proper target, unless he felt like shooting at helpless men. Eins lowered her hand from the sword still in its harness on her back, grateful that they did not have to do battle on the rather rotted looking bridge. Doubtless the whole dwarven expedition must have passed through here, and without collapsing the bridge as well. Thus, one measly mercenary wearing armor and carrying a two hander would not be enough to even strain the bridge. Maybe? She had not the slightest idea, but a mission was a mission, and there was a door on the other side, one the dwarven expedition must have passed through. Passing carefully around the restrained dwarves and the disgusting creatures the drow called up, she headed over to the other side, unsheathing her sword as she did so. The words of her companions still rang in her head. Mind flayers, illifid something, with black stones that controls your minds. It was enough for her to wish she was back in the battlefield with all its horror. At least there things made sense, with none of these mystical nonsense about magicked stones. Finally at the end of the bridge at the other side, she took a glance back towards the others. Two restrained dwarves should be easy enough for those three to handle. Focusing on what was in front of her and ignoring the thing squirming around in her head, she pressed her hand against the door momentarily, before she pulled one of the levers beside it, seeking entrance to the next room.