[hider=Sadie the Moonjumper] Name: Sadie Erran Alias: Moonjumper Age: 27 (March 3rd, 1993) Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Powers: Anti-gravity. Sadie was born with the ability to make herself weightless and untether herself from gravity. This allows her to float, though she cannot propel herself midair without some kind of physical boost. She is able to run faster and leap great distances while her power is activated. She has also discovered that she hits faster and harder when weightless, able to enhance her strikes while fighting. She has become skilled in turning her power on and off quickly over the years, making her quite the impressive street fighter, only exerting energy when it's necessary. She also seems to have a slightly heightened durability and strength. Weaknesses: As far as her powers go, they take energy to use. Though she has been using them all her life and has excellent control over them, in part thanks to her time at Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the ability can still drain her energy if she isn't careful or keeps them activated for too long at once. Sadie may be a mutant, but is also still a human. She is capable of taking a beating, but broken bones still take time to heal, and guns and blades are deadly. [hider=Marvel Power Grid] Intelligence: 2. Her brains are nothing special, but she also isn't an idiot. She does have a good bit of wit though. Strength: Lower end of 3. She's definitely above average, but when it comes to lifting, she maxes out at double her body weight, 260 pounds. Speed: Without powers, she's a high end 2, but with powers, a very low end 3. She can run steadily at about 40 miles per hour with her power activated. Durability: 3. She is an expert at taking a hit, and seems to have a bit of a mutant durability. Energy Projection: 0 Fighting Skills: 4. She's been getting into scuffs her whole life and definitely knows how to handle herself. She hasn't trained a specific style, but has taken some tips from several martial arts into her street fighting. [/hider] Appearance: Sadie is an androgynous woman with short brown hair that sticks up in a sort of messy grunge style on the top of her head. She has light grey eyes, an infectious smile, and an obviously previously broken nose that sits a little crooked between the bridge and the tip. She has ear cuffs on the top of both ears, as well as a small piercing on the right lobe. Sadie has a slim body and well toned muscles, a clear indication of her love to fight. She is 5 feet and 8 inches tall, and weighs 130 pounds. [hider=Reference pic] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748982801541365871/923599394727661609/Moonjumper.png[/img] [/hider] Personality: To Sadie, the perfect night is turning on some anime, playing a fighting game, drinking a couple sodas, then heading out to knock the crap out of some criminal assholes. She has a love for action, and has since she was a child. She is a bit of a smartass, and likes to joke around. She is still a nice person, and has a decent sense of justice. She hates seeing weaker people get picked on, and will always jump in to help if she sees it happening. She uses sarcasm regularly. She is a decent hard worker, and does work out 3 times a week, hey, being a mutant has its perks, and one of them is that it doesn't take much for her to stay in shape. She currently works an annoying retail job and works out the usual frustrations of the job on the baddies crawling all over New York. History: Sadie's parents discovered that she was a mutant shortly after she learned to crawl. Her mother left her in her play-pen for just a minute while she checked on dinner. When she returned, Sadie was no longer in the pen. She panicked, like any mother would and began searching all around the house, anywhere a baby could have gotten to. She came back to the living room, a bundle of stress and looked up as she tried to think of the next step to take to find her baby girl. When she did however, she saw Sadie crawling on the ceiling, upside down. Growing up was strange for Sadie, as she didn't make an effort to hide her abilities, despite her parents' pleas. She lived comfortably enough, both of her parents worked respectable jobs, and she never went hungry or without toys, or when she was older, the latest game console. In first grade, she got her first real taste of the discrimination and hate that mutants would face. She had begged her parents to let her on a softball team, and they finally relented. She was playing second base when a pretty skilled batter of a kid got on the plate. They smacked the ball, and it was easily going deep center field, that is until Sadie leapt into the air 12 feet and floated there, catching the ball mid-flight. She threw the ball to the pitcher, who was staring in awe at the floating 7 year old a story above him. The ball landed next to him as he was stunned in place. Parents in the bleachers gasped and glared at the innocent girl who was now floating back down to the ground. From this point onward, she faced bullying at school, but it didn't take her long to start fighting back. She thought of Sailor Moon, and how she'd never stand for this kind of injustice and became something of a playground vigilante. This however ended with several trips to the principal's office. By the time middle school rolled around, she had taken an interest in fighting for fun. She started to notice she was good at it, and would pick fights frequently. She didn't win them all, and ended up with a broken nose at one point. It was around 8th grade when her parents were contacted by Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. They sent her there, hoping to protect her, and hoping that she'd learn some discipline. Their hopes were answered as she really fit in at the school. She learned how to control her powers, and attended as a boarder until she graduated high school. She returned home at 17, happy to be back in Queens. She was still the same girl in many ways, though less impulsive. Her parents were proud of her success at the school, and despite a few scares when the school was seemingly attacked by rebel mutants, it was a pretty positive experience. She got a job at the supermarket that her father ran. She moved out the next year, but continued working for her father. She spent the years working and fighting thugs in the streets, leaving them for the police to pick up. However, when she was 25 in 2018 when the Snap occurred, she was one of the many victims. She was carrying a box of canned vegetables when she suddenly turned to dust, leaving the box to drop with a heavy thud to the floor. Her parents grieved and spent 5 years believing they'd never see their daughter again, until 2023 when the Tony Stark sacrificed himself to right the world. Unfortunately, her girlfriend whom she had at the time she turned to dust had moved on, leaving her once again single. Since then, she's been fighting the good fight on the streets like always, taking down muggers, robbers, and other criminal scum. [/hider]