[h1][center]Pokemon: There and Back Again[/center][/h1] This is a closed rp that I am running with friends and use the gameplay that Platinumskink uses for his rp, [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/139269-pok-mon-start/ooc]Pokemon: Start[/url], with his permission. I have no interest in adding new players at the moment Your journey will begin in the bustling Grand Glory City, where Professor Kapoc and recruiter and Champion Adriane, will provide you with your Pokemon and Pokedexes. Whatever happens after that is up to you. Map of the Evig Region [url]https://imgur.com/TE3W4G5[/url] Ten years ago, the Evig Region was on the verge of complete domination by a villainous team known as Cipher, who were well known for their hold on the Orre Region before that branch was eventually defeated. They stole Pokemon from trainers, hunted rare Pokemon to near extinction in the wild, and had such a military grip that other regions could not interfere. Of course, what made them such a threat was their Shadow Pokemon, battling machines that made type-matchups irrelevant. Of course, we all know the old song and dance by now. A lone prodigious teen led a rebellion to take them on ten years ago and forced them back into the hole they came from and the Pokemon populations returned to normal due to the actions of Pokemon enthusiasts. Of course, there was a sense of unease; the reason why Cipher was able to takeover so easily was a mixture of mediocre trainers and the general lack of unity between powerful trainers. The fear that Cipher could come back and bring havoc across the region again the prodigious teen hatched a plot, a plot that took ten-years to complete. For the first five-years, she searched the globe for the strongest trainers possible and recruit them to her cause. For the rest of the ten-years, she worked to establish political and financial connections to establish the Evig Pokemon League. The purpose? To have a strong core of trainers to protect the region in case Cipher or another team wishes to rear their ugly head and then to have new trainers challenge the league to make them stronger for when the next threat arrives. This is the first year of the league. Challengers from this Evig and the rest of the world had come to test themselves against what boasts to be the most powerful league, but you are special. You are new trainers who had been vetted and for some reason or another that bewilder Professor Kapoc have been selected by the champion herself from the literal thousands of different applicants. Your journey begins. [hr] Use the Character Sheets below to make your character and first Pokémon. The first Pokémon will be given to you by Professor Kapoc. You start with a potion and 500 Pokédollars. When it comes to making your background, feel free to read the general information and about the individual specific towns in the “Towns of Evig” hider. However, the information I am providing you is far from all information I have. If you have any questions which you want me to answer that you need to create your character in a certain specific way, feel free to ask. Interested in a particular location on the map and want to create a character somehow involved with said location? Want to be acquaintance of or related to a Gym Leader or someone else? Want to be somehow connected to Cipher? Anything like that? Feel free to just PM me, and we can sort any such details out. Note, however. I am giving you the option of asking, and I will answer. But otherwise, I am intentionally leaving you all with relatively little knowledge. Because, when you start from the starter-town in any of the games, you do not know the locations yourself. If you want to stay true to that, you can just make yourself be from Grand Glory City or you can recently have moved here from some other region. Then, you won't really need to read the General Evig Information or the Towns of Evig folder at all. You can just let me tell you when you get there. Grand Glory City DOES have its own Gym, but I won't tell about it unless you ask, there, too. [hider=Trainer Sheet][h3][u]Trainer Name[/u][/h3] – Note, all NPCs only have first names. Because Pokémon Characters in the games generally only have one name. Except Steven Stone, for some reason. [b]Appearance[/b]: Picture encouraged. Use words in this section to describe little details that an image doesn't cover. Like, height or weight or hidden things. If no such things, skip this field. [b]Age[/b]: Remember, you're all to be kids. That's the point of Pokémon. [b]Gender[/b]: Male or female. [b]Personality[/b]: How the individual is as a person. [b]Hometown[/b]: Town of origin. Feel free to ask for information to make your decision. [b]Background[/b]: Remember, some way or another, you're among the few that Professor Kalmia is providing a Pokédex to. A reason for that would be nice. And, don't go exceedingly dark, alright? This is Pokémon. Haha. [b]Kind of Pokémon you like[/b]: Because... why not! [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: Secretly wants to be a []? Really good/Terrible at []? Has a phobia for []? Can't stop []-ing to save his or her own life? Will [] in response to []? Random oddities. Feel free to leave this blank for now if you can't think of any right now and fill in over time~ [b]Items[/b]: 1x Potion. You'll obtain more over time. [b]Pokédollars[/b]: 500p. You'll obtain more over time.[/hider] [hider=Pokémon Sheet][b][u]Pokémon Name[/u][/b] [b]Appearance[/b]: Small picture is encouraged. Use words in this section to describe specific peculiarities, if any. [b]Species[/b]: Have this only if it is different from Pokémon Name. [b]Gender[/b]: ♂ or ♀. Skip this field if genderless. Feel free to just copy this symbol somewhere appropriate so we know, then this field can be cut. [b]Type[/b]: The Pokémon's type. Primary first (left), secondary second (right). [b]Personality[/b]: Nature/Mood if you feel like it, but that's not that important in this. Should likely be rather short for the Pokémon. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: Random oddities. For Pokémon, this field is completely optional. [b]Level[/b]: Describes how powerful we should expect the Pokémon will be. Your starter will be at 5. [b]Moves[/b]: All that the Pokémon learns naturally up until that level plus any special moves taught. [b]Ability[/b]: Pokémon ability. Tell it's name and what it does. [b]Held Item[/b]: All Pokémon can hold something for some effect. Yupp, all of them. Disregard logic when necessary.[/hider] [hider=How We'll Play] You control one character and your Pokémon. I control the rest of the world. That means I control all NPCs, I control all Wild Pokémon and which ones appear, and I control all random factors that we should expect in a Pokémon World. Of course, I will take a mix of logic, Rule of Cool/Funny and random chance into account when I make these decisions, and may behind the scenes make use of dice to decide an outcome. However, you won't know if I reasoned my way to a solution by logic, rolled dice to decide an outcome or just went “wouldn't it be cool/funny if...”. I make the decision of how well a strategy works. But if you're fighting a Pokémon of equal power, the superior strategy will definitely win in the end. Official Pokémon stats will only be used as a reference. One Pokémon having higher attack-stat only means that, in general, that Pokémon is better at doing damage, but it is not determined by numbers. So by all means, go for the Pokémon you personally feel is the coolest of them all even if it has weaker stats, and we'll go from there and make it the best of its kind, capable of destroying the odds. If you can find one, that is. Naturally, this means any Legendaries will be in a league of their own. Don't expect any normal Pokémon to be able to one-to-one a Legendary, regardless of typing or stats. And, for that matter, don't particularly expect to find Legendaries either. They're Legendary for a reason. And yes. I will roll a die for every single Pokémon you all encounter, to see if it is a shiny. Don't get your hopes up, though. However, shiny Pokémon will naturally create a legend of their own if seen. It could be possible that rumours of a shiny Pokémon has been circulating around town, and if so, it could be possible for you to seek it out... [/hider] [hider=Starters] For a twist, you pick from six randomized Pokemon as your starter. One of them will always be a guaranteed shiny, but that too is randomized. If you do not like the options, you have a choice to reroll at the risk of not being able to pick from set before. Almost everyone picks the same starters without fail so this spices things up. [/hider] [hider=Exploring] You will be starting in Grand Glory City. From there, you may group up or split up in whatever order you desire. In every route, there's a total of six different actions that you can do. 1. Find Pokémon. Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search. 2. Train Pokémon. With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding. 3. Seek trainers. There should be some here and there. Note, some may challenge you instead. 4. Hurry along. Avoids further confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination. 5. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 6. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. The GM will then tell you the result of your actions, and roleplay as would logically follow. Even if travelling in a group, each individual can do their own thing on each route. Just assume you regrouped later. Note that you CAN access these options anywhere, towns and caverns or anywhere, it's just optional. Note that you CAN explore outside the mapped routes. Just don't expect to find too much unless you're following a lead. But do note, the locations on the map are just the locations known to the general public. [/hider] [hider=Quick-Catching or Quick-Fighting] Some battles aren’t exactly integral to the plot. Hence, it makes sense that we can limit the amount of posts those takes us if we want to. It works as follows; You announce that you want to Quick-Catch a Pokémon or Quick-Fight a trainer. In the case of a trainer, I will announce what Pokémon s/he has. Then, you say what strategies you will use in order to capture the Pokémon / defeat the trainer. I, as the GM, will then consider how effective these strategies will be and then write down a summary of the entire battle and its results, along with eventual damage your Pokémon might suffer from it. It is important to note that the GM decide if you succeed or not, not you. But this is a speeding-up method to be used when it is unlikely the opposing Pokémon or minor trainer will stand a chance against you. Try quick-catching a Dragonite or quick-fighting an Elite Four and you will suffer. But, anyways, if something unexpected happens or it becomes clear your tactic will not work, I will end my post and give you the chance to change your tactics. That’s the way of quick-catching/fighting. [/hider] [hider=Moves, Abilities, and Evolutions] The Pokemon available in this region are from gens 1-8 so for Pokemon. If a Pokemon appears in Sword and Shield, then we use that moveset. If a Pokemon appears in the gen 4 remakes, we use that moveset. If a Pokemon appears in neither of those games, then we just use the gen 7 moveset of that Pokemon. Pokémon are assumed to know all the moves they'd naturally learn when they reach their level. TMs can be used to teach Pokémon moves they otherwise wouldn't know. TMs do not break. There are skilled Move Tutors that can also be used to teach Pokémon moves, for a price of their choice. When it comes to HM-moves, you don't need to actually know the move if your Pokémon can logically take you on a ride over water on its back. However, to actually know the combat-moves you will require the necessary special TMs. If what a move does when transitioned into roleplaying format is debatable, we'll reason our way to a reasonable result. As for Pokémon abilities, they will be taken into account as best a roleplay can allow. This might become a bit hard to interpret depending on the ability but ask the GM and you will be answered. Evolving happens as it does in the games, with the exception of Pokémon that evolve via trading. If a Pokemon that uses a held item to evolve via trading will evolve just by using the item and there is an item called the Link Heart used to evolve Pokemon that could evolve via only trading without held items. There are some Pokemon that can evolve under certain circumstances without a Link Heart, but I'll leave that up to you to figure out. [/hider] [hider=Pokemon League] The League consists of 18 gyms. Almost all of them can be challenged in any order as long a gym leader deems you worthy to accept your challenge. However, they have the right to refuse your challenge, but are required to give challengers the means to prove themselves though there are four Gym Leaders designated as final challenges due to them being unable to hold back. Officially speaking, you must have at least three Pokemon to challenge a gym. However, there are exceptions depending on the battle format. Gym Leaders have the right to choose the battle format that they prefer. This could mean single battles, double battles, 3v3 (select three Pokemon from your party to battle), 6x6 (your whole team), and so on. [/hider] [hider=General Evig Information] Royal Family: Much like most royal families in the modern era, the Hardrada Family serves more as a cultural figure than a political one. Of course, their wealth surpasses almost every major company in the region and have their fingers in many different businesses as well. However, no matter how grand the position is they are no different from another trainer within eyes of the Pokemon League. Ground Zero: It was once another city before Cipher unleased their first full on attack that left that entire vicinity of the region unable to support human life. The destruction was so devastating that nothing, but the strongest Pokemon seem to be able to survive this hellscape. It is forbidden to enter Ground Zero without written permission by a high government official. Aside from this, there is very little information that the public has access to. Faefall Island: There is very little information about the island. As of now there is no possible way of actually getting there due to impossible by air or sea due to unrealistically strong storms and waves that would rip apart any ship or aircraft. Cipher: The blight of Evig ten-years-ago. They are known for their indiscriminate violence against both humans and Pokemon as well as using Shadow Pokemon, which the process is so horrible that it mentally breaks the Pokemon and turns them into mindless killing machines. They do not show mercy towards those they deem their enemy, and some have shown willingness to destroy an entire island just to kill one person. While we have seen the leaders of the Orre branch, such as Evice, Nascour, and Greevil we still have yet to see the true head of Cipher. [/hider] [hider=Towns of Evig] Grand Glory City: One of the newest and largest cities to have been constructed post-Cipher with a steadily increasing population. It is the home base of the Pokemon League's administration and the lab of Professor Kapoc as well as a Trainer's School, so it is the perfect place to begin as a trainer. Florasong Town: A town where music permeates the air as much as the flowers do. Florasong is a moderately sized, peaceful place where musicians perform on the streets with many having great hopes to attend its very exclusive music school and in performing in the town's world-renowned opera house. The town is also known for its beautiful park where wild Pokemon can be found among the flowers. Starbor Village: A village where the treetops scrape the stars, or so they say. The residents of Starbor had made their homes within these towering trees and is actually a multi-story village constructed by wooden platforms. A village of perfect harmony in nature and technology, where they make use of various alternate power sources to bring electricity to residents. Valstille City: A large, old city stationed on top of a hill. It resembles more of a fortress than an actual city due to the towering walls that encompass the border, and it is well known that the region's military is trained here. They are known for their strong sense of competition and hold Pokemon battling tournaments frequently to see who the best is. Rheinvale Town: Located within a valley, Rheinvale was created during the Great Goldrush though it has long been since depleted of almost all of its gold. However, it is now home to jolly miners and researchers digging for fossils, relics, and other valuable items. All are welcome to dig for their own goods and perhaps you may be able to trade with a miner. Well, that and it has a new thriving food and art scene. Frostford City: A frozen city filled with warm people. Located at the base of a mountain, it is the city of eternal frost where no matter the season, it will always snow. Naturally, this and the surrounding area of the city is the home of many ice-type Pokemon. It is well known for their ice-sculpting competitions and generally is filled with various artisans that are masters of their craft. King's Cross City: The oldest surviving city within the region. It was once named after the reigning monarch of the region of centuries ago, but his name had been lost to time. One of the most famous landmarks is the colosseum where vicious events were held once, but now more humane competition and events are what is used for today. It is home to the oldest library within the region as well that is filled with scholars analyzing ancient texts. The city contains ruins of the first kingdom, studied extensively by archaeologists. Neon Shore City: A beach city of neon lights that is extremely popular for spring-breakers, partiers, and vacation goers in general as well as the rich and famous. It is home to the Sable Casino and Nigh Club where people can win fabulous prizes in-exchange of coins they won through gambling. Aside from that, it is also known as a place with the most startups within the region. Just, uh, don't get on the wrong side of a certain group of people. New Valhane City: The reconstructed city after its complete destruction due to Cipher. Long ago in ancient it was said that the residence of the original city practiced the art of magecraft. Whether or not it is true is entirely another story, but it is known to be a hotspot for psychic and fairy-type Pokemon. What could be the reason? Who's to say. Still, perhaps there is a grain of truth in these stories. Evertide City: A coastal city filled with outgoing, trending people and artsy building ala Gaudi. Evertide is the entertainment city of Evig, teeming with TV stars, athletes, models, and so on. Heck, maybe you can make it big there too. It hosts a very famous surfing competition as well. However, there is a strange tower out in the middle of the sea that is known simply as the Ocean Monument. It is a strange black, spiraling tower that reaches impossible depths for any living being to construct it and no one has been able to figure out how to open it as even dynamite could not even leave a scratch on it. Nixmire City: If one were to brave the Twisted Woods or the marshlands, they would encounter a city built upon what was once wetlands. Canals line the streets, and it is very common for people to use gondolas or water-type Pokemon to get around. It's a city that has one foot in its historical heritage, but one in its future as well. It also has not only the best restaurant in the region, but one of the best in the world. Fenris City: Located in the mountains, it is filled with older veteran trainers who are aching for a battle. However, they are also known for their hot springs and their mountain views from their many hiking trails. They are a simple folk in terms of living a calm, peaceful life though they are also known for their battle dome as well though recently it had gotten stale due to the lack of fresh faces. Ashborn City: A city at the base of a volcano. It is well known for its many temples that are inhabited by monks. By all rights the volcano should have erupted by now, but for reasons that stump scientists it hasn't. Nexus City: The largest city in Evig and the capital. Nexus is the most technologically advanced of the cities and is responsible for about 70% of the technology produced in the region. It is bustling, melting pot of cultures from not just around the region, but from around the world as it is producing an incredible amount of job opportunities. The Evig Pokemon League's conference is to be held here and it is also the homebase of the Elite 4 and its champion. Night Cavern City: An unusual city that is located deep in a cavern where the only natural light source comes from crystals that emit light. Originally, this city was created by criminals to hide from the law, but it was repurposed as an actual city once the criminals that inhabited it were all arrested. Night Cavern is considered to be a rival city with Florasong in terms of the growing music scene and the arts scene in general. Lacritasia City: The floating city within Evig. The city was built upon strange crystalline bubbles that seem to ignore all weight placed upon them, a strange natural occurrence within the region that defies any explanation scientists have offered though the most widely accepted answer is that, like the stones of Unova's Chargestone Cave, they have a special magnetic field that seems to keep them afloat. Like Starbor, Lacritasia is a multi-level city, but on a far grander scale. It is actually the second largest city within the region. Edda City: The city of academia. Most of the best universities in the region are located in Edda City. The architecture resembles brownstone Neo-Greco. Edda boasts many beautiful parks and many avenues of entertainment for the residents of the city, but none more beloved than its amphitheater where world class actors and playwrights from all over the globe dream to perform on. Rubycrest Town: The wild west set to the hue of ruby red sand. It is home to the roughest people within the region and located in one of the most inhospitable parts of the region. There are only two ways to get to this town; riding a Pokemon that can survive the miles on miles of scorching desert sun or a day long trip on the train. For those that are brave enough to not travel by train, they may find great rewards. [/hider] When posting, please have a hider detailing your current things and current Pokémon. Also, start out with a name, so that we know what character's post it is. We're stupid, and might need reminders, after all. Having your speech in a different color (that is still bright and readable) also helps. There's a mini-sheet for your Pokémon to have in posts right below this paragraph. Also, feel free to also include current inventory, a link to character sheet, etc. Other than that, write as much in your post as you feel like. [hider=Mini-Sheet, have them in hiders, style them as you please, one for each Pokémon][b][u]Pokémon Name[/u][/b] Small picture encouraged. Have a gender-symbol if appropriate. [b]Species[/b]: Have this only if it is different from Pokémon Name. [b]Type[/b]: Optional. We probably all know by heart, but could be nice to have. [b]Level[/b]: Pokémon's level. [b]Status[/b]: Suddenly more important for in-battle. [b]Moves[/b]: Optionally, for complete-ness. [b]Ability[/b]: Optionally. Even more optionally, tell what it does. [b]Held Item[/b]: Since it can change from moment to moment.[/hider]