Personally, overly long posts don't suit me, so I keep them decent in the IC, so casual-level writing isn't that bad in my opinion. I don't judge, as long as you don't fall into Free-standards. One-liners are, in the words of Doctor Klein... [B]"A BIG NO-NO."[/B] And that's perfectly fine, that you haven't played X/Y. All you really need to know about fairy types (Weaknesses/Resistances) can be found easily on [URL=]this page.[/URL] Bulbapedia has all the information you need when you don't know something about Pokemon, I use it all the time. I haven't played X/Y either, but a quick glance at it got me in the know about whatever I deemed necessary. :) But, um. For the moment, the only two slots left have people who said they'd make CS's in them still. The GM might be able to PM you if they don't respond, though. Maybe she's ready to open one of them back up now, I don't know. Just figured I'd try to help a little.