[hider=Matsuyama Izumi]
Matsuyama Izumi (Formerly Kurokumo Izumi)


Hoshidan, Naturalized Oshan.


((Note: You would not believe how hard it is to find decent, completely non-suggestive art of a (non-Naruto) kunoichi. I suppose that's an inherent part of their appeal. Switch these clothes out for a less anachronistic, and more conventional full-body ninja attire.))[/hider]
Standing at 5"4 and weighing roughly 120 lbs, she has a rather unassuming stature. Still, with her fierce red eyes and short black hair, Izumi does not look much like a conventional woman in the slightest. Her body is lean and catlike, toned over decades of training and combat. Her facial expressions always seems to default to being dour and irritated-- an unfortunate quality for someone in her line of work.

Depending on the mission, Izumi will change her outfit and loadout to best suit the situation. If stealth is required, she wears dark clothes that cover her entire body, or shift into a kimono, yukata, or hakama to blend in. If, for some reason Izumi is deployed onto an open field, or some other area that will involve intense fighting, she will typically don a set of metal arm and shin guards in addition to some lighter armor. She prefers to be armed at all times, and does her best to hide a set of knives on her person, even when in disguise.

Utterly devoted to her tasks, and prepared to perform her duties by any means necessary, Izumi is the ideal kunoichi. When she is on a mission, she does her job with cool efficiency, and isn't afraid to die if it means the completion of an important task. She does, however, have her pride as a professional, and isn't afraid to praise good work and admonish poor performance, be it that of a friend, an enemy, or her herself. 

Outside of battle, however, she's aloof and reserved, even among trusted comrades. She almost never talks about her past. Those closest to her know that this is simply how she is... but she has walls that she rarely ever lets down, and that's evident to pretty much everyone. Izumi can often be found training alone to keep her skills sharp, or producing materials for the next operation-- a testament to her dedication.

Born to a diminishing clan of ninja in service to Lord Utsunomiya Morihiro, a Hoshidan Liege Lord on the Hoshido-Osha border, Izumi was the youngest (and only) daughter raised among four other sons. Still, she was raised to fight for her clan, and trained in the arts of a shinobi. Although she did not possess the same raw talent as her brothers, she worked twice as hard to overcome her deficiencies. She could never win a spar, but each time she was defeated, she returned with the same fiery hunger in her eyes.

As Izumi grew older, her work ethic had come to trump the natural talent of her siblings. She still lost most clashes of brute strength, but she was twice as cunning, and was never afraid to resort to trickery to win. With their skills now developed, the shinobi of the Kurokumo Clan eventually went on to complete various missions for the Lord Utsunomiya, earning them his favor. 

However, this seemed to be a double-edged blade, as the lord began sending the shinobi of Kurokumo Clan on progressively more dangerous missions, with little time to recuperate after losses and injuries. As her friends, clanmates, and siblings began to fall, Izumi began to harden her heart, and focus on the missions ahead. After a string of difficult missions, they were given one final task: to assassinate one of the lords of Igasato-- an attempt to snatch land and power in the region.

The Kurokumo Clan nearly succeeded on the attempt, but had failed on their last crucial step. The offending ninja were quickly killed or subdued, and the rest of the clan in their mountain home were rounded up. For their crimes, the entire clan would be subjected to the Execution of the Five Kindred. An execution as thorough as this guaranteed that there would be no attempt for revenge, as everyone starting from the great-grandfather, all the way down to the great-grandson would be put to the sword. 

More than enough to decimate their small clan of shinobi.

Naturally, this was the end for their clan. Lord Utsunomiya would not dare lift a finger-- doing something now would incriminate him as the mastermind, and moreover, he had always planned on using the ninja of the Kurokumo Clan as fodder in his game. The king need not put himself in check to save a pawn. 

Still, as was her oath, Izumi resisted torture and refused to give up the name of her employer. Each day, they would execute one member of the Kurokumo Clan at random, and the first to give them the information they needed would go free. Nobody would speak, but the torturers made good on their promise. She was the last one alive-- Izumi knew she was dead already, and so, she would take her secrets to her grave.

Or so she thought.

Thanks to the timely intervention of a mysterious benefactor, Izumi had somehow managed to escape the keep. Now on the run from Hoshidan lawbringers, she planned to flee to Nohr-- as far as she was concerned, as the last remaining member of the Kurokumo Clan, her contract to the Lord Utsunomiya was completed. She made it as far as Osha, before she was caught by the authorities. Quite mysteriously, however, they instead sought to bring her to Lady Naitou, the apparent benefactor for Izumi's escape.

Oshan officials made a show of executing the captive shinobi, and soon, the Execution of the Five Kindred was complete. The black clouds of the Kurokumo was nothing more but ashes in the wind, scattered by the light of the Solar Throne... but they did not seem realize that it was a body double. In the years since, the Wraith of the Kurokumo has faithfully served Lady Naitou in all aspects. Izumi had grown weary of the infighting of Hoshido, and had found great purpose in fighting for her new master. 

In the years following, Izumi has cut her hair short, and has changed her family name to "Matsuyama", after the Yukigara Mountains. As retainer to Lady Naitou, she's since gone on multiple missions. On a few of those operations, she has worked in tandem with Toda Ujiteru and other such retainers. Her most recent mission, however, is to offer her talents to the Silver Hawks, where she will serve as Lady Naitou's eyes and ears. She has since worked for the mercenary band for several years now, earning their trust (as much as one can trust a ninja, at any rate)... and a decent paycheck for it, too.

For now, she carries on her mission. Only time will tell if her loyalty to Lady Naitou remains strong, or if her allegiances will align with that of the Silver Hawks.
[*] [color=#A7CF00][b]Toda Ujiteru[/b][/color] - A colleague of hers, even prior to her joining the Silver Hawks. Izumi has a professional respect for his skills, and can trust him to back her up in a fight. She has an ulterior motive, however-- she observes his thoughts and actions, and is trying to gauge as to whether or not Ujiteru's loyalties to Lady Naitou are still intact.
[*] [color=#A90000][b]Aburaage Noriko[/b][/color] - Surprisingly, Izumi gets along well with the new commander. They maintain a friendly, if not professional working relationship, and share similar sentiments regarding honor (or the lack thereof) and competency (and how it should be present). On occasion, Izumi receives training and pointers from Noriko on how to perform in a direct fight while armed with swords-- a weakness that the ninja seeks to rectify.
[*] [color=#DAA520][b]Hidaka Sanji[/b][/color] - A strange partnership at first blush, but one that Izumi relies upon quite often, as of late. Any time she spends gathering reagents for her poisons is time she could have been spending elsewhere-- either training, or gathering information. Thus, she looks to Sanji as a useful asset in that regard. Recently, however, she has also started receiving lessons on more traditional medicine, as her own knowledge on the subject is highly focused on topics that would assist in assassinations, such as anatomy or poison.
[*] [color=coral][b]Kataoka Satoshi[/b][/color] - Similarly to Sanji, Izumi often looks to him for additional reagents that he finds out in the wild. While his skills as an herbalist might not necessarily on par with the apothecary, it is nevertheless useful to have him around. It never hurts to be prepared-- and it helps to have a well-stocked atelier, in that case.
[*] [color=skyblue][b]Kaitlyn[/b][/color] - As the one of the few members in the Silver Hawks who can possibly match her own skills as an infiltrator, Izumi can't help but keep tabs on the maid's movements. Naturally, it is presumed that Kaitlyn does the same to the ninja. As a fellow person in her trade, Izumi has a deep respect for her, and it is because she respects the maid that the shinobi will never truly let her guard down in her presence (concealed or otherwise).


[*] [color=#239C89][b]Infiltrator[/b][/color] - As a shinobi, Izumi is capable of all manners of subterfuge. She can blend in with the shadows, unseen, or hide in plain sight, in disguise. She can also pick locks, set and disarm traps, and decipher coded messages, so long as she's given enough time to work. Her skill in athletics and acrobatics also allows her to reach high places quickly and quietly, and evade capture if need be.
[*] [color=#239C89][b]Pinpoint Precision[/b][/color] - Having been rigorously trained since childhood, Izumi can reliably hit a target's vitals from twenty paces away. She acts with speed and accuracy-- it is said that all of her attacks are her simply emulating her first, perfect throw, over and over again. In addition, she is well-versed in anatomy and pressure points, and can even fight to disable or subdue targets, with a bit of effort.
[*] [color=#239C89][b]Alchemist[/b][/color] - Poison is a useful tool in any shinobi's arsenal. Although her knowledge of medicine is rather rudimentary, Izumi's knowledge of poison is staggering. She can concoct poisons in the field, and neutralize enemy poisons with her own, if need be. If provided with time and materials, she can also craft smoke bombs, flash bombs, firecrackers, and other pyrotechnics to use in field operations.

[*] In Fire Emblem terms, she would probably have a low STR and RES, high SKL and SPD, middling HP, DEF and MAG, and above-average LCK. At the start of the RP, she would have C-rank in Shuriken, and a D-rank in Swords.
[*] Izumi has a bit of a sweet tooth-- a guilty pleasure of hers, really... Except for tea, which she prefers as is.
[*] She doesn't have an artistic bone in her body, though she is surprisingly good with origami.
[*] Izumi can only cook about as well as the average person, but she's quite good at creating and preparing tea. Most of her cooking skills, however, are used in the production of 'shinobi manjyu', which is a special kind of ration developed by the Kurokumo Clan. A single dumpling can provide a day's worth of nutrients, but... is absolutely disgusting to eat, and smells horrible. Naturally, she reserves them for emergencies.
