Interacting with: Eun-Ji [@Medili] Carmilla [@Animus] Anna [@Izurich] Ikon [@Force and Fury][/center]
[h3]Kiss from a Rose[/h3]

Leon was the first to take a seat and proceeded to sit right in the centre. The parade was a wonderful time, not just the light show but tossing roses to the adoring masses. But for all the spares he was given, he was now down to a single rose. Leon twirled the dethorned flower in his hand, wondering at the possibilities of what he could do with it.

Looking around, Leon got to look at all the arriving students. Who would he get along with? There were all sorts flowing in, beautiful, ugly, cute, scary, and worst of all, boring. There were some with standout clothing choices. None better than Leon’s own style, but that was an impossibly high bar to clear. 

What he didn’t expect to see was a pair of piercing violet eyes. 

For someone who travelled the world, Leon did not see a lot of people with strange eye colours. Not unheard of, but quite rare indeed. It intrigued him and gave him a fun idea of what to do with the rose. She ended up sitting quite a distance from him. But he was Leon Solaire, this wouldn’t stop him from doing something he wanted. Leon snuck the rose into his cape and made his way to the girl with the violet eyes.

When Leon arrived, the girl had people sitting on either side of her. This wouldn’t do. [color=fff200][b]“Excuse me, may I borrow this seat from you.”[/b][/color] Leon asked with a soft tone to the painfully ordinary girl next to Eun-Ji. The girl blushed and quickly left the seat to Leon. Leon smiled at her [color=fff200][b]“thank you, I won’t be long.”[/b][/color] Leon proceeded to take the seat in a laid back fashion before looking toward Eun-Ji.

[color=fff200][b]“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but notice the colour of your eyes. They are very nice.”[/b][/color] Leon said putting on his best smile. [color=fff200][b]“But that isn’t why I’m here. You see, I believe I was fated to meet you… Let me explain.”[/b][/color]

[color=fff200][b]“I was throwing roses at the crowd during the parade and happened to see the most peculiar rose. I became drawn to its colour and decided I would keep it to myself.”[/b][/color] Leon reached into his cape and drew out a vibrant violet rose matching Eun-Ji’s eye colour. [color=fff200][b]“I love this rose a lot. But you see, when I saw your eyes, I knew it never belonged to me in the first place.”[/b][/color] He handed the Eun-Ji the rose.

 A simple binding spell developed with arcane theory was Leon’s Colour Change, the ability to change the colour of objects. Given the small size of the rose, it didn’t take too much energy. But still, it drained the last of Leon’s already dwindling magic reserves. For something like this, the trade-off was worth it in Leon’s mind.

[color=fff200][b]“Well I best get back to my seat, I think the ceremony is about to begin.”[/b][/color] Leon looked around at all the people staring at his display. [color=fff200[b]“And I wouldn’t want a lady such as yourself to be subject to needless rumour.”[/b][/color] Leon left and made sure to thank the girl whose seat he had stolen. 

Leon had a moment to consider if he should have introduced himself. And decided against it, she knows who he is. Leon was certain of it.


The rest of the show was uneventful. Leon sat stylishly in his seat as he watched the kings take the stage. 

Jobanzaggah and Rouis, now there were two rulers who knew to play up style. They truly wore the fashion of kings and wore them well. Leon suppressed the urge to clap with each of those two entering. Horik and Sancho, well, they tried. Or at least Leon hoped they tried. It baffled Leon that people withthe wealth of kings struggled to dress.

Leon’s mood changed entirely when Malatesta took the stage. Leon looked toward the stage with a serious expression of respect to the man. Malatesta could make out Leon in the crowd and they made brief eye contact. Or at least that is how it looked to Leon. He gave a small head bow to the Doge of Revidia. Leon had to make sure to show respect in the right places, hewas a piece on the chessboard of royals now.

Leon found it funny how far he had come within this last year. From just any great performer with a tendency toward exaggeration to a considerable political piece. In Leon’s mind, everyone was a political piece in the end. He just prefered to be a name rather than a statistic. Plus… plus… why was there a floating hand going toward the stage?

Leon was quite adept at the theory of illusion, so he could pick out a floating hand when he saw one. However, Leon never practised illusion. This is because he finds the replication of real-life objects to be boring. Leon is far more interested in using the power of light to create things greater than some boring old reality. So, when Leon saw some shifty illusory hand swimming through the crowd, he didn’t care. Probably some dorky younger student trying to pull a prank. How mundane.

Having been lulled into a sense of security from the boring hand trick, the boom on stage had Leon jump a bit. What was that? Was this some kind of attack? Leon was happy to see no one was hurt. But it left him wondering what had caused it.,, 

What had caused what? What was he thinking about? In almost a split second, Leon had lost memory of the event. Initially, Leon struggled to recall what he was just thinking about, but couldn’t. Was he curious about it? Sure. Did it bother him greatly? Not really, no. Besides, stress causes wrinkles. Best to leave the matter in the past where it belongs.

Leon took out his hand mirror and checked his hair as he waited to get assigned a master.

[h3]Everybody loves Me[/h3]

Leon’s name was called first, but he waited for the others to walk first for dramatic effect. He stood up from his chair and strolled toward his group, playing up his approach for onlookers.

Leon reflected on the team names that were called. [color=fff200][i]Illannak.[/i][/color] That rang a bell. A faint one but it was present. Subject to the recesses of Leon’s mind full of hundreds of people, he couldn’t quite place it at all. On the other hand, Jomurr Ikon III needed no introduction. A noble with such renown and style, certainly the boy was after his own heart. Leon had few doubts they would make fast friends.

Finally getting a good look at the group, Leon developed an excited grin. They were all fashionable. Correct dress sense was a good sign for any group, it meant their priorities were in order. He wondered if any of them make their own clothes, Leon had dabbled with the idea before. It could be a fun hobby over the year.

Fades-in-moonlight had a very strange look to her though. Unaware of the term Greyborn, the grey skin seemed very unhealthy. Both Ilannak and Camille also looked rather pale. [color=fff200][i]These ladies certainly could do with some time in the sun.[/i][/color] Still, it was a small blemish in an otherwise perfect looking group.

Leon finished his approach with a majestic bow. [color=fff200][b]“I, Leon Solaire, am present.”[/b][/color]

During introductions, Leon couldn’t help but notice one of the girls looking at him. Managing a look toward her, something did spark in his head. Determining this was Illannak was easy enough, but figuring out where she was from was much tougher. She was a merchant girl so it’s unlikely he knows her from her name alone. He recognises her face, so she probably isn’t just another nameless face in the crowd where was she from. Where did he meet her? Leon hoped she wasn’t from when he was doing his service to Ipte, that would be very, very awkward. Instead, Leon gave her back a friendly smile before turning his attention to the group conversation.

Leon picked up from Carmilla’s introduction. [color=fff200][b]“Why thank you Carmilla. I am also looking forward to this year with you all. We have already shown we have the most style. Now it’s a matter of letting them know who the best magicians are.”[/b][/color] It was an egotistical statement, but Leon stated it with confidence.

Later on, Leon watched the fireworks show with the group. He was entranced by the majesty of the flying lights. Why did they have to fade so fast?
