[center][h1]Collaborative Post Two: Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight's Group[/h1][/center][hr]
When the dark-skinned boy finally introduced himself,[color=e783a4][i] oh shite...[/i][/color] much to Anna's [s]horror[/s] amusement, he really [i]was[/i] literally named 'The Turd'. Yep, what's that about homonyms? Nah, it wasn’t a homonym. Did he really just expect people here to have heard of him as if it were everyone's gods-given duty to know? Was he for real? Anna couldn't help but stare in disbelief as Ikon the Turd locked his eyes with hers. [color=e783a4][b]"Who...?"[/b][/color] was her only reaction to his self-serving introduction, well, that and a slight patronising tilt of her head, accentuated by her large headwear.

This one was an idiot, Jomurr decided: some merchant girl, by the looks of it, of some exotic extraction that he couldn’t quite place. Not only had it raced ahead of him without the slightest regard for decorum, it attempted to speak and failed most miserably. [color=e783a4]"A... ah... uhm..."[/color] To be either so flustered that one couldn’t form a coherent word, much less a sentence, or to be unable to speak proper Avincian was just unprofessional in this day and age. Jomurr Ikon the Third spared it a slight, frosty glance and what he supposed it could interpret as a nod of greeting were it so inclined.

[color=e783a4][b]"..."[/b][/color] While her stammers eventually died down into contemplative silence with her blushes fading away from her pale cheeks, Anna's mind - a part of it at least - was still focused on the fact that Leon Solaire was here at Ersand'Enise, and not only that, assigned to the same apprentice group as her too! She had never met him again ever since that fateful encounter in the Rettanese port market, but it was one of her most memorable childhood memories, the sandy-skinned boy had left such an impression on her in no small part due to his appearance, then the performance of his traveling busker group made sure it became permanent. She only wondered if he had the same sentiment...

To Jomurr, the third common was somewhat of an improvement, as far as commons were concerned, disconcerting pallor aside. She had a way of dressing that he was rather fond of and a pleasing… shape. [color=800080][i]Such thoughts are beneath you, Jomurr,[/i][/color] he chastised himself. Certainly, the lower classes were there for his enjoyment, but this one did not give any indication of being available. She addressed him and, impressive as her Avincian was, he still detected a hint of a Perrench accent to it. [color=881515][b]"It's a pleasure to have been selected by you, Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight, or would you prefer Zeno Luna? I'm embarrassed to say this will be my first time meeting someone from Nashibansek so pardon me if I display any ignorance for your customs."[/b][/color] She turned to her fellow apprentices. [color=881515][b]"Likewise, I am looking forward to studying alongside the rest of you, Leon Solaire, Jomurr Ikon III and Illanaq Sigmundottir."[/b][/color]

He disliked her, then and there. Jomurr decided that he disliked her. She had addressed him second. She was either a fool not to understand the order of precedence or else knew better and it was a slight, calculated insult. To address him after a Zeno of Ersand’Enise - even such a poor example as this - was proper. To once again place Leon Solaire before him was unacceptable. Carmillia Carbonneau, he decided, was an ‘it’ to him. Presently, Zeno Moon-whatever was assuring her - with a minimum of decorum - that ‘Luna’ was just fine as an address. It was of little matter to him.

When the albino girl - who was impressively even paler than Anna - began introducing herself, Anna was subconsciously thankful for the unintended reminder. Right, right, she needed to do that, huh? Since she had somehow managed to forget that basic courtesy, she figured it'd be prudent if she just did it last. So, this extraordinarily light-skinned girl was a merchant like her, neat! The fewer stuffy nobles in her group, the better. [color=e783a4][b]"Of course, likewise, Carmillia."[/b][/color] The fellow white-haired girl nodded while tipping her pointy wide hat a bit. Anna didn't know her at all, but so far, the short-haired girl seemed to be fine, maybe a bit too polite for her preference, but that was mostly a non-issue.

Finally, it was her turn, and she didn't want to waste anyone's time with an unnecessary long introduction, so Anna simply said, [color=e783a4][b]"Ilannaq Sigmundottir, but just call me 'Anna', Arcanist and Chemist. Pleasure to be working with you all."[/b][/color] then made a distinctly North Rettanese gesture of a friendly greeting.

Hearing Illannaq’s greeting to the group, something did spark a memory for Leon. Did she say her name was Anna? Something was reminding him of a time before he was a star. Such a time was nice to think back on, but seemed unbelievably distant. As if his real memories had only started when he became ‘Chosen of the Sun’. Leon remembered a nice moment up in Rettan, but it was all so hazy now. He felt bad for Anna that his memory had escaped him. Surely it was on good terms. Of course, none of these thoughts were shown in a visual manner. Leon kept his same smile and posture throughout. He didn’t want to show doubt in front of the girl who was admiring him.

If he had not been given the honour of speaking first, as he should have, then Jomurr Ikon the Third decided that he would send his own sort of message - strong and clear - by holding himself aloof and speaking last of all. He offered Solaire the slightest of nods, giving him leave to speak. The performer did not waste time in availing himself of the honour. Performers, Jomurr thought, such a charming yet predictable species. [color=fff200][b]“Why thank you Carmilla, Anna. I am also looking forward to this year with you all. We have already shown we have the most style. Now it’s a matter of letting them know who the best magicians are.”[/b][/color] 

For once, a statement that Jomurr could heartily agree with - or at least indubitably, for personnages of his rank were not so uncouth as to do anything ‘heartily’. He decided to use this as his segue into the conversation. Only… he didn’t get the chance to.

When Leon Solaire spoke, Anna was beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was the very same Leon from before, just five years older, like herself. [color=e783a4][b]"Hey, Leon, remember me~?"[/b][/color] The younger white-haired girl of the group curled a wide goofy smile, like an excited puppy hoping her master would recognize her after years of separation. 

Once Leon finished his introduction, he found Illannaq asking if he remembered her. [color=fff200][i]Oh shit…[/i][/color] Leon took a noticeable pause trying to figure out how to go about this. He decided to address the issue directly. Making eye contact and keeping a friendly smile, Leon answered her. [color=fff200][b]“Of course I remember you. Yours is not a face I would forget that easily…” [/b][/color]Another pause occurred before Jomurr cut him off with his introduction. For once, Leon was more than happy to get the attention off himself. He gave a small head bow to Anna, then turned his full attention to Jomurr feigning a respect for nobility.

[color=e783a4][i]Oh... that was a painfully generic answer,[/i][/color] Anna decided, [color=e783a4][i]one that a popular person would give to one of his fans that remembered him well, but not vice versa.[/i][/color] A realization washed over her, an unfortunate yet logical one: Leon was a traveling performer, he must've met lots and lots of people from all over the world, accruing fans and admirers along the way. She likely was just one Rettanese girl out of countless others that he had met over the years, it wouldn't be farfetched to deduce that while he might remember her, she wasn't special. This fact stung, but one that Anna couldn't rationally deny. [color=e783a4][b]"..."[/b][/color] Well, no matter, they could always start fresh. She might've put too much emphasis on that single encounter anyway, and besides, Eshiran would always be with her. Leon was a figure from a time before she realized her destiny. A fondly nostalgic memory, but one that wasn't strictly important for her future.

[color=e783a4][b]"But it was a long time ago, don't worry about it. We're all here to start fresh anyway."[/b][/color] Anna flashed a solemn smile at Carmillia, closing the short conversation but about to segue into something else when [i]The Turd[/i] just had to open his big mouth... again. 

Leon had clearly needed rescuing, and Jomurr had found himself mildly amused. Should he have let the usually-silver-tongued showman flounder further or should he have jumped in? For whatever reason, he had decided upon the latter and was now delivering a further introduction of sorts. [color=800080]“It is as she says. This is but the beginning, and as [i]he[/i] said moments earlier, everything now comes down to our abilities as a group. I expect that, after my lead, and with the wise guidance of our master -”[/color] much as it pained him to do so, he inclined his head in Fades-in-Moonlight’s direction (she was currently glancing down at her fingernails, disgustingly unbothered) [color=800080]“-we shall become a force to be reckoned with. Rest assured that I will more than pull my weight, and Monsieur Solaire’s reputation certainly precedes him.”[/color] Jomurr pivoted lightly on a heel, then, looking down his nose at the two women and clearing his throat ever so slightly. [color=800080]“However, of you two, I know yet little. It would be… preferable to learn more.”[/color] He had not, of course, provided them with an order in which to speak, and while it was a minor impropriety, that was part of the fun. Commons were ever in need of explicit instruction, else they faltered. He waited to see how they would navigate the impasse: which would stumble over the other, seize the initiative by the throat, or give way. Jomurr was so pleased with his cleverness, in fact, that he even allowed himself the indulgence of a smile.

Whatever else might’ve been said by herself, Leon, or Carmillia, that'd sadly have to wait, for now Anna had to contend with the fourth Biro of the group. To be honest, she had initially forgotten that he was even there, until he’d made himself unavoidable. What was his name again? Jam Icon the Turd? No... that couldn't be right. What kind of parents would name their son "The Turd"?

[color=e783a4][b]"Mmm..."[/b][/color] Anna pursed her lips, she wasn't impressed with him, not at all. This Biro seemed to take everything she disliked about the pretentious nobility and put it all into one Belzaggian schmuck. [color=e783a4][b]"Eeeeh... nah, The Turd, I believe it's clear that Zeno Moonlight is to be our leader and mentor, not you.[/b][/color] She then curled a devilish smirk as she debated whether to stop it there or continue, [color=e783a4][i]mmm... sod it, the prick deserves it,[/i][/color] she decided. [color=e783a4][b]"Let me make myself clear, The Turd. This is not your fancy palace and we aren't your servants at your beck and call."[/b][/color]

Jomurr had plucked a neskal from his coinpurse and was rolling it between his fingers. In truth, he nearly dropped it at the little beast’s words. He had intended to let Carmillia speak, for she intrigued him as much as she annoyed him. Truly, he had, but such impertinence was almost…  amusing. This… ‘Anna’ character was precisely everything wrong with the modern merchant class: upjumped commons who thought themselves entitled to the respect due nobility while having done nothing to earn it. Why, with a tongue like that, he genuinely doubted whether this one had or would sell anything in its life. He tossed the neskal up and caught it, as was his habit and, momentarily, he addressed Carmillia. [color=800080]“Apologies for pre-empting you, my lady, but this requires I have leave to speak.”[/color] He twisted, chin still raised, towards the impertinent brat. [color=800080]“I had hoped to avoid such… unpleasantness, but it appears you’re the type who would prefer to draw conclusions about other people instead of answering a well-intended question. I’m not sure why I’d expected better but, to respond to your ill-conceived jibe, my servants are much more sensible people than that as, I sense, are the others in this group. As for your… charming accent, I well know that Rettanese often struggle to pronounce the ‘th’ as it is foreign to your language. I bear you no grudge for your unschooled speech.”[/color] 

Jomurr wore noble authority well, Leon decided. The manner in which he spoke and the poise he held himself with. It was a good look on him and the performer could see it. Still, Leon ignored the mention of him claiming leadership. Leon had grown up in a place without leaders aside from whatever royal’s land they were staying on for the month. While he respected Fades-in-Moonlight as a Zeno, he did not consider her his leader nor would he recognize Jomurr. The suggestion was just trying to grasp a meaningless title in Leon’s mind.

Oh Gods! Anna thought, The Turd truly had a personality that matched his name. The dark-skinned boy had a stick so deep into his ass that she bet it was longer than her broom-staff. This Ikon character represented everything wrong about the nobility and why their status quo must be kicked from under them, the world no longer needed people who were proud of wealth, status, and achievements that they didn't even deserve, just who in their right mind would think that being born into wealth meant they were above others who didn't? The nobles, obviously. With an attitude like that, Anna wondered just how long this schmuck would last before he felt a knife slitting his throat while he's sleeping. He surely couldn't have many friends, she imagined, but certainly no shortage of enemies.

The little neskal play didn't impress her either, merely showing that the prick compensated for his lack of real self-worth with his family's wealth. The veneer of decorum and thinly-veiled faux civility held no sway over the Fireblood. [color=e783a4][b]"Heh~ everyone here knows that you talk big because underneath all of that, there's nothing, you [i]are [/i]nothing. You try to compensate for that hole in your soul by thinking you're better than others, but take away the undeserved status and wealth you were born into, there’ll be nothing left but a sad empty shell."[/b][/color] Anna laid all of her opinion bare, sparing nothing for the noble drunk on his perceived authority. 

[color=800080][i]Give a fool enough rope…[/i][/color] Jomurr thought, but he was honestly tiring of idiots. He raised an eyebrow: a tired, patient eyebrow as if dealing with a petulant child. [color=800080]“Unlike some, I’m not so presumptuous as to make assumptions about what ‘everyone here knows’.”[/color] He turned to face the others, putting his back to the little beast. [color=800080]“I will only say that, with my talents, it is natural that I take the lead amongst equals, under our Zeno’s guidance, for of course she is more learned in the ways of magic.” [/color]He nodded deeply in her direction. She had straightened and her eyes were flicking tiredly amongst the students. [color=800080]“A good leader, of course, should lead by example in his conduct and in his strength, where you shall find that I excel.”[/color] His face became earnest, [color=800080]“but I assure you that does not preclude listening to the concerns and recognizing the strengths of my fellow apprentices. Truly, I believe the both of you gifted mages, else you would not be here.”[/color] Feigning absence of mind, he turned halfway on his heel, towards but not towards the brat, and flicked the neskal up into the air once more. Only, this time, he reached into its very atomic structure and tore apart the matter behind its eyes to produce a flash of unmistakable deep arcane power that made it glow momentarily. He drew the energy out so as to remove the threat of radiation, and caught the still-warm thing in his palm. He smiled. [color=800080]“I certainly hope there is no misunderstanding among us.”[/color]  

Anna, however, was unimpressed. As The Turd made his deep arcane display of a shiny skull-shaped neskal, she reciprocated in return by freecasting a palm-sized fireball on her right hand, the flames licking directly at her skin. Yet, Ikon would surely notice that it didn't burn her, she could do this all day, [color=e783a4][b]"Oh no, there's none indeed..."[/b][/color] She imagined sparks flying between their eyes, finishing her demonstration of defiance by 'crushing' her fireball between her closed fist to extinguish it. 

The arguing over leadership had reached a fever pitch. Anna protested against Jomurr’s self-bestowed crown. Leon cared little for it. He had no skin in this game, it wasn’t like he was going to follow anyone if either result occurred. Leon just started wandering off.

If Carmillia was unsure of his personality before, Jomurr Ikon III had made it apparent. He was your stereotypical high born noble who thought himself the better. Even his acknowledgement of Zeno Fades-into-Moonlight was poorly disguised; he was blatantly disgruntled to be under the tutelage of a commoner. Despite that, Carmillia was sure he was giving himself a pat on the back for ‘expertly’ maneuvering the conversation. No doubt he thought she was unaware of his lewd gaze earlier.

Illanaq Sigmundottir, however, had managed to change Carmillia’s initial take on her. Gone was the flustered girl swooning over Leon Solaire, now replaced by a more audacious one. She made it very clear she was unimpressed by Jomurr’s pompous speech and that she had no intentions of accepting him as their leader. Carmillia found the nickname she had bestowed upon Jomurr amusing. [i]Turd[/i] was indeed very fitting. Illanaq displayed no respect for nobles and Jomurr believed anyone of a lower caste was beneath him. Pots and kettles.

Still silent, Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight continued showing her disinterest in stopping any of the posturing. So, before the rabble could continue blabbering, Carmillia decided to interject. Jomurr’s archetype was painfully easy to deal with as such people often twist reality around themselves to fit their personal narrative. He was the easier to handle of the two hence Carmillia chose to address him first, intent on showing him what [i]true eloquence[/i] was.

[color=881515][b]“Atomic magic! It's very rare for someone of our age to dabble in it. And you handled it with such precision."[/b][/color] First, she had to satiate his ego. Jomurr wanted them to know he was [i]special[/i]. 

To Anna’s mind, Carmillia had gotten in-between the shit-slinging contest by... uh... groveling before The Turd's feet? This indeed gained the albino a raised eyebrow from her Rettanese peer. She was a fellow merchant so [i]why[/i] was she rubbing this fool's dick? 

[color=881515][b]"-I've met less than ten such people.”[/b][/color] Carmillia continued, [color=881515][b]“Even then, only Benedict and Armand could do what you just did. I'm not sure if you've heard of them. Benedict of House Laurent and Armand of House Delacroix."[/b][/color] But she also needed him to know he was not [i]that[/i] special. And that she had encountered such people before.

[color=881515][b]"-It makes me ecstatic to be studying alongside you."[/b][/color] Carmillia was toying with him. Fanning his ego, blowing it out and rekindling it. All the while stealthily pushing and pulling on his emotions with her chemical magic.

[color=e783a4][i]Oh right,[/i][/color] Anna realized, [color=e783a4][i]she's one of [/i]those[i] merchants, huh?[/i][/color] The ones who preferred to stroke the ego of nobles so they could sucker them into one-sided business deals and buy off their property and titles. The fact still stood that she must stroke this insufferable idiot's ego, though, and that was a very shameful look. Anna wasn't sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, Carmillia looked like a cheap whore, but on the other, she approved of her end goal. One could say that Anna liked the ends, but disliked Cammie's means to achieve them.

[color=881515][b]"-Ah! Where are my manners?”[/b][/color] Carmillia continued, [color=881515][b]“I'm sorry for rambling. You said you knew little of me earlier and as fellow apprentices, that simply won't do. If you'd like, we could get to know each other better over a meal."[/b][/color] Taking advantage of his earlier lewd gaze, she ended her sentence alongside stimulating his production of testosterone. Jomurr was conscious of maintaining his 'dignified' appearance and that wall would be much easier torn down in private.

Jomurr blinked. This girl was smooth. He had to hand it to her, but she also knew her place… for now. He sensed a social climber, though he also had nothing in particular against that. It was only natural that one should want to better their station. He smiled deferentially. [color=800080]“Yes, dare I say that working together should be a learning experience for us all.” [i]Some more than others,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=800080]“I must admit to being surprised that old Benny has managed to dabble in Atomic with a capacity like his. Impressive.”[/color] He pursed his lips. [color=800080]“Perhaps I shall talk craft with him next time we meet.”[/color] Against his better nature, he found himself strangely fond of Carmillia. Certainly, she had been stroking his ego while subtly asserting herself. Still, he respected it - appreciated it, even. A woman is no fun if she gives herself over too easily. [color=800080]“As for dinner -”[/color] his voice became silky and smooth, [color=800080]“I am certain the opportunity will arise soon. I look forward to it.”[/color]

[color=e783a4][i]And well, what do you know?[/i][/color] Anna found herself thinking, It had actually [i]worked[/i]. This Ikon the Turd had all but reinforced Anna's belief that he indeed had nothing to stand behind that veil of authoritative ego. Judging from his response, Carmillia also knew she had won him over. The next thing was to deal with Illanaq.

[color=881515][b]"And Anna!"[/b][/color] said Carmilia, as she turned around to face the girl. [color=881515][b]"Let's not pick fights. I believe Jomurr had good intentions for wanting to be our leader. He is talented in magic. That said, I'm not sure if it's necessary to have a representative amongst us but that decision lies with Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight."[/b][/color]

The older white-haired girl addressed her, much to Anna's surprise. She’d sworn the albino would never take her attention off The Turd. [color=e783a4][b]"Pffft, right, and I'm the Empress of Tan-Keoul."[/b][/color] The Rettanese shrugged, [color=e783a4][b]"But yeah, precisely: Moonlight is our Zeno, not him."[/b][/color]

Carmillia had tossed the matter to their mentor. From what she knew of Luna, she was not going to indulge Jomurr with the role of being their leader. It would be better if she broke the news to him instead of the apprentices arguing.

[b]“Oh, what? A leader? Gods, you’re not even busy smiling at each other and polishing your knives like most kids do.”[/b] Leaning against the lectern, Fades-in-Moonlight rolled her eyes. [b]“You’ve practically already reached the stabbing point. So I’m gonna uh… say enough is enough.” [/b]She paused for a moment, grumbling under her breath, “Goddamned noble and merchant kids.” The Zeno pushed off of the lectern and stood, suddenly a more imposing figure than she had been moments ago. [b]“So we’ll table that decision for later. Cool?”[/b] She looked directly at Anna. [b]“You need to dial it down about three notches, hun, and not let him goad you, okay?”[/b]

As it turned out, the Zeno had no interest in taking sides, nor humoring any of them. [color=e783a4][i]Well, that was unfortunate,[/i][/color] Anna thought, barely suppressing a scowl, as The Turd was clearly the wrong party in this. Didn't she care about asserting her - deserved - authority over the jumped-up noble? But then the Zeno turned to Jomurr and met his gaze. [b]“And I’m sure a ‘team player’ like you can understand the need to listen to the coach, hmm?”[/b]

If Jomurr felt slighted, he hid it well with a tight smile and a nod. [color=800080]“But of course, my master,”[/color] he replied, eyes wandering towards the Belzaggic delegation. [color=800080]“I leave all decisions of import to your boundless wisdom.”[/color]

Oh wait, nah, she [i]did [/i]chastise The Turd, just in her own indirect way. [color=e783a4][i]Very nice![/i][/color] Anna thought. [color=e783a4][i]Very nice indeed, Zeno! You showed him, ha, just look at the dog with his tail between his legs.
[color=881515][i]Thank you for that, Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight,[/i][/color] thought Carmillia. [color=881515][i]Now that it’s been settled…[/i][/color] Without missing a beat, Carmillia slid her arms around Illanaq's. Playing nice with Jomurr might have made her lose a few points with Illanaq but earning them back would be easy. All it took to make up with a girl in love was to give her a friendly tease. That and a little bit of emotion manipulation magic.

[color=881515][b]"So what's all this with you and Leon?"[/b][/color] She asked aloud, making sure everyone heard the question.

When the older girl wrapped her arms around hers, it caused the witch-hatted Arcanist to blink in mixed confusion and curiosity, [color=e783a4][b]"Oh... well, I met him when he visited Rettan around five summers ago..."[/b][/color] She wasn't sure if she should tell anymore than that to a stranger, but she did glance at Leon to see his reaction first.

The only problem was that Leon was gone. 

In fact, he had made it no more than a few steps, mingling with some fans, when someone in the crowd brushed him. It was a nondescript figure and he found something shoved into his hand: a note. [b]“Act normal,”[/b] a voice said quietly but oh-so clearly, almost as if it were speaking right into his mind. [b]“Don’t turn. Read it later.”[/b]

It was at that precise moment that Luna called them all back together. [b]“Alright, you little shits,”[/b] she said. [b]“I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day, or maybe a whole week. What say we get back to my humble abode and catch some sleep?”[/b] She paused. [b]“That was uh… an order, by the way, just in case I had to make myself clear.”[/b]
[hider=TL;DR]1) Group introductions.
2) An awkward fangirl moment takes place between Anna and Leon, who doesn't remember her from a past meeting.
3) A major personality clash erupts between Jomurr and Anna.
4) Carmillia works her magic to calm people down and ingratiate herself to them, while Leon wanders off, annoyed/bored.
5) Zeno Luna lays down the law and Leon receives a secret message that he doesn't have time to read before the group is called off for the night.[/hider]