[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] Lumi's excitement for the adventuerers return to Sunspear was infectious and Sora couldn't help the smile that crept up on his or the wag of his tail. [color=a0410d][b]"I bet they're all super strong. Maybe like a Tyranitar or a Garchomp, that'd be awesome to see!"[/b][/color] It would be so cool to get to leave the city and explore remote caves and forests, fight dangerous villains, and return home to a city that cheered for them. The whole family could make like a team or something, that'd be super cool. Though he doubted that Sable or Storm would want to join. The two of them were always grumpy and would probably just want to stay in bed all day. Speaking of his middle brother, Storm had finally made his way downstairs to join them at the table, but didn't talk to anyone beyond a mumbled greeting to their dad. He was dragged out of his thoughts by their father coming to the table with a number of plates and Cane practically vibrating his seat across the floor with how excited he was to see the adventurers. His mouth immediately started to water at the delicious looking food in front of them. [color=a0410d][b]"Thanks dad!"[/b][/color] he chirped with Cane immediately echoing him again. Of course Sable didn't want to tag along and watch them, she never did. Still he wasn't going to let her, or Storm's, bad attitude take away his excitement. Honestly, they were old enough that they could watch themselves, they didn't need Sable there to tell them what to do, but he didn't want to argue with his father before he had to leave for work. Maybe he'd bring it up tonight at dinner. He met Lumi's eyes as she spoke and his own widened in awe, [color=a0410d][b]"Woah, that's awesome! I bet they're bigger than dad is from ears to tail. Maybe bigger!"[/b][/color] Cane gasped and turned to look at the rest of his siblings, eyes wide, [b]"What if some of them are like us?! Or even evolved!"[/b] He didn't think it was possible but the younger Eeevee's tail began to wag even harder at the thought. [color=a0410d][b]"There might be, but you gotta finish eating if we want to get there before everything starts."[/b][/color] Sora told him with a fond look as Storm rolled his eyes. [color=a0410d][b]"How long is it gonna take us to get there so we know when to leave to get the best spot to see?"[/b][/color]